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How Can So Many Health Professionals Take The Shot
To Keep Their Jobs And Then Continue Committing
Crimes Against Humanity...And Killing So Many?
How Can Americans Sit Back And Do Nothing?

From An Experienced Intel Source

An obvious question that is rarely being asked and never effectively being answered is how could the American People be so easily mesmerized into accepting all of Fauci's lies?

And how could so many MDs in medical association positions, and medical health care professionals on hospital staffs, etc, be so easily forced into violating the human rights of so many patients and committing crimes against humanity with zero knowledge of doing such...or any fear of eventually being brought to justice?

As someone who was briefed many years ago by numerous high level Intel assets about the high powered remote psychotronic inductive mind control mechanisms being put into place, I will lay out what was planned over 30 years ago, and how it has been, for the most part, fully-implemented...and what effects it has produced.

At the time I learned of all this, it was far too incredible to me to believe and, besides, that was not my job at the time.  My job was just to listen. Over the years as I saw these claims implemented, I began to see that what I had been told was for the most part accurate. I was told, on one occasion, that it didn't matter if I talked about this to others because it was so incredulous nobody would believe it and it would discredit me. I was also told that in reality no secrecy was needed because the biggest secrets were so astonishing the public would never accept them.  This was especially true since Intel ran all major mass media anyway and could easily prevent such stories being reported as credible...or even reported at all, if need be.

What we are seeing now are the results of the carefully-planned, non-stop, mesmerizing, Covid-19 fear operation waged on the public over the last nearly two years.  This withering, panic-driven fright has motivated about 2/3 of the masses to rush to get the 'vaccine' to 'save their lives' to date.
In fact, their motivation for taking the untested (BioWeapon) injection was not based on logic, reason, science or  common was a tragic, mass-programmed knee-jerk reflex resulting from the constant bludgeoning of the public by endless, abject fear.  That psy-op was so successful, all available facts about the jab, whether it was FDA approved or not, and whether physicians issued warnings about side-effects and possible deaths, were never really even heard by most.   Never in history have the American people been so thoroughly mind-controlled.  Fear can do many things to an otherwise intelligent public...especially when it is being pounded into them 24/7.

When 9-11-01 was done by the PNAC boys, Dick Chicanery, the Mossad, Top Pentagon Officials and covered up by the FBI-Div 5, most of the American public was quickly conned into believing the big lie that Osama bin Laden living in a cave in Afghanistan did it. Yet Osama, in fact, was a long term CIA agent whose tradecraft name was Colonel Tim Osman.  Of course, it was the Pentagon and Mossad that armed the Mujahedeen and created ISIS and all terrorists in the first place, so the responsibility would never have fallen back on the Pentagon and/or the Mossad.

Essentially all Mideast Terror has been created by the Mossad as part of their Greater Israel Plan. All the rest has been created by NATO and Operation Gladio.  Look it up.    This was fully exposed by the Italian Govt which investigated their bombings...and extracted many confessions...but the US public was not interested in these facts because this huge story was not covered by the US Press.

GHWB's real name was George Scherf. He was not a US Citizen and was adopted clandestinely by Prescott Bush who was arrested during WW2 for treason for financing the Nazis through Union bank where he was a Director. He was made an informant and given immunity when he should have been tried, convicted and executed like the Rosenbergs. 

Bush1's main objective was to run the 4th Reich, develop CIA drug trafficking in US urban areas to generate black budget funds, to destroy black families, to seduce and destroy the Republican Party first and then to seduce and destroy the Democratic Party through the Clintons (which he did) using Mena, AR, Ollie North and the Enterprise, ADFA, and the Rose Law Firm.
High Technologies that have been developed and deployed the last 30 years

What high technologies were developed and deployed to mesmerize the American masses which could allow the USG to easily be hijacked by a crooked presidential election?  What tech will allow the American masses to be so easily mesmerized to believe the massive lies by Fauci and his henchmen, all designed to cause their illness, disability, weakness and death in many cases?

The answer lies in the high tech remote inductive psychotronics that have been developed and deployed in the cell phone systems, Wi-Fi, 'Smart' electric meters, pulsed beam radar, high-powered by H3 orbital satellites that emit targeted scalar waves to specific populations.

Remote inductive psychotronics can induce specific brain frequencies and sedate, agitate, pacify, or mesmerize as desired by the selection of frequencies used and the pulse beam designs used. In later developments, these technologies can actually (in certain susceptible individuals, not all) instill false beliefs or induce individuals to easily accept USG or mass media dispensed lies as true, despite obvious falsities which would be exposed with any serious or critical examination or research. 

