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Hysterical San Diego Editorial Writer Says 'White Supremacy
Is The Root Of Every Problem In The United States'

"White supremacy is the root of every problem in the United States, and as one
of our most successful exports, it is now an urgent global problem."

- Opinion Editor Aaryn Belfer, San Diego CityBeat, March 27, 2019

From Ted Wilson

Aaryn Belfer is among the most hysterical editorialists in the Southern California, or any, media market.

Her weekly diatribes go on ad infinitum about "white privilege," though more recently Belfer's focus has turned to "supremacy."

And like her left-leaning colleagues, Belfer wasted little time linking the March 15 Christchurch shooting to all that is wrong in the world.

To justify her claim, Belfer unearthed a November, 2018 article in The New York Times which insisted, "White supremacists and other far-right extremists have killed far more people since September 11, 2001, than any other category of extremists."

She continued, "In late 2017, Newsweek ran a story detailing how 'white nationalists' are a bigger threat to the United States than ISIS."

"White supremacy is the foundation of America and it permeates every institution in our society.

"It's a virus that is spreading and only we can kill it," Belfer wrote.

Then it was time to cite the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center: "The growing white supremacist movement is transnational and presents a clear and present danger around the world."

Belfer's most favored source, the Anti-Defamation League was next, and she asked the reader to suspend reality altogether: The ADL "identified that, of 274 hate-related killings during the period 2008-2017, 77% were perpetrated by white supremacists."

She went on, "And then there are the white kids: Young 'uns in MAGA hats -the modern version of the white hood- openly antagonizing a Native American."

You get the confused picture.

It's important to absorb that this is Belfer's, and her followers, actuality.

Boston, Garland, Baltimore, San Bernardino, Orlando, Dallas, Milwaukee, Charlotte, Ohio State, and the Hudson River Park tragedies are set aside. So, too, are the thousands of murders and sexual assaults perpetrated by blacks on whites in the US every year.

"It's the greatest lie of our generation," best-selling crime writer Colin Flaherty says of the thought engineers.

Le Bataclan, Brussels, Berlin, Manchester Arena, Stockholm, and Barcelona don't matter much either, but let's stay with the US.

San Diego has long been a military town, and perhaps the best answer to Belfer is right across the bay from CityBeat's downtown digs.

Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery honors the graves of more than 100,000 military veterans. Amid the 80 acres are tributes to men and women who gave their lives in every US conflict dating to the 1846 Battle of San Pasqual.

Rosecrans was placed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 2016.

Most all of the names there are European ones, and better than 95% of the gravestones bear a Christian cross.

Should we call that "white privilege," too, Aaryn?