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Orthodox Jews Bring Measles to Brooklyn NY
and Rockland County NY From Israel

By Patricia Doyle PhD
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There are clusters of Measles cases on the rise in both Rockland County NY and Williamsburg, Brooklyn brought by ultra Orthodox Jews returning from Israel where there is a large Measles outbreak. I would say the outbreak in Rockland County is in Monsey which is heavily inhabited by ultra Orthodox Jews and in Kyrias Joel...the orthodox town owned by Orthodox Jews. One stick built shettle next to the other. Horrible-looking rows and rows of these dumpy houses. Measles will probably spread like wildfire in the Orthodox communities and then spread to the American community.

The media is hinting that it is the white Anglo Saxon Protestant antivaxers are causing the outbreak! We KNOW it is the arrogant Orthodox Jews who brought Measles here from Israel. Why didn't the they simply stay in Israel where Measles was already an outbreak instead of coming to the US to spread it here? Damned self-centered arrogant people, for sure
