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Neocon US General Urges War on Iran

By Stephen Lendman

Iran threatens no one. It’s a leading global advocate for peace, stability, and mutual cooperation among all nations.

Russia’s geopolitical agenda fosters the same objectives. US policies are polar opposite, waging endless wars of aggression against sovereign independent countries - wanting pro-Western puppet regimes replacing their legitimate ones.

CENTCOM commander General Joseph Votel outrageously called Iran “the greatest longterm threat to (Middle East) stability.”

He lied, saying it’s “operating operating in what I call a gray zone, and it’s an area between normal competition between states…just short of open conflict.”

“We need to look at opportunities where we can disrupt (Iran) through military (or other) means.”

“We need to look at opportunities where we can expose and hold them accountable for the things that they are doing.”

He’s “paying extraordinary close attention” to Iranian activities in the Persian Gulf. US provocative actions risk direct confrontation. Things appear heading in this direction with neocon generals in charge of Trump’s military agenda.

“What is the US doing in the Persian Gulf,” asked Iran’s Defense Minister General Hossein Dehqan?

“They better leave this region and not harass the regional countries. Is it acceptable that an ignorant armed robber breaks into someone’s house and expects to get red carpet treatment? This is an instance of modern, 21st century barbarism.”

Weeks earlier, Pentagon officials falsely accused Iran of harassing and threatening the US aircraft carrier George HW Bush while passing through the Strait of Hormuz.

Tehran’s military spokesman General Massoud Jazayeri dismissed the claim, calling it US misinformation.

Iran repeatedly warned it will respond appropriately to any unauthorized movements in its territorial waters.

Jazayeri said America must “monitor and control the conduct of its warship in the Persian Gulf” where they don’t belong.

“…Americans are to blame for any disturbance in the Persian Gulf and for this reason we once again warn that the US forces must alter their attitude.”

“If the US warmongers and their stooges carry out an immature and unprofessional act, they will definitely face the Iranian combatants’ tough response.”

“The current military and security conditions of the Persian Gulf are in such a way that the enemy’s forces and equipment are completely within the reach of Iran’s military forces.”

Attacking Iran would have devastating regional consequences. Yet it remains a prime US target for greater Middle East wars than already - risking a strong Russian response if launched.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is currently in Moscow, meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Extensive talks continue on issues affecting both countries. Their relationship is strong and growing in importance.

Rouhani was awarded an honorary degree from Moscow State University. Commenting at a ceremony in his honor, he said “(r)esolving the issues of today’s world requires cooperation among scientists and governments.”

“The decline of the West’s dominance and the end of the monopoly on wealth is a historic opportunity to build a new world.”

“(T)here should be a global consensus to root out extremism and violence,” he added. “Islamophobia, racism and takfiri ideas have common roots.”

Noting centuries of diplomatic ties between Tehran and Moscow, Putin said “Iran is a good neighbor, and a stable, reliable partner.”

Both leaders partner in initiatives for peace and stability - polar opposite endless US aggression.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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