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The Smoking Gun(s) - Port Arthur to Las Vegas

By Douglas Herman


Picture is worth a thousand words. NO bullets / shell case anywhere. Hospitality must have been there, right?

Paddock's Hotel Suite Photos Show Staged And Set Up
Crime Scene - See This Full, Enhanced Photo Analysis


“I believe that no discovery of fact, however trivial, can be wholly useless to the race, and that no trumpeting of falsehood, however virtuous in intent, can be anything but vicious. I believe that all government is evil, in that all government must necessarily make war upon liberty.”      - H.L. Mencken    
The exact same modus operandi. The exact same disturbing lack of motive. The exact same sort of victims: unwary tourists. The exact same implausibility, some would say utter impossibility, of the skill required for the sinister task. The exact same sudden superhuman ability of the alleged perpetrator, to perform the murderous feat ascribed. And the exact same sort of patsy, someone so completely devoid of malice aforethought, so completely devoid of any deranged grudge against the victims, that so-called experts and law enforcement professionals remain speechless. Lastly, the same uncanny, cold-blooded mainstream media, with their hysterical rush to judgment, to assign blame, and then to scapegoat the millions of average, law-abiding citizens who refuse to become accomplices to their accusations.
A Patsy Is a Patsy Is a Patsy
“Patsies are normally used as decoys,” wrote Joe Vialls, investigator of the Port Arthur massacre, “deliberately inserted into the psyop to deflect attention away from the specialist group, allowing the latter time to extract safely from the operational area while the patsy takes the blame. But the planners leave tell-tale signs and occasionally make critical mistakes.”
More than 20 years ago, Martin Bryant  a young, long-haired blonde, mildly retarded man but with a sizable personal fortune (exactly like Paddock), allegedly killed 35 strangers in cold blood at a holiday site in Port Arthur. No motive was ever established, exactly as in Las Vegas.
According to Wikipedia: "Following the spree, the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, introduced strict gun laws within Australia, restricting the private ownership of high capacity semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns and pump-action shotguns as well as intorducing firearms licensing. The massacre happened just six weeks after the Dunblane massacre in Scotland, which claimed 18 lives, with the U.K. Prime Minister, John Major, reaching out to his counterpart over the shared tragedies: the United Kingdom passed its own changes to gun laws in 1997."
Each massacre, callously called a “spree” by the Wiki editors, resulted in strict national gun laws, immediately enacted by the government, ending private ownership of shotguns, handguns and rifles. The patsy in Australia, called the perpetrator by the court and media there, fired more than 250 rounds at police in another nearby location, hitting no one. Martin Bryant, like patsy Paddock, had no prior gun experience.
“”Martin Bryant fired 250 rounds during the siege period but hit nothing at all,” wrote Joe Vialls. “It is beyond doubt that many of the armed police noticed Bryant’s undisciplined performance at Seascape bore absolutely no resemblance at all to that of the deadly shooter at Port Arthur and some must have told their senior officers about it, though it seems they were ignored or simply told to shut up.”
Every patsy is set up. From Lee Harvey Oswald to those brothers in Boston, to Martin Bryant and this latest patsy, Paddock, they’re all involved in some peripheral way. But the shadows behind the patsies, the professional killers, pull the trigger, create the mayhem and massacres, for an agenda so clear, that the average citizen can readily see it.  The agenda? To terrify the sheep, to have the media scream for more police security and invasive measures, while TV celebs and talking heads clamor for the abolishment of private gun ownership and overturn of the 2nd Amendment. Sadly, as former prisoners of the British, the Aussies readily agreed to their masters wishes.
The Blueprint Already in Print
Recently I finished reading the definitive book (which I highly recommend) on the obviously, government-sanctioned, JFK assassination. Written from the unique perspective of a professional shooter, "Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza," the book not only demolishes all the arguments of lone-assassin proponents, but examines the myriad reasons why Kennedy was killed.
“The reason I knew that Oswald could not have done it, was because I could not have done it,” said former US Marine sniper, Craig Roberts.
That remark ­ The Reason I knew Oswald could NOT have done it, was because I could not have done it” - resonates all these years later. A professional, a US Marine and former cop, willing to go on record, saying what everyone, aside from the media ascertained, Roberts concluded that Oswald was an inept patsy.
Lee Harvey Paddock is only the latest alleged triggerman, like Martin Bryant. A deep state concoction with so many shadows and inconsistencies that even the mainstream media admits puzzlement at all those loose ends.  Who was this character Paddock? Only one photograph seems to exists of him, showing a bleary-eyed old geezer tipping a shot glass, with some cute Latina hostess on his arm. Indeed, Who was the Latina woman who screamed invective warnings at concert-goers almost an HOUR before any shooting started? Was she an accomplice with sudden pangs of conscience, or some call girl arranged by Paddock at the last moment who saw too much?  Indeed, Why did the FBI lie about Paddock’s arrival, lying about when he checked in? Where is all the miles of CCTV footage every casino has? Where were the bomb-sniffing dogs Mandalay Bay boasted about on their website just the month before? Reportedly Paddock’s car, parked for days, allegedly held huge explosives so WHY weren’t those canine teams alerted? Something smells rotten here.  Billion-dollar lawsuits anyone?
Curiouser and Curiouser
Why were TWO windows broken out if there was only one lone gunman? Why did the initial police radio claim multiple shooters?  Why did it take so damn long to get a SWAT team up to the 32nd floor? Where was a Las Vegas police helicopter?  Maybe the police were swamped with calls along the entire Strip. Why? Because so many tourists, staying at so many other Las Vegas casinos, were calling 9/11. Later these honest visitors (clearly Not connected to the mainstream media), posted on social media sites the numerous additional shootings they witnessed. Who were these additional shooters?

