I translated
this from Indonesia, so the URL will be in that language.
- More information on aspartame on www.mpwhi.com, www.wnho.net, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame,
www.rense.com - search under aspartame for recent articles. Betty
By Dimas Ryandi, Editor
Soda is considered very bad for the body, especially with excessive levels
of consumption,
JawaPos.com - When soda chosen to relieve thirst, actually not a problem
if consumed in reasonable doses. But if excessive, soda can have unhealthy
effects on the body.
Someone who wants to maintain weight, should be obliged to avoid drinking
a can of soda every day.
Launched from Boldsky, Sunday (29/10) recent findings reveal people who
avoid drinking soda a week, can maintain a more stable weight.
The study also found that women who increase their soda intake each week
will experience 0.66 percent weight gain.
Then for women who drank a can of soda every day, then their weight rose
close to an average of about 2.2 kilograms in a week. Soda can also increase
the width of the waist.
Unfortunately, some people even claim to drink more soda than water every
day. One can of soda contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar.
Soda also contains phosphoric acid which interferes with the body's ability
to absorb calcium and therefore can cause osteoporosis.
Soda contains aspartame, which is a sugar substitute and can even be more
dangerous. Most intake of soda causes various health problems such as
seizures, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, diabetes and emotional disorders.
In addition, soda also contains caffeine associated with certain cancers,
breast lumps, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and other problems.
In fact, Soda also contains high-fructose corn syrup that has been genetically
modified. This can lead to long-term health problems.
Because the content of sodium, sugar and caffeine are high, can cause
dehydration in the body in the long term and can cause chronic complications
in the body.