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Child Symptoms Came From Nuke Test Site |
By Yoichi Shimatsu |
News flash: NATO silence on the cororavirus biological-weapon attack at the CISM World Military Games in Wuhan has been broken by French soldier-athletes disclosing their COV infections during those athletic contests two months prior to the Wuhan fish market outbreak, as I have been indicating all along. Those early infections in the latter half of October should dispel the media disinfo campaign protecting the perpetrators by falsely claiming coronavirus origin at that newly opened Chinese lab, and turn investigative attention instead toward the partners in COV bio-weapons development in the UK, Canada, Japan and the University of Wisconsin, all of which have the technical capability and political interest for such clandestine operations with a weapon of mass destruction. The CDC and NIH are obviously aware of the actual sites of COVID R&D and production and should be forthright about those responsible for this murderous crime of aggression against 200 nation-states instead of protecting the killers. The facts have been obvious for months now, but this series is the only news source to report on the heinous sneak attack against the CISM World Military Games until this week. It is high time for an international investigate by police agencies and national security bureaus. Here are excerpts from reporting by the Express of London: "Olympic silver medalist pentathlete Elodie Clouvel and her boyfriend fell ill after participating in the Military World Games, held in Wuhan between October 18 and 27, involving over 9,000 athletes from 109 countries. According to Ms Clouvel, doctors told her that it was likely that she had caught COVID-19. "In an interview with RTL radio, she said:"We all fell ill with the same symptoms,adding "We have recently had a contact with the military doctor, who said to us, 'I think you had [Cov] because there were a lot of people who were ill afterwards'." "Other French team members have since claimed that they also fell ill, according to French media reports. The French army has denied all knowledge of anyone contracting the disease during the games." Children under attack Psychological neