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Japan's Demon Of BioWar Kawaoka Inserted HIV |
By Yoichi Shimatsu |
Have a sip of Assam tea while pondering how four GP120 and Gag protein strands from HIV, the virus associated with AIDS, just happen to be strategically located inside this SARS-modified virus. The key word here is "insert", as in gene-engineered. Wuhan CoV was created in a lab. Exhibit B is a 2011 research paper by Y. Kawaoka and two colleagues at his animal virology lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, titled "HIV reverse-binding protein is essential for influenza A virus replication and promotes genome-trafficking in late-stage infection". Published in the Journal of Virology, September 201l, it's an admission of guilt for preparing the emergence of the Wuhan contagion. Creation of Wuhan CoV as a war crime By grafting HIV proteins into a flu virus, renegade researcher Yoshihiro Kawaoka not only increased a dormant virus's ability to replicate but, in the process of repeating this technique in his subsequent virus research, has unleashed ruthlessly aggressive hybrids with massive killing power as seen in the unstoppable slaughter of innocents in Wuhan. The exponential expansion of the death toll in China, soon to be repeated in other countries, proves that a persistent laxity of ethical standards in the major powers, and abysmal performance of the WHO, has enabled a maniacal campaign of extermination by the heirs of Unit 731 to realize their mission of genocide. The lawless pharmaceuticals, insane vaccinators and rogue microbiologists must be stopped in their tracks or humanity will face its final solution. Perpetrators of a premeditated murder by special weapons on an unsuspecting public should be prosecuted and punished with full force of the law, as opposed to the coddling and sheltering of those murderous crews with Unit 731 and Operation Paperclip. The rendering of stern justice is not only for the victims of this heinous attack but also leaves a legacy of judicial responsibility for future generations. High-ranking sponsors in government and major corporations also should be indicted and appropriately punished by prosecutors and judges. The long lapse in teaching science ethics should be reversed immediately by a revival of mandatory classes and seminars on the ethics of scientific research to prevent a recurrence of such barbaric horrors. Irresponsible researcher toying with mass destruction should be defrocked and kept under house arrest. Military countermeasures must not be excused from ethical standards not that the scientists with Pentagon projects are dumb-founded by the Wuhan events. Ethical enforcement, not military counter-force, provides the only real protection for society. Crafting an unstoppable flu HIV-facilitated speed-up So, if a researcher needs a huge number of viruses for his experiments but has only a limited number of slow-moving "parent' stock, he must devise a method for accelerating the replication process. To use an industrial analogy, if a company boss wants his factory to produce more finished goods in a shorter amount of time, then he's going to have to invest in adding on new forklifts and robots to expedite the assembly line. The HIV proteins serve a similar function as expediters, adding efficiency and quickness to virus replication, thereby massively increasing the production of flu viruses from his limited stock that managed to survive inside desicated human flesh for nearly 80 years. The source of Kawaoka's virus was never disclosed to the public or medical authorities, but somehow the straight-shooting Finnegan, a former Marine who had engaged in duels with Russian snipers along the Green Line is 1980s Beirut, was able to wheedle the admission out of one of Kawaoka's red-circled suppliers. While searching for candidate viruses with hard-working proteins, the Japanese microbiologist noticed the highly efficient replication rate of HIV, which had spread like wildfire since the 1980s at the cost of demolishing fatigued bed-ridden patients. Peering through the electron microscope of your mind's eye, can you see his wicked grin? In the final paragraph of his research paper, Kawaoka boasted "This is the first study to implicate cytoplasmic [membrane] trafficking strategy for the genomes of these two viruses. (Due to their difference in the sorting process) it will be interesting to delineate the point of difference between the influenza virus and HIV genome trafficking mechanisms." Re-Gain of Function The English-language appellation for the "Monbusho" (Ministry of Education) discloses the nexus of biological warfare experiments with mass brainwashing of Japanese youth (mainly of whom have never even heard about the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns) and the Tokyo Olympic Games, scheduled for this summer but now under threat of cancellation due to the Kawaoka-Abe plot against Chinese food production-gone-viral in the global population. Kawaoka's subsequent experiments with the MERS coronavirus and Ebola, which despite its different structure has characteristics similar to CoV, along with his cooperation in a coalition of CoV and influenza researchers, puts him in the driver's seat behind the Wuhan outbreak. Japan's Factories of Death Due to constraints of word count and attention span, I have to postpone until my next essay, Part 5, the stunning revelations about the biological warfare research by Kawaoka at his home base at the University of Tokyo and