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Obama's Dirty War On Yemen |
By Stephen
Lendman |
Candidate Obama was elected promising peace. On October
28, 2007, he said: "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out of Afghanistan by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do." "I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." Instead he escalated. America's war on Afghanistan continues. Permanent occupation is planned. Obama arguably is America's most belligerent president ever. He exceeds the worst of his predecessors. Multiple direct and proxy wars continue raging nonstop throughout his tenure - against Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Somalia, partnered with Israel against Palestine and now Yemen. He wants congressional authorization for unlimited wars - permanent ones on humanity. So he can reign more death and destruction on planet earth. So he can turn more parts of it to rubble. He's responsible for appalling levels of human suffering from wars, related violence, preventable diseases, starvation, and overall deprivation. He presides over a homeland police state apparatus. He risks war with Russia. He threatens world peace. He invents threats to justify the unjustifiable. Months of preparation preceded his war on Yemen. Detailed planning went into choosing targets now terror-bombed. Saudis and complicit Gulf states are convenient US proxies. Israel is involved. Make no mistake. Yemen is Obama's war. Before he's done, he may rape the country like Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Donbass. He may destroy it entirely. He'll likely slaughter many thousands. Civilians are considered fair game. Pentagon direct or proxy terror-bombing murders them in cold blood. US-dominated NATO calls killing noncombatant men, women and children "precision strikes on legitimate military targets." The vast majority of deaths and injuries in all US direct and proxy wars are noncombatant civilians. Drone attacks are indiscriminate acts of state terror. Civilian neighborhoods, shopping areas, rescue parties, funerals and weddings are targeted. Extrajudicial mass murder is official US policy - state terror by any standard. War on Yemen continued overnight. Saudi-led terror bombing targeted an Al-Marzi district refugee camp. Dozens of noncombatant men, women and children were murdered in cold blood. A hospital south of Sanaa was attacked. Numerous casualties followed. Precise numbers weren't reported. A Sanaa power plant was destroyed. Reuters reported it "knocked out by air strikes." On March 31, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marziheh Afkham categorically denied accusations about Iran sending weapons to Houthis. She called reports circulating "complete fabrications, sheer lies." Iran sent humanitarian aid only - food, medicines and medical equipment provided by the Iranian Red Crescent. Iranian naval commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari denied reports of an Iranian flotilla allegedly forced to retreat from the Bab Al-Mandab strait near the port of Aden. He said it's completing its mission to provide security for shipping routes in full compliance with international regulations. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Expatriates Affairs Hassan Qashqavi urged the International Red Crescent and other human rights groups to send beleaguered Yemenis vitally needed humanitarian aid. He denounced irresponsible accusations about Iranian intervention in Yemeni affairs - what he called "the project of Iranophobia." Reports indicate Saudi and Egyptian-led naval forces blockaded Yemeni ports. Aggressor warships pounded coastal areas. AP said overnight strikes were the most intense so far. A Sanaa resident said they felt "like an earthquake." "Never in my life have I heard such explosions or heard such raids," he explained. At least nine of Yemen's 21 provinces were attacked. Maybe they'll all be brutally targeted in coming days and weeks. Iran condemned Obama's proxy war on Yemen. Earlier, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei urged Shiite/Sunni unity against divisive plots hatched by enemies of Islam." "Shiites and Sunnis shouldn’t help the enemy by desecrating their sanctities and provoking one another’s sentiments," he said. Western powers always sought to drive a wedge between Shiites and Sunnis, he explained - to deflect attention from the real enemy. "If anyone fuels the fire in this regard, he or she will definitely be helping sinister America and Britain which are the creators of the ISIL and Al-Qaeda," he explained. State terror is official US policy. Obama is systematically destroying Yemen - the same way he continues ravaging other regional countries. Ground invasion looms. Expect bloodbath conditions to follow. Expect longterm conflict without resolution. Expect another regional country ravaged and destroyed. Perhaps Obama's war eliminates any chance for meaningful agreement on Iran's nuclear program and ending sanctions. For sure it's another example of America's dark side. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. |
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