Psychotronics (targeted frequency weapons) are only part of this plan to mindkontrol and mesmerize the public

Massive tonnage of Chemicals have been sprayed by specially equipped aircraft into the atmosphere. These operations have covered globals skies with chemtrails and several military have come forth and stated publicly on video that they ordered and transferred such supplies for aerosol spraying by special aircraft. Some of the chemicals ordered were nano-aluminum and nano-Barium. These are neurotoxic metals and cross the blood brain barrier into the brain and CNS where they can be flashed by certain high powered EMF or Scalar waves. These chemtrails are then flashed by high-powered scalar transmitters and "plasmatized" transforming the skies into what the Secret Space Program call 'Space Fence'.  This plasmatization of the sky can also 'pacify' the masses and be used as a weapons against free thought and independent actions.

However, research has shown that even with the deployment of these very advanced high tech, high powered remote inductive psychotronic mind control weapons, in order to make them work properly the public must be "Blood Shocked" or severely traumatized first to create a major survival fear. This is why the Intel agencies, especially the Mossad and FBI Div 5 have specialized in deploying terror to frighten the public.

In years past, innocents were blown to bits in airports with real bombs, arms and legs blown off, eyes blinded in order to frighten the public enough to make them suggestible. (9-11-01 was a Mossad-PNAC terror op blowing people to bits and dust in order to create massive fear in the public great enough to mesmerize and bamboozle them into attacking Mideast nations on Israel's behalf.

Since Murrah and 9-11-01, the FBI-Div 5 has specialized in non-lethal terror ops deployed to get the guns and disarm Americans despite the presence of the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution. Ops such as Sandy Hoax and the Boston Bombing were all faked and no real murders were committed. All these FBI-Div 5 False-Flag efforts to disarm America failed and ended up in a firearm buying frenzy by Americans. In the last 12 months, there have been over 8 million new first-time gun buyers according to FBI statistics.

There is now a classic race on. If the Cabal which runs everything (now using COG since apparently the Continuity of Govt clause has been invoked) cannot kill off by CV and the jabs fast enough, or starve them out fast enough (Demon possessed Heinz Kissinger's long term plan from Hell), then the American masses are likely to come to their senses when so many who got the jab start dying and getting sick, they will hunt for those responsible and eliminate them. When folks feel they have lost everything, then they lose it (as Gerald Celente has stated for many years).

Fauci and crew are running a very dangerous race against We The People

In the US, there are about 19 million veterans, many well-trained to kill without guilt as long as they feel their target is an enemy of humanity and deserves it. In addition, there are about 1.4 million active US Military. Many of these vets and military will turn on a dime once Americans start waking up when so many in their neighborhoods and families start dying from the jab.

Unless most Americans are murdered first by Fauci and his high level mind controlled followers, you can bet new Nuremberg Trials for crimes against humanity will eventually begin and Fauci will be tried as the mass-murdering monster he is.  He will be found guilty and hung if he is not killed first by an angry black ops, Navy Seal or US Army Delta Force vet who has lost a family member because of Fauci's creation of the Covid-19 and his withholding of treatments that work such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

In many European nations there are laws and regulations limiting the deployment of EMF and intensities of its output. Some have EMF inspectors that will make cell phone towers be moved or 'turned down' if they exceed allowed health standards. Several nations have recognized EMF sensitive people as disabled (about 3-8% who show EKG and EEG changes) and have designated very low EMF areas for them to live while receiving disability. These laws and regulations need to be set up in the US to protect the people from the massive remote psychotronic inductive mind kontrol and mesmerizing that has been going on for at least 10 years in full intensity.

What I stated here is true and I have been threatened and worse for sharing some of it for several years until I quit about 3 years ago. I have been told that I am one of the top experts in mindkontrol of all types based on the information I was given over the years. Maybe that is true, maybe not.

In any event, it is certain that some Alt Media researchers and their followers cannot be mindkontrolled or mesmerized. Truth is a power neutralizer of these processes to mesmerize. In addition, not only are most hard core truthers of the Alt Media impossible to mind control but I have found strong Christian believers are also very difficult to remotely influence or blood shock into suggestibility.

Bottom line: many Americans are walking around mindkontrolled, mesmerized, bamboozled and blood-shocked by Fauci the master mass-murderer and entity who has committed as many crimes against humanity as anyone in modern, or perhaps all history.  History has shown us that as time passes, many who survive will wake up and want extreme revenge.  You can bet if enough Americans survive they will get it, too, especially when they are so well-armed, better than any army anywhere.

Once the masses in America wake up and turn they will extract revenge in extreme ways and will likely hunt down all they view as their enemy within and those who murdered some of their family and friends.

Question: Why are the USG, Gates, the FDA, the CDC and the WHO and Fauci so adamant and obsessed about getting everyone in the USA vaxxed?

