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By Jim Kirwan


There was a time in America when the crime of Rape was punished as a crime and
dependent upon the level of damage done it could be severe.

But regardless of the severity 'RAPE' was always a major crime.

Politicians ran against it in order to be elected, and both men & women

regarded anything to do with 'RAPE' as a severe crime.


But now


Germany Takes First Step Towards Legalizing Rape Committed By Muslim Men

We Told You & We Waned you ­ Trump Won't Stop Them & Princess Invanka says 'US Open Borders are not enough'

Does this mean that it's okay to rape American women beginning with Ivanka Trump and any other women in or out of politics?

Apparently this needs to be a formal part of 'this new ILLEGAL permission' which the Muslim World is now demanding from the West: Because Muslims have never had the right to rape whoever they want to rape, outside their own countries. The EU has changed the laws of European society. In Europe today the victims of 'the sexual urges of Muslims' have NO RIGHT TO RESIST their attackers and that has turned all women into slaves to these barbaric demands.

Rape is not a political issue it's a violent crime against any victim, regardless of who the victims are. The punishment for these criminal acts must fit this ancient-crime against humanity -

In America the right to punish those who rape our loved ones has always been considered to be a particularly heinous crime. In some sections of this society ­ castration is thought to be a requirement but given the number of these creatures, and the frequency of their crimes, they must be deported if they survive castration: Anything less than this only encourages the criminals to continue to do what they came here to do.

What we will now have to do about the so-called “feminists” that insist on encouraging the policies taken up by the EU, that will require some equally ugly solutions: Because the women who are welcoming these barbarians need to know that they will be raped if they try to continue to live in their formerly owned nations, like free and equal individuals—because as of now everything has changed between men and women because of the brainwashing, coupled with total submission to the hoards from the barbaric-class of savages that are taking peoples homes, their money and their way of life ­ to “accommodate” creatures that are not even literate in their own languages, much less in the languages of the nations they have already invaded.

If this is going to become the same inside the USA, then every woman and mother, prominent or pedestrian, must understand that they will no longer be considered human beings; with any of the rights or protections that were once afforded them, or their children, before this tsunami of savages was released upon this former civilization: A Tsunami which by the way TRUMP is now physically encouraging.

If Trump wants to play war so badly why not use NATO troops to slaughter these troglodytes throughout Europe ­ and while he's at it we could use some of our own troops here at home to DE-immigrate the USA as well!

Any of the feminists or politicians that insist on treating these creatures as people, need to know that sooner or later they too will be raped, as part of allowing these outlaws into this or any other nation ­ because the so-called men or the politicians in these societies have steadfastly refused to protect them...

This is not an abstract idea, this is an ever growing obscenity that must be stopped and stopped now!

Does this mean that it's okay to rape American women beginning with Ivanka Trump and any other woman in politics?

Apparently this needs to be a formal part of 'this new ILLEGAL permission' which the Muslim World is now demanding from the West: Because Muslims have a right to rape whoever they want to rape.

And apparently their victims have NO RIGHT TO RESIST !

Rape is not a political issue it's a violent crime against any victim, regardless of who the victims are, and the punishment for these acts must fit this ancient-crime against humanity!