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Distraction is Your Enemy’s Greatest Weapon |
From Devvy Kidd |
Americans are being bombarded everyday with distractions. Glued to electronic gadgets, political baiting headlines filled with hate by members of the Democratic/Communist Party USA and Hollywood mental midgets like Robert DeNiro. Ignorant, under educated Americans, racists serving in Congress like socialist Mad Maxine Waters and openly politically biased members of mainstream media, electronic and print, have all jumped on the garbage truck. Since the legitimate election of Donald Trump, Democrats and their hate filled rank and file have done nothing but chant he’s a racist, a Fascist, a Nazi. Take your pick. Keep up the relentless attacks against Trump to keep rank and file Democrats distracted from the historical fact that the Democratic Party’s history is the party of in-your-face racism against black Americans. Trump, his family, his staff and cabinet members are being confronted, harassed and threatened on a daily basis. All to keep the American people distracted away from the truth about the very real conspiracy inside the FBI and DOJ to keep Trump from getting elected and since the election, Impeach him! Can’t have the cattle who voted for Hildebeast Clinton find out just how corrupt that waste of human skin is and the lengths she went to cover up violating a list of federal laws (As well as the Uranium One deal) aided and abetted by dirty cop, James Comey and his minions and corrupt Robert Mueller heading up the phony ‘Russia collusion’ manufactured lie. Hillary Clinton should already be serving time in a federal prison for her ‘email scandal’ cover up and lying to Congress. Instead she was protected by rogue players in the FBI who have and continue to be protected by Rod Rosenstein who should have recused himself from one day one and Jeff Sessions who should have resigned the first week after he was sworn into his position as Attorney General. But, Comrade Bernie Sanders’ brainwashed followers know exactly how crooked Hillary Rodham Clinton is, fully backed by the deal makers within the Democratic/Communist Party USA. Now, sadly, one of the good guys while trying to do the right thing is about to present to viewing audiences one of the biggest lies in the history of this country. See trailer for Dinesh D'Souza's upcoming film on Trump - Contends president faces historic moment similar to Lincoln “Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has released a trailer for his upcoming film, “Death of a Nation,” which argues President Trump is facing the kind of fierce opposition that confronted Abraham Lincoln at another seminal moment in America’s history. “Lincoln was elected to unite a country and stop slavery. Democrats smeared him; went to war against him; assassinated him. Now, their target is Trump,” “Souza says in the trailer. “Lincoln saved America the first time. It’s now up to us to save it a second time,” D’Souza says the end of the trailer.” Can we save America a second time? “Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them racists, white supremacists and fascists. These charges are used to justify driving Trump from office and discrediting the right “by any means necessary.” “But which is the party of the slave plantation? Which is the party that invented white supremacy? Which is the party that praised fascist dictators and shaped their genocidal policies and was in turn praised by them? “Through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy, Death of a Nation cuts through progressive big lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths.” While I commend D’Souza for his patriotism and personal sacrifices, just what historical documents and references did he use as a basis for his statements about Lincoln being such a hero? Yes, the Democratic Party has always been the party of the slave plantations but what about Republicans back in Lincoln’s time? Unfortunately, like tens and tens of millions of Americans, D’Souza believes the lies taught America’s school children for more than a century: Lincoln was a great president who hated slavery and wanted it abolished while battling evil from the Democrat party. That old ‘Honest Abe’ was out to save the Union. I’m sorry, Dinesh, but just the opposite is true and has been meticulously proven by several authors. Inconvenient truths about a white supremacist who damn near destroyed this republic while in the White House. Every time I hear decent Americans like Sean Hannity talk about the Republican Party as the party of Lincoln I want to puke. "Lincoln had no intention of doing anything about Southern slavery in 1860. In his First Inaugural Address he announced that "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the Institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." He also promised, in the same address, to strengthen the Fugitive Slave Law even though lax enforcement of it or none at all would have quickened slavery's demise." The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda and an Unnecessary War, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, pgs 20, 21 DiLorenzo continues: "White supremacist attitudes were not only on display in the Northern Black Codes and other pieces of legislation but were enunciated in Northern newspapers as well. As the Philadelphia Daily News editorialized on November 22, 1860, "It is neither for the good of the colored race nor of our own that they should continue to dwell among us to any considerable extent. The two races can never exist in conjunction except as superior and inferior...The African is naturally the inferior race." "The Niles (Michigan) Republican wrote on March 30, 1861, that "this government was made for the benefit of the white race...and not for the Negroes." The Daily Chicago Times editorialized on December 7, 1860, that "evil and nothing but evil, has ever followed in the track of this hideous monster, Abolition." It continued, "Let [the slave] alone -- send him back to his master where he belongs. "On January 22, 1861, the New York
Times announced that it opposed the abolition of slavery. Instead, it
proposed that slaves should be allowed to legally marry and should be taught to
read and to invest their money in savings accounts. Those actions should be
taken "to ameliorate, rather than to abolish, the Slavery of the Southern
States" and would thus permit slavery to become "a very tolerable
system. Back in August of 2010, Glenn Beck, held a
huge event at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC billed as Restore
America’s Honor. DiLorenzo had a problem with Glenn Beck's obsessive adoration
of Abraham Lincoln and shall we say, fudging the truth? “I didn't believe him when he said this,
and his next sentence proved to me that he did not read the document. The next
sentence was the statement that the formal title of the document was “The
Slaveholders’ Constitution . . .” Anyone can look the document up at Yale
University's online Avalon Project, which warehouses all the American founding
documents, commentaries, and more, to see for yourself that Beck was wrong
about this. “This amendment passed the Senate and the
House just days before Lincoln was inaugurated. In his first inaugural address
he said he believed slavery was already constitutional and then, alluding to
the Corwin Amendment, said: “I have no objection to it [slavery protection]
being made express and irrevocable” in the Constitution. This was by far the
strongest defense of slavery ever made by an American politician, coming from
the president himself. Beck and the wacky preacher posing as an intellectual
made no mention of this." “The President has purposely made the
proclamation inoperative in all places where we have gained a military footing
which makes the slaves accessible. He has proclaimed emancipation only where he
has notoriously no power to execute it. The exemption of the accessible parts
of Louisiana, Tennessee, and Virginia renders the proclamation not merely
futile, but ridiculous." Forced into Glory by Lerone Bennett is over 600 pages and while he methodically lays
out the truth about Lincoln, I felt as the book wore on too long and turned
into a lot of whining in the last few chapters. To say Bennett, a black
American icon, was excoriated over telling the historical truth about Abraham
Lincoln is putting it mildly. Besides DiLorenzo’s books above, and Bennett’s massive tome, I also highly recommend D’Souza read Thomas’ first barn burner book on Lincoln which caused a massive uproar at the time it was published: Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe “Did you know that Lincoln . . . I do have a lot of respect for Dinesh D’Souza but I’m afraid this time he has made a terrible mistake if he glorifies Lincoln in his new documentary. Yes, there are similarities in the attacks on Trump as there were on Lincoln but in the case of ‘Honest Abe’, they were legitimate. Lincoln damn near destroyed the Union. He sure as Hell didn’t “save America the first time”. If this is how Lincoln is portrayed in the documentary, to me it’s just going to be another distraction for people to squabble about. D’Souza’s film debuts August 3rd in 1,000 theaters. (“Distraction is Your Enemy’s Greatest Weapon” quote by Sydney Bauer in her book, Undertow)