Answer: Because they are knowingly pushing a mass-depopulation agenda for the Globalists-NWO Cabal located in the City of London  (aka the 'Moneychangers' as they call themselves). It is unlikely that any of these top officials have any human soul left within if they ever had one in the first place. They cannot be human, based on how they are acting to mass-murder so many people. Fauci and the rest of the jab pushers and treatment deniers are all soul-less, mindcontrolled dupes who are committing crimes against humanity characterized by mass-murder and continuing mass violations of the Nuremberg Code. These are capital crimes and eventually they will likely be tried, convicted and executed.

Answer: Because they are mental slaves to an off planet based set of soulless incredibly evil entities that have hijacked the USG and the Secret Space War Command . When these entities are done with them they will likely be quickly displaced like all major COL Cutouts and dupes.

Besides their organizations have been involved in massive terraforming of Planet Earth using very advanced weather warfare technologies. Now they even want to use the big lie of human induced climate change to justify reducing CO2 in order to help complete the terraforming of Planet Earth.

Some insiders have claimed that the top elements of the Secret Space War Command have joined forces with a certain off-planet based Alien ET group.  They have also been seduced by them and are now mind-controlled to carry out their orders. The Secret Space War Command is a strange alliance between private Pentagon, DOD contractors, and certain sectors of the US Military.

There are about 200 known DUMBs inside the USA and many more under the sea and in foreign nations. Many are connected by high speed maglev rail service.
The USG secret budget for DUMBs is estimated to be about 1 Trillion USD per year, mostly gained from direct issue from the Fed and various types of crimes used to raise massive amount of black budget funding not known by Congress.

Above ground Intel is about $986 Billion and the Secret Space War budget is also about $1 Trillion USD so the total spent on US Intel is almost 3 Trillion USD. Since the US Congressional budget is about 3.5 Trillion USD, one can understand why wages are shrinking, inflation is rising and the middle class is being eliminated.

The best evidence at this time is that the Planet Earth and the human race are under lethal attack by by an evil off-planet based Alien ET group of soul-less entities. They are terraforming the Earth using weather warfare and chemtrail spraying (now inserted into ordinary aviation & jet fuel as an anti-flash additive). They, apparently, want to de-industrialize Planet Earth and reduce it to a small depopulated feudal system with only an elite group of top controllers and a small number of human slaves, eventually planning to eliminate all humans.

They claim to want to transform all remaining humans into transhumans...the merger of human genetics with electronic circuits.  However, they know this is doomed to failure and their real goal is to create all the android robots they need to serve their needs.
Iron and clay can never be successfully merged long term, it is doomed to failure.

There is much more to all this but it quickly moves into abject esoteric and religious grounds

Indisputable facts about the so-call CV-19 "pandemic":

1. CV-19 was/is a high tech engineered bioweapon and is not a naturally-occurring virus. It was created to make the masses sick, weak and dead, especially the older folks with serious health problems.

2. Fauci and Gates were responsible and planned to mass-murder as many as they could get away with. This was a pre-planned crime against humanity.

3. Everything Fauci has ever said has been a blatant lie. He always has a smirk on his face when he makes public comments, obviously enjoying mass-murdering human kind.

4. The jab is not a vaccination, it is a sophisticated high-tech micro/nano sized gene factory that is inserted inside human cells where it can manufacture toxic, poisonous spiked proteins en masse and then discharge them into the entire body where they start to clog up capillaries and damage internal organs.  It's all downhill from there.

5. Gates and Fauci and their underlings helping them have committed foreign-based acts of espionage and war against the USA and We The People. These acts of war justify defensive direct actions against these mass-murderers by any means. The best immediate action would be to send in hundreds of Navy Seals, Black Ops and Special Forces to arrest them and take then alive or dead if they resist. Then they should be immediately taken in chains to GITMO, tried in a 3 day Military trial for their capital crimes against the human race, convicted, and then immediately hung by the neck until dead...and also immediately autopsied on pay per view TV. These crimes should be tried using the model at Nuremberg...and the Nuremberg Code should be the basis of law used for the prosecutions as well as US Murder Laws.

6. Any Govt or Corp officials or any MDs, or Hospital administrators involved in these mass-murders directly should be immediately arrested, taken to GITMO and tried.

7. Top CEOs and Editors who perpetrated these lies should be arrested, tried for foreign based espionage and treason, convicted and hung. Any underlings that assisted should be tried, too and various sentences should be applied upon conviction which like with Fauci and Gates would be a slam dunk.

Note: It is possible that other means than what we are aware of have been used to capture the minds of the elites mandate all these crimes: the possibility of using clones (with no belly button; soul-snatching, ingestion of soul robbing worm parasites contained in 'black oil' for which the Falklands War was fought and has been featured in the TV Show X-Files.