Why did the so-called crime scene at the Mandalay, that expensive suite on the 32nd floor, look like a cheap movie set immediately after the shooting?  Millions of sharp-eyed movie fans, gun owners and shooters noticed this. Because where were all the hundreds or THOUSANDS of spent shell cases? And why is the alleged body of the patsy / perp lying UNDER a tripod rifle?  Why use tripods at all, with a so-called bump stock? Why have so many veterans claimed that audio proves use of a military grade machine gun, yet NO military grade machine gun was found. And lastly, WHY exactly would a so-called millionaire gambler, some sybaritic jet setter like this Steven Paddock, a private pilot with TWO planes, able to afford several dozen guns and a couple of homes, get his Latina woman a “cheap ticket” as reported by the mainstream media, to fly overseas to the Philippines? If Paddock knew he was going to die, commit suicide or die in a shootout, why not splurge on an upgrade?
Prime Patsy? Killed or Silenced Soon After
The best patsy /perp dies at the scene of the crime or shortly thereafter. The planners hoped Martin Bryant would be killed in a shootout. “It was only the iron discipline exercised by the Tasmanian and Victorian police special operations groups at the scene which allowed Martin Bryant to be taken into custody,” wrote Joe Vialls. “It is beyond doubt that those who planned the psyop are uneasy about Martin Bryant’s continued existence.”
Those brothers in Boston (surrounded by Craft International handlers wearing black backpacks like the ones with the bombs), refused to play by the rules. They ran, like Oswald ran, realizing suddenly they were betrayed, set up and thus about to be killed. The beaten and bruised Oswald said he was a patsy, just before Jack Ruby rubbed him out on national TV. Paddock allegedly killed himself, as did that alleged Asperger kid in Sandy Hook.  What the deep state shadows fail to realize in America is, that even a dead perp / patsy, and the entire screaming media, plus a boatload of hysterical 15 minute celebs like Lady Gaga and Jimmy Kimmel, all screaming for a national gun ban, won’t guarantee results. Very likely we’ll soon see some fuzzy Casino camera footage, purporting to show Paddock in the hallway, heralded by the mainstream media as proof, and perhaps Robbie Parker as a bereaved parent. In other words, NO real hard evidence to conclusively convict Paddock after the fact. Simply because his body lies there with a bullet in his skull is evidence enough for the mainstream media.
“All of the hard evidence at Port Arthur bears the distinctive trademark of a planned psyop, meaning an operation designed to psychologically manipulate the belief mechanisms of a group of people or a nation for geopolitical or military reasons,” added Vialls.
Martin Bryant was sentenced to 35 life sentences, although he never confessed to killing anyone. He resisted all coercion until his immediate family was threatened.  Suddenly, Australia, like England, had its gun laws in place. America, with its Constitutional traditions, is not so easily intimidated. Some rights are not so easily eradicated.  Some amendments, written by intelligent revolutionaries, are not so easily overthrown, but become more entrenched.
Nowadays we have a multitude of CSI television programs.  Crime scene analysis ­ called forensic science - is only as good as those who interpret the data and details. If the person in charge is someone with an agenda, an agenda to pin the blame on someone unable to defend himself, an Oswald or Martin Bryant, then forensic science is about as worthwhile as phrenology.
Addendum: After I researched my political political crime thriller, The Guns of Dallas, by actually going to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, AND by walking around the book depository and the grassy knoll, I concluded exactly as had every professional shooter or veteran who bothered to look closely at this crime. Oswald could not have done it, because it could not have been done. Multiple shooters and many others were involved, many of them in high places. Curiously, or perhaps not, two years after publication of that book, the premise of an old perpetrator confessing to the crime came true.

One day in the future perhaps someone will pen a true crime thriller called The Guns of Las Vegas. A True story, just sadly too true for today.