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Illegal Alien Imported Hep A Now Spreading In NM And AZ
By Dr Patricia Doyle PhD Exclusive To
Hello Jeff ... This is really bad news. However, considering the fact that large numbers of illegals cross into the US in Arizona and New Mexico it is no surprise.
Hepatitis A is not the 'mild illness' that the CDC would have the sheeple believe. I know for a fact how deadly it is and how it robs people of their health, I had HAV last year and still am fighting it. Last month I had a flare up of HAV almost a year to the date when I came down with the disease.
I believe that it can become chronic and when your immune system is challenged it can cause a flare-up...thus damaging the liver further. It is a horrendous disease and it can be fatal.
Americans are coming down with HAV thanks to our government's neglect to control our borders. This situation as well as the spread of many other Third World diseases will continue. It is far, far past time to control our borders and deport illegals. Trump does nothing and is a laughing stock of a 'leader'.
How can we control Third World disease spread if we do not control our borders and stop the influx of diseased invaders? We can't... and we won't.
Published Date: 2018-12-18 13:58:39
Subject: PRO/EDR> Hepatitis A - USA (64): (NM,AZ)
Archive Number: 20181218.6213878
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A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
In this posting:
[1] New Mexico
[2] Arizona
[1] New Mexico
Date: Mon 17 Dec 2018
Source: KOB-TV [edited] news/hepatitis-a-outbreak- concerns-nm-health-officials/ 5181692/
Health officials in New Mexico are worried about the spread of hepatitis A. "Currently we have 13 acute laboratory-confirmed cases of hepatitis A in Bernalillo County. The vast majority are in the city of Albuquerque," said Dr Chad Smelser, deputy state epidemiologist with the New Mexico Department of Health. And that's just in a 2-month span. That's a big concern considering New Mexico typically only sees about 10 cases of the liver infection a year.
"The high-risk factors for this outbreak are people who inject drugs, and the vast majority of those who have been found are homeless," Dr Smelser said. Because of that, doctors believe that means the numbers are likely higher. It also makes the virus much more difficult to control.
"Part of the reason is that these populations are difficult to get vaccinated, and the virus can be shed before you have symptoms, so you can spread it before you even know you're ill," Dr Smelser said. While most people will typically feel sick for a few weeks and recover without liver damage, those who are older or with other underlying illnesses can get very sick. "In fact, all 13 of our cases were hospitalized," he added.
That's why harm-reduction teams are out in full force right now, visiting homeless shelters and immunizing. "And the city of Albuquerque has even put handwashing stations out in areas where homeless people are known to congregate," Dr Smelser said. [Health officials] are hoping to stop the spread of hepatitis A before the virus gets out of hand. "We don't have an exact prediction, however, in other states and areas that have had similar outbreaks. Some of these outbreaks have gone on for quite some time," Dr Smelser said.
byline: Emily Jaceks
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[2] Arizona
Date: Mon 17 Dec 2018
Source: KVOA [edited] 17/hepatitis-a-cases-spike-in- pima-county/
Reported cases of hepatitis A are spiking in southern Arizona. There were just 5 cases in 2017 in Pima County. This year, in 2018, health officials have seen 22 cases.
"Right now, we're very concerned, because we're seeing an increase in the number of cases in our homeless and our populations that use illicit drugs," Pima County health deputy director Paula Mandel said. "Someone is shedding the virus through their stool, and they go to the bathroom. They may not wash their hands very well, so then they go out, they touch an object, they prepare the food, they share a drink," said Mandel. "Then another person is exposed."
Washing hands is crucial in preventing infection. Officials said the number one line of defense is the hepatitis A vaccine. It is available for adults and children over the age of one.
"We're also trying to vaccinate that population that we feel is at high risk -- the homeless and illicit drug users -- by providing the vaccine to community partners and encouraging vaccinations at locations that are comfortable for those individuals," said Mandel.
byline: Aalia Shaheed
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[The large outbreak of hepatitis A in southern California has essentially ended.
Country-wise, Kentucky and West Virginia are leading the other states in cases with more than 3100 in Kentucky and 2018 in West Virginia. This week's Monday [17 Dec 2018] report from West Virginia has not yet been published.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been compiling numbers for other states with increased cases (see outbreaks/2017March- HepatitisA.htm ). A summary of other states with active outbreaks is shown below:
Ohio: 1200 as of 17 Dec 2018 ( portal/gov/odh/know-our- programs/outbreak-response- bioterrorism-investigation- team/news/newsevent1 );
Michigan: 909 as of 12 Dec 2018 ( mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71550_2955_ 2976_82305_82310-447907--,00. html );
Indiana: 777 as of 14 Dec 2018 ( 27791.htm );
Tennessee: 561 as of 6 Dec 2018 ( cedep/tennessee-hepatitis-a- outbreak.html );
Florida: 413 as of 30 Nov 2018 ( diseases-and-conditions/ vaccine-preventable-disease/ hepatitis-a/index.html );
Utah: 281 as of 12 Dec 2018 ( diseases/hepatitisA/ HAVoutbreak_2017 );
Missouri: 234 as of 11 Dec 2018 ( healthcondiseases/ communicable/hepatitisa/index. php#outbreak );
Massachusetts: 234 as of 14 Dec 2018 ( details/hepatitis-a-outbreak- 2018 );
Arkansas: 217 undated ( https://www.healthy.arkansas. gov/programs-services/topics/ hepatitis-a ); and
North Carolina: 51 as of 17 Dec 2018 ( gov/cd/hepatitis/hepa_ outbreak.html ). - Mod.LL
HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps:
New Mexico, United States: 233
Arizona, United States: 207 ]