The only problem about
this is as Dr. Russell Blaylock says stevia causes hypoglycemia
and also consumers complain of the licorice taste. But I call
your attention to this paragraph:
"The challenge has been finding a sweetener that can replace sugar
in both the taste and texture it brings to the product. One
potential solution was aspartame but the public has largely stopped
drinking diet soda because of concerns over the health impact of the
artificial ingredient." You will note largely stopped
drinking diet soda is underlined.
Now with class actions filed in California and New York over
the deceptive advertising in labeling "diet" on pop when aspartame
makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight, we hope the public
will give up this altogether. Aspartame is a literal
poison. Because the pop companies knew it before they used it
as brought out in the protest of the National Soft Drink Assn I
can't imagine using any of their products. We boycott
these products for the millions who have lost their life from the
horrible diseases and cancers proven by independent scientific peer
reviewed studies, and the fact of full knowledge before they used
Here is that report: Consider how
many pregnant women used diet pop during pregnancy and have autistic
children, how many have died of MS and lupus, and millions have
perished from the cancers it causes, and neurodegenerative
diseases. Aspartame triggers not only the blood
disorders but blood cancers like multiple myeloma and
leukemia. The FDA is quick to snatch a safe supplement off the
market but allow a psycho drug that interacts with drugs and
vaccines and is addictive.
Soda comes under the regulation of the FDA who once bragged about
the good things they could do. Most hoped they would
remove diet soda from hospitals and schools, but all they do is
protect the manufacturers.
Notice they say: "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
ensures that carbonated soft drinks are safe, sanitary, and honestly
labeled." Diet sodas are not honestly labeled as they have
caused an epidemic of obesity. The US Right to Know petitioned
the FDA about this dishonesty and they said they don't have the
authority to do anything about this. So FDA should be replaced
by a consumer oriented agency that has the authority to protect the
people. The late FDA toxicologist, Dr. Jacqueline
Verrett said in her book: "Eating May Be Hazardous To
Your Health", this will only happen when the FDA is backed up
against the wall. This can be done by consumer power in
action. She told the Senate in 1987 after aspartame had been
on the market since 1981 that aspartame still had not been proven
safe. Of course, it never can be.
When consumers wanted to use Stevia the FDA had it embargoed.
They went to the Stevita Company and marked up their books
that explained it was sweet. They wanted the books
burned until the owner asked them to wait until they could get the
media to observe the bonfire. Then they backed off. Yet
when soda companies asked the FDA for use in soft drinks they wrote
it was quite okay.
FDA gets over 50% of their funding from Big Pharma and when
they became a customer, the FDA no longer was an adversary but
a protector. In 2009 scientists from FDA wrote then President
Obama and said they were broken and discussed the corruption.
So the public has no protector. As Dr. Adrian Gross, chief
scientist in the investigation of aspartame told the Senate on
8/1/85, "If the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the
He was discussing the fact that beyond a shadow of a doubt aspartame
causes cancer and violates the Delaney Amendment which forbids
putting anything in a product you know will causes cancer., He
even said the FDA should not have been able to even declare an
ADI. How much cancer causing chemical is allowable per day?
The answer is none. Aspartame remains on the market
today illegally and only because of profit, addiction and
There is a safe sweetener called "Just Like Sugar",
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl,,, ,