his Japanese colleagues at the (Japan) National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIID) in Musashi-Murayama, a bedroom community on the western fringe of Tokyo; his alma mater Hokkaido University, and the new Shinzo Abe-sponsored Kake School of Veterinary Medicine with its underground labs on an spearhead-shaped bluff overlooking Imabari, Ehime Prefecture on Shikoku Island, the Inland Sea and the University of Okayama on the opposite mainland shore. Some salient points from earlier essays or to be discussed in the upcoming Part 5 are listed below. -2. Yoshihiro Kawaoka's role in the development of "African" swine flu, a misnomer of the hybrid duck-pig-human virus that originated in the American Midwest, killing 12,000 Americans in 2009 and spreading to 70 countries, was the virus that destroyed more than 200 million pigs in China over the past year. The pig virus, which blooms in high temperatures, also infected millions of Chinese people, including in the capital Beijing, during the hot summer of 2019. Humans are the carriers for pig herds, which accounts for the rapid spread to every province of China, even at isolated farms. -3. Kawaoka's theft of the MERS coronavirus (the camel flu) from the U.S. Navy's NAMRU-2 infectious diseases laboratory in Jakarta, which possessed samples from the NAMRU-6 station in Cairo. MERS is a type of coronavirus based in the gene reservoir of North African oases, where dates and figs are grown in flooded basins, infecting camels and Tilapia fish. The 2015 MERS outbreak occurred in Saudi Arabia, spilling over into the UAE and Oman, and broke out in South Korea due to a damaged shipping case at Osan Air Base. Kawaoka obtained the MERS sample about 3-5 years prior to the 2015 outbreak from a high-ranking female Indonesian lab technician working at NAMRU-2, in a long series of security breaches that prompted the Unit's relocation to Phnom Penh. -4. Complaints from prominent researchers about Kawaoka's flagrant violations of science ethics and public health safety rules prompted the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to impose a ban (2014-2017) on Gain of Function R&D (GOF), which deliberately increases the virulence of contagious pathogens, his creation of the unstoppable flu being the most notorious example of scientific "rolling the dice" with the future of life on Earth. Along with allies Ron Fouchier at the Rothschild-funded Eramus institute in Rotterdam and Adolfo Garcia-Sasso at Mount Sinai, Kawaoka led the rebellion against his "persecutors", the majority of microbiologists and public-health administers trying to prevent a chain-reaction catastrophe like the present Wuhan outbreak. Factors behind Wuhan - The fact that the first three foreigners in Wuhan infected with CoV are Japanese, one of them with the milder early version of the released virus, and two with the more severe life-threatening conditions due to "Re-gain of Function", a process researched by Kawaoka in which an HIV protein-enhanced virus can capture genes and proteins from a host cell to boost its virulence, as mentioned in this essay. In the upcoming Part 5 of this series, I will follow up on the increase in potency of the virus transferred by infected Okinawan fruit bats to the red-blood cells of Tilapia, and the next step of aerosol dissemination of virus-carrying water droplets from fish tanks at the Wuhan market and the hundreds of fish vendors across Hubei Province, since inter-species transmission and resultant Re-Gain of Function (R-GOF) are key to developing a novel defensive strategy to render nCoV-2019 into a harmless variant. After plowing through more than 200 academic papers by or related to the genocidal Professor Kawaoka, there are other "nuggets and tidbits" to disclose about the revival of Unit 731 version 2 under Shinzo Abe and Yoshihiro Kawaoka, present-day Class-A war criminals who must be punished and disposed of, preferably through the formalities of a trial in an international court of law, to avert the same mistake of allowing Unit 731 to nestle inside the American biological weapons establishment, from where they went on to kill tens of thousands of victims since it's release of hantavirus over the Yalu River in the Korean conflict, which blew back to annihilate 3,000 American servicemen on the Korean Peninsula whose families never received compensation or an explanation from the Pentagon. Crimes against humanity recur because their perpetrators are coddled, funded, promoted and encouraged by those institutions that were established to protect the citizenry from murderous tyrannical power. The Wuhan coronavirus was Made in Japan, and for all the wrong reasons abetted in the USA. The Chinese people have suffered far beyond any lame rationale from brutal Japanese aggression. The first step in dealing with the CoV contagion is to demand the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics and removal of Shinzo Abe as prime minister. If that is not implemented by force majeur of Western democracies, then the People's Republic of China will have ample justifiable grounds for a nuclear strike against Tokyo, Wuhan being a case more convincing than the rationale behind the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Two wrongs cannot right make, so therefore Washington must act to remove this second-edition of sadistic war criminals from power and influence, so that the Battle of Wuhan may finally put an end to the horrors left to us by the yet-resolved legacies of World War II.