Letter To The Editor - Nature Conservancy
Dear Mr. Curtis Runyan,
Regarding The Article 'India Rising' by Matt Jenkins,
Summer 2018, Nature Conservancy Magazine...
As a 35-year member of Nature Conservancy, and as a six-continent world bicycle traveler, you can imagine my distress at reading the piece on “India Rising.” Your spin on their ability to balance economic growth with Nature cannot be further from reality.
I’ve floated on the Ganges. It’s a filthy open sewer pipe that spews trillions of gallons into the ocean 24/7, so much so, it creates a 20,000-square mile dead zone at its mouth. Worse, those poisons circulate to all the oceans of the world. The Indian Express Newspaper reported that 60.4 percent of Indians lack access to toilets. Thus, they do their business on the land, and ultimately, it all drains into water systems.
Population Media.org with Director Bill Ryerson wrote an article where 1,000 Indian children die 24/7 from dysentery and diarrhea along with other water borne diseases. But Indians grow by 8,000,000 (million), net gain, annually, so they can’t do anything about that death rate! Can you imagine that kind of death rate by water contamination in the USA? If it weren’t solved in 24 hours, the entire nation would march against our leaders to resolve it.
Next you feature people walking and cycling in smog banks. At 1.252 billion people in 2018, the United Nations shows India out-populating China by 2050 to reach 1.55 billion. And you think that’s all going to turn out well and be “doable” to solve their catastrophic future? You’ve GOT to be kidding me!
Next, you show a leopard walking near a high rise. Good grief, those creatures face extinction, pure and simple. We’re seeing the “Sixth Extinction Session” caused by humanity today with a 40 year study by Norman Myers at Oxford University where he estimated 80 to 100 species go extinction 24/7 in 2018. And you think it’s going to get better with India adding 350 million more people? I scratch my head and roll my eyes, and tear out my hair at such blissful projections.
Jenkins blew my sense of reality when he said that the water issues could be solved by fixing leaky pipes and more conservation. In a word: balderdash!
Not one single word about population stabilization! Their own solution MUST be birth control, and FAST! They need a one-child per woman national mandate. Otherwise, Mother Nature will bring her nasty solutions to the table of death, misery, starvation, hunger, disease and worse on a scale unseen in human history. It’s going to be a hell of a God-awful run-up to 2050 as they keep adding eight million annually to their population. Things will get worse, then worse than that, and then, total destruction of plants and animals all over India.
At some point, Nature Conservancy President Mark Tercek must come to terms with real solutions rather than window-dressing. He must advocate for worldwide birth control, population stabilization and alternative energy. Why? Because you won’t be able to publish powder puff pieces like Jenkins’ latest in 2050 when all hell breaks loose as to Nature, extinction rates and human misery index levels off the charts.
Yours for the future of Nature on a gut level of reality solutions,
Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
Population-Immigration-Environmental specialist: speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences
Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge
Facebook Adventure Page: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Six continent world bicycle traveler
Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbor, Maine, 4,100 miles, 13 states, Canada, summer 2017, 100,000 feet of climbing: