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CoV Test Kit Fail...Bad Blood From Alibaba, |
By Yoichi Shimatsu |
Several European countries found Chinese-made COVID-19 rapid test kits to be defective with a high rate of false negatives. The mainstream media has failed to report the tests with a 70-to-80 percent failure rate were marketed online by Alibaba fronting for fly-by-night factories using blood serum from "recovered COV patients" of uncertain origin. Fast testing is based on an antigen reaction with the test subject's antibodies, which will react within 15 minutes in cases of infection. The rapid test cassettes require a small blood sample from the tested person, which is then exposed to the serum from a convalescent John Doe in China. The lack of antigens in testing serum indicates the majority of CoV blood donors had not been seriously infected with coronavirus or that the serum had been chemically disinfected to prevent accidental infections and sold illegally to test-kit vendors, a serious criminal act. The other issue is that the early-version virus apparently did not create large quantities of antigens, which came later with increased virulence as the China contagion progressed. Whatever the primary reason, the Chinese national health authority and Alibaba are liable for medical malpractice damages for the false claims of 70-80 percent accuracy for the defective test kits. Moral Hazard Here in Part 17 of this coronavirus series, I examine the many risks and moral hazards of importation of blood products without verifiable patient records, the probability of serious "medical" abuses against patients for benefit of the lucrative blood serum market, and an urgent need for a total ban against repeat violator Alibaba, previously responsible for thousands of American deaths from opioids and now involved in the massive product failure of COVID-19 rapid test kits. Also discussed is the looming threat of clandestine biological warfare between China and the USA, locked in mutual recrimination while failing to cooperatively investigate, track down, identify and punish the actual perpetrators, the prime suspects as traced in this series being Japan, Britain and Israel in the spread of COVID-19 against the CISM military games in Wuhan followed by disposal of surplus delivery animals, live freshwater fish, at the Wuhan seafood market. The failure-plagued rapid tests are discussed in detail further below, along with Alibaba's other product lines derived from human organs, the most public act of cannibalism since the premiere of "Sllence of the Lambs". The volume of serum being offered for sale indicates extreme medical abuse, including the possibility of mass murder of younger CoV patients for their blood following recovery. The next round of Biological Warfare The world is facing the dangerous possibility of another round of biological warfare due to the unwillingness of China to cooperate with the United States in an investigation of the bio-terrorism against the CISM Military Games at Wuhan in late October and the later release at the Wuhan seafood market. Based on a long trail of facts cited in this series, the assailants were a Japanese-British and Israel consortium of intelligence agencies, which then organized a media campaign of false leads and hysterical claims, illogically accusing the Chinese for auto-suicide resulting in the destruction of their own economy. These accusations based on questionable "facts" and shadowy sources from the likes of the highly suspect ZeroHedge and self-admitted Mossad groupie and MI-6 Russiagate diversion theorist George Webb is unsupported by microbiology research papers and on-the-ground evidence. The ecologically impossible hypothesis of a tropical insect-eating bat as the vector is being promoted by British intelligence fraudsters of the Russiagate ilk based in Hong Kong and at the London editorial boards of Lancet and Nature. COVID-19. One of their figureheads who flubbed the SARS response is Dame Margaret Chan, who went from the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to head the WHO with support from Glaxo and Wellcome. Methinks the British intel chorus protests too loudly. These factually erroneous neocon claims, reeking of MI6-deception from the Victoria Nuland crowd, have met with a fierce rebuttal from the Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijiang, who claims that COVID "originated in the U.S." and that patient zero is a U.S. Army cyclist at the CISM Military Games. The sensationalist Zhao, unfortunately, appears to be myopic, unable to see the forest for the trees. Here again, on the other side, we are seeing silence about the role of Japan, Britain and Israel. The first cases of COVID-19 exposure did indeed occur at those games, as first pointed out way back in this series, infecting not only Americans but also participants from all of the NATO member-states, Iran and other Mideast countries, and the PLA of China, all with large delegations at the military sports contests. Neither the USA nor China were behind this heinous bioterrorism attack against the postwar geopolitical order. Notably the UK and Japan along with upstart crow Israel never joined the CISM group initiated by France in the postwar period. March 26 marked the 45th anniversary of the International Biological Weapons Convention, that came into force in 1975 after the signing three years earlier. On that anniversary, the State Department noted "The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of BWC parties' commitments to reducing all biological risks." That is the first official American allusion to biological warfare regarding COVID-19, which is significant however vague it may be. That agreement has been signed by 183 states, including the People's Republic of China, which acceded to the treaty on 15 November 1984 in lieu of the Republic of China Taiwan. Therefore, the present Chinese regime's cover-up and refusal to disclose key information to other treaty nations is in flagrant violation of international treaty law, especially when considering the loss of lives and economic damage due to its irresponsible failure to prevent Chinese citizens from traveling to other countries, spreading the infectious bio-agent worldwide and also its refusal to allow entry and full access to investigators treaty member-states. Beijing's two-faced policy of denial and insincere offers of aid to affected countries, with defective test kits, is a unreasonable and shameful betrayal of the basic security and well-being of 1.4 billion Chinese people, proclaimed on October 1, 1949. "The people throughout China have been plunged into bitter suffering and tribulations since the reactionary government betrayed the fatherland, colluded with imperialists, and launched the counter-revolutionary war." Those words by Mao Zedong at the inauguration of the People's Republic certainly ring true today after the grim Wuhan events, don't they? Like father, like son, I suppose, meaning China's made only incremental progress at the human dimension since the Shang Dynasty. Pervasive censorship in China, which includes denial of the actual extent of infections and treatment centers throughout at least half of its territory, in the greatest cover-up in modern times. On these grounds of protecting the corrupt elite rather than serving the people, the government of China abetted the spread of coronavirus to 180 countries and 200 territories, in a most egregious violation of the BW Treaty and international health protocols. Due to flagrant criminal behavior, verified by its own official statements, the government of China bears full liability for all losses of life, injury, economic impacts and other damage to the international community. Its refusal to admit liability and failure to inform and cooperate with international investigation puts the PRC into the status of a rogue state on par with North Korea, and therefore there can be no going back to the bilateral good will, not until its irresponsible leadership admits their gross errors in apology and admits full financial liability worldwide. Cut the posturing, because everyone can see that the Emperor has no clothes. Alibaba ban as a starter Given the impasse due to a self-protective Beijing regime, compromised by their unspoken ties to Tokyo, London and Tel Aviv, the case against politically connected trading house Alibaba grows in importance to set the tone of a serious response to these crimes against humanity. Preventative measures to shut down potential pathways for bio-warfare should begin with a blanket prohibition of Alibaba from an online presence, sales, operations, investments, front companies and travel ban on its board and executives in the larger American market, with advocacy for similar tough measures in NATO and allied countries. Fines can be enforced with asset seizures. Alibaba is one of the many agents of China's relentless economic competition verging into asymmetric warfare. In this context, Alibaba sales of COVID-19 blood serum for rapid test kits. and suspected black market serum for IV treatment for the rich and famous, poses an emerging threat of a retaliatory trial-run contagion against an "ungrateful" USA, which is certainly possible due to contingency preparations by the Chinese military (not the incompetent microbiologists in Wuhan microbiology lab). The potential attack will probably be with crude zoonotic diseases followed by antidotes for those willing to kneel like Kaepernik (the full kowtow is a bit outdated by now). Alibaba's consumer product lines for women's vanity include stem cells, human-derived hyaluronic acid, and embryo-sourced rejuvenation cremes. These little bottled products are ideal mediums to spread lethal biological weapons throughout American society. Frankly, I would not miss all those preening influencers and aging lipo-suctioned ladies in bikinis, the fake beauties of social media, but the harm after outbreak to the general public especially families would be horrific mass murder, at least from a Western values perspective. Any assault against the American public, of course, would welcomed as ethnic cleansing by the Extinction Rebellion, the Make America Mexico Again fanatics and other Democrats. A cordon sanitaire around Alibaba and its partners in the Chinese medical system should not be expanded into another Cold War, because socialist rivalry is not at issue since China's medical system is based in the military medical corps, privatized hospitals, pharmaceuticals and insurance companies copied after the American capitalism model since the Deng Xiaoping reforms of the 1980s. Chinese malpractice is a mirror image of the U.S. "health" system of lifelong illness till death do us part. The conflict over human harvesting is a cultural issue between Christian ethics based on the sanctity of the body versus the cannibalistic legacy of the primitive tribal notion of wealth protection through human sacrifice to bloodthirsty gods. The majority of Americans still tend toward the ethics of sanctity, despite pressures from biotech researchers, wealthy women, the satanic lunatics and decrepit vampires like Kissinger; whereas Chinese gourmets relish eating anything with two legs or four, except the table. The Chinese are not unique since the blood-diet customs are shared by Mongol and Tibetan Buddhist followers of the Dalai Lama. As I've repeatedly heard up in the Himalayas, there's nothing more refreshing than warm fresh blood. Protecting you jugular is one reason to always have an ice ax handy while trekking and to be wary of convenient rock falls. Don't call me a sick racist, I'm merely a healthy survivor. The majority of Chinese, especially younger people, dread the thought of consuming another human's flesh or being themselves eaten, a practice revived due to the class system in post-reform China, now augmented by regime dictatorship between the better families and the herd. Vulnerable individuals need to be careful not be caught in a meat grinder during the national pork shortage, one of those unthinkable things that's probably already been a convenient and practical way to dispose of blood-drained CoV patients on the altar of greed. Meanwhile, foodie fans of late monkey-eating guru Anthony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" might want to take a gourmand adventure tour while airfares are at rock-bottom to Foshan back alleys to nibble on little brown-pink cubes of jellied "pigs blood" for your first taste of the real deal or juicy "pork" with chives pot-stickers. Be sure to add lots of vinegar and ginger slices, but remember not to jot down all the scrumptious details on Instagram. Bon apetit, chi hao! BTW, a tip. Drink a lot of white alcohol and be sure everything's thoroughly cooked to avoid parasites in your bloody stools. Bloodsuckers profit online Reports of huge shipments of faulty Made in China test kits have come from the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Italy, Slovakia and other EU health authorities, a product-quality scandal that can be compared with the Titanic. It's the same old story as in that romantic movie - make way for the crew on the lifeboat, toss the women, children and elderly overboard. For positive publicity and image repair, China's gone so far as offering "lifesavers" that sink. Notably one of the test-kit providers on Alibaba's menu is based in Hangzhou, the hometown of Jack Ma and site of Alibaba headquarters. Hangzhou Sehon Technology, which claims an 80 percent response (efficiency) rate, is actually a manufacturer of LED lights. That indicates Sehon makes the plastic test-kit case but the blood product is from some other unnamed source linked with corrupt medical authorities, a typical Alibaba sleight of hand. So far, thanks to Alibaba, late-arrival Sehon has racked up $8,000 in reported sales in 7 transactions with buyers, not including larger wholesale customers ordering batches of 10,000. Guangzhou Leyte, another test-kit supplier promoting "whole blood, serum and plasma" has a "respectable" 7-year history in Panyu, not the best location for industry, marketing mainly forehead temperature detectors. Its promo video shows cardboard boxes but no assembly line. Also customers from Africa, who still learned their lesson after so many centuries of being defrauded. An early mover of blood, it's listed $40,000+ in 36 sales via Alibaba. Please do not mention cannibalism because that would be, according to the Democrat party, a politically incorrect infringement on African sensibilities, another fact to ban from the fictitious American school curriculum. Zhizhejing (Wiseguy) Network Technology does at least have a factory in the Whampoa district of Guangzhou specializing in assembling electronic components for automobiles. It is marketing "CE certified whole blood, serum, plasma", although the official European CE mark does not appear on its boxes. It sells standard low-end masks and tiny vials of human-derived serum wrapped in plastic bags. The product response time and response rate is indicated as "Hidden". That's smart since there's no way to sue them for lack of guarantee, sort of like those online video ads for free-energy devices. The worst offender for failed test kits is not a fly-by-night but instead Shenzhen Bioeasy, which has qualified for a CE certification label issued by the European Commission. Since 2007 Bioeasy has been producing test kits, mainly to detect antibodies in milk for the dairy industry checking for contamination with mastitis or strep bacteria. It has a huge operation in the reputable Baoan district near Shenzen International Airport. Despite Bioeasy's above-board past record, its test kits have a high failure rate, as exposed in by massive product returns for refund from Spain, which purchased 640,000 test kits that turned out to have only a 30 percent accuracy rate, meaning the wrong sort of returns for Bioeasy. The scandal resulted in Alibaba executives meeting with King Felipe, to assuage national outrage. At a round-table news discussion, a Spanish commentator said ""First they send us the virus, then they sell us the medications to stop it and then defraud us. It's great for China." Hey, hombre, twice-fooled is your fault. Like those reckless characters in "Easy Rider", it's not a happy ending for Bioeasy either coming up with refunds. A mere on average 30 percent accuracy rate indicates "they are useless," according to microbiology Professor Victor Jimenez Cid at Madrid's Complutense University. The embarrassing fallout prompted the PRC Embassy in Madrid to sheepishly tweet that "Shenzen Bioeasy is not licensed to sell the product and is not included on a list of recommended suppliers." Wiggling out with some preposterous story is a typical Chinese reaction to being caught pants-down. A company that certifies milk safety must have official approval since Bioeasy is still taking foreign orders for test kits from dummies who don't keep up with the news. All these deceptive sales were made through Alibaba, whose CEO Jack Ma was personally awarded a medal as a national hero by the President of China himself back during the worldwide epidemic of Chinese-sourced opioid deaths. What the Bioeasy case adds up to is that the problem is not in the fluorescent-signal inside the plastic cassettes but rather in blood serum sourced from "convalescent patients" collected in the Wuhan Archipelago of mystery-shrouded "hospices" across southern China. In Wuhan proper, the urban population density required immediate cremation of corpses by funeral homes responding to a crisis inside overstretched hospitals. Drug treatment of the mostly elderly patients with pre-existing infection history, along with sulfa-drug (sulfoamide) spraying of corpses means the blood of those wasted corpses is tainted and, in any case, not a huge priority during the crisis period. Wuhan Archipelago in South China The statistically missing youths with CoV infections must have been given orders to leave the virus-contaminated epicenter for recuperation at unregistered "hospices" in southern China, where in gross violation of law and ethics they were subjected to excessive blood donation after recovery. The unlimited amount of serum now on the world market indicates that many of these convalescent children and youths were bled to death to supply the "underground" semi-official serum industry. The methodical network of patient transport from Wuhan in technical violation of local registration rules, establishment of unregistered hospices in several smaller cities, provision of blood-extraction equipment, disposal of dead patients after complete blood withdrawal, secret arrangements with serum testing and packaging companies, and then unreported sales of the vials to the test-kit producers indicates high-level official authorization of the blood trade. Death is not the end, it's just the beginning of online sales. Now does the total crackdown on Weibo and WeChat accounts, elimination of the last few independent news sites, disappearances of whistle-blowers, disconnects for 22 million smart-phones, and all the happy talk about "a people's war victory" over COVID start to make sense? Well, it was more of a war against people. Fast money from overseas sales, the global dumping ground for human-derived "medical" products is stock in trade for Alibaba. To show the extent of its role as frontman for the human harvesters are other Alibaba-offered wares including, quite boldly advertised stem cells, rejuvenation treatments made from unborn children aka embryos, and hyaluronic acid for aching joints from human umbilical cords, cartilage, bones and skin. Alibaba as the leading global free market for cannibalism should be totally banned from sales, business operations, investment and lending in a United States that opposes the commercialization of flesh and blood of one's neighbors. When an Alibaba van rolls up to your back door, consumer beware. That may sound like a sick joke, but Alibaba teamed up with a don of the Russian mafia when it took over the Brooklyn Nets. The underlying cause of defective fast-test results are likely due to youth blood donors in the early round of CoV infection, in late October at the time of the military games in Wuhan, when the virus had not yet realized its Gain of Function (GOF), which requires about three generations of viral replication to strip away antibodies from the host's cells and transform them into antigens (for attack on the immune system) to achieve full virulence. This is why the symptoms were not severe in the earlier cases, for a duration of at least one month, about two generations of replicants. Rothschild Redux Now watch for curve balls, for instance, the secret importation into the USA of China-sourced blood serum via sanitary over-regulated Singapore is now being advocated by law firm Fox Rothschild LLP. The shysters from a distant minor branch of that rapacious clan have just gained FDA approval for rapid 15-minute test kits supposed from Ideal Rehab Care, which is not on any current list of hospitals, clinics or pharmaceutical manufacturers in Singapore. This leads to the tentative suspicion that Ideal Rehab is a typical front for a China-based producer to sell test kits under bogus country of origin exploiting Singapore's reputation for quality assurance. Doctored documents and false-front offices are easy enough for organized crime groups to produce. Fox Rothschild, which recently completed a merger with the Oppenheimer law firm, is based in South Florida, the Kosher Nostra headquarters of Jeffrey Epstein, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Meyer Lansky (to use a Wayne Madsen term for the Tribe). This is an echo of the Opium Wars that enriched the Sassoons and the Rothschild-financed British East India Company. The battle for human dignity continues against the instinctive impulse, which involved the Frankist-Asiatic Brotherhood of Jacob Frank and also runs like a red river back to the Khazar lord Vlad the Impaler, better as Count Dracula. After being sue by a legal intern for sexual harassment and rape, representing insider traders and various convicts with homicidal tendencies, Fox Roth took on a more respectable client named Greg Lansky, owner of Strike 3 Films, the producer of porno series "Tushy", "Blacked" and "Vixen", the latter being uncomfortably in the Jeff Epstein category of young trailer trash actresses on the legal borderline, like the young lady doing her impression of Madonna's "Material Girl" routine but followed by a lot of cork-popping. Crazy as Fox Rothschild took on the first porn industry contract to hunt down copyright infringement. A top expert in streaming media was hired on to scan thousands of hours of ghetto dudes banging white-trash MILFs, Professor Lincoln Bandow from the USC School of Journalism. Did I not just mention something about the Frankists, who invented and marketed every deviant sexual perversion, under the patronage of Meyer Amshel Rothschild and later the Hellfire Club by his descendants? It runs in the blood. Tushy is that Hebrew or old Khazar Yiddish? Hold it there one second, the only porn-related assignment I've ever gotten as a journalism lecturer was from Japan Playboy to covered the Al El aircrash in Biljmeer, Holland, which killed a slew of residents due to the secret weapons shipment in its cargo bay load on at JFK New York. Going through the photos of dead burn victims and looking at radioactive tumors on firemen, well, I guess it qualifies as snuff porn. Get one thing clear here, I am not anti-Jewish just anti-gangster when so much of the sordid economy is run on bodily abuse of fellow humans. For me, nothing's better than a truly kosher pastrami on rye at Katz's Deli on Houston Street, where I used to work at the famous paint store. I'm just as candid about my own breed of worst-offenders, the Japanese elites who went on from raping the girls of Nanking to sponsoring Unit 731 and then funding mad scientist Kawaoka's research at U Wisconsin on the HIV-splicing technique to increase viral virulence, which turned up inside that "natural" COVID-19, as claimed by the Rothschild-controlled Lancet and Nature journals. Rothschild is German for "Red Shield", a reference to the Exodus account of painting one's doorway with blood to avert the avenging angels spreading death by pestilence over Egypt. Now it's Chinese blood routed through Singapore. Fauci's Faustian Bargain It was under the watch of Barack Obama that Fauci's NIAID permitted the Kawaoka team to pioneer HIV-enabled Gain of Function in flu-related viruses, until a backlash of ethical scientists demanded a ban on GOF. Once the ban was prematurely lifted in less than 3 years, Anthony Fauci award Kawaoka with $600,000 NIAID grant to restore the biowarfare research with this appalling apologetic. "Yoshi went through the appropriate vetting exercise. It went through multiple layers of review and examination. It wasn't as if we all changed our minds and said, 'Oops, never mind, go ahead and do it.' They got very appropriately vetted with all the appropriate caveats." So the Tojo-Mussolini alliance carried on with a few sheets of paper writ with lies was good to get back to HIV-splicing onto flu viruses, the lab technique crucial to the creation of Fauchi's little baby COVID-19. Fauchi is a ringleader of biological warfare development, creating new infectious diseases in the laboratories of mass death. Today once again in protecting Unit 731 successor Kawaoka, Fauci's underlings at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have pressured the entire corps of microbiology researchers to deny the splicing of HIV and m.TB in COVID-19 as a product of biological engineering. The current campaign of unscientific denial is consistent with Fauci's career of denial and suppression of critical analysis of laboratory-altered Ebola, Zika, MERS. 2009 "swine" flu and HIV, an obscurantist position worthy of one of those priest-scientists under Pope Urban VIII who "debunked" Galileo's observation-based heliocentric theory. Fauci's path to the inner circle started with his pre-med studies at the Jesuit-run College of Holy Cross in Worchester, Massachusetts. The illustrious alumni of Holy Cross include the FBI-CIA attorney Robert Mateu who ran Howard Hughes' Nevada operations, Mark Kennedy Shriver who serves as U.S. director of pedophile-plagued Save The Children NGO, NBC anchor Chris Matthews, Timothy Leary the LSD guru for the CIA MK-ULTRA program, and William McDonough, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Never a private practitioner, Fauci's entire career has been at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including the 1980s-90s era that saw the unsolved murders of innumerable microbiologists, Italiano Mafia style in the name of the Godfather, Sin and the Unholy Goat. Rapid tests kits are an accessory to contagion The fact remains after the test-kit fiasco that PCR molecular analysis reminds the gold standard for spotting the signatures of viruses. Each test, however, requires two hours for the process of reverse transcription of RNA onto DNA, which can then be decoded. The process takes two hours, the long delays being due to transport time and backlogs. Given the increasing potency and appearance of viruses from distant environments puts stress on the need for precise testing at far more stations than today's labs. A public-private-community cooperative program is urgently needed to establish PCR stations inside major airports, where waiting time for international flights are already at two hours, which can be extended another 40 minutes to allow PRC tests during contagions or in suspect cases detected by thermal scans. A demographic-based network of PCR stations in clinics, local hospitals and larger schools should be established. Mobile fleets of cargo vans or small buses with PRC should be developed in hubs of metropolitan areas and larger rural towns to respond to local outbreaks and nation-wide pandemics. During an outbreaks, these networks act as layers of defense that can filter out infected people, preventing the ridiculous global explosions of COVID-19. Thanks to Fauci's patronage of the biowarrior researcher more Doomsday viruses are coming, so a bio-defense system is required along with much sterner investigation and prosecution of mad scientists who build bio-robots to wipe out humanity. Even more than doctors, the USA needs more science-savvy prosecutors to prevent bio-warred pandemics by arresting and punishing the guilty. Meanwhile a PCR network serves at the early-warning system for new outbreaks that will keep public-lab technicians nearly as busy as air-traffic controllers at O'Hare. As for the stop-gap test kits, an alternative strategy versus the standard but viable immunoglobulin (Ig) recognition of COV is required. In theory, the most hopeful is based on using the capsule protein of CoV to link with the virus RNA in the test subject's blood. The powerful attraction of the N-protein of the viral membrane to the virus RNA should greater accuracy in test results. Pending FDA approval for live-testing, the US-pioneered test for the N-protein appears at this moment to be the most hopeful candidate among the many contenders from pharmaceuticals and tech companies. Before signing off, the test-kit candidate from the Oxford Suzhou Center (OSCAR) deserves special mention as a case for triple-checking after Oxitec's massive spread of ovarian bleeding due to its bioengineered mosquitos released "against" the biowar-modified Zika virus in Brazil. The Suzhou method is to use a mini-heater to hasten RNA transcription to DNA in 30 minutes to detect an antibody reaction. The British biomedical establishment, tightly bound with Porton Down and Pirbright Institute, has every reason to cover-up the extent of the COVID-19 contagion that they did so much to trigger against the CISM member military forces gathered at Wuhan. COVID-19 is ultimately a test of values of every society, which China has badly failed yet refuses to admit, which only means more setbacks ahead. In contrast, the principles of "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" are the golden keys for American recovery, restoration of national health, economic strength and mental wellness, and a bright future once again as the world's principled leader. Alibaba and its 40 Thieves With everyone under lockdown, the shrinking world's a hellish claustrophobic space with few options to Netflix's dystopian fare other than escapism via Disney. So I recommend "Aladdin" after seeing the stage show version inspired by Cab Calloway's Heidi Ho tripped-out song-and-dance routine and preferably the original not the PC-censored lyrics from the thief-turned prince wannabe. There's that romantic song of Aladdin, "Oh imagine a land in a faraway place, where caravan camels roam, where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face, it's barbaric but it's home." I just can't wait to see it on stage at Disneyland Shanghai. Al, bro', they sliced off your ear to the smart-phone but it bleeds a lot more when the royal henchmen cut the throats of us journalists. Since we're not so keen on the sounds of silence, let's end on a happy hopeful note from the Genie-us in charge of political succession, so sing along: "Well, Ali Baba had them forty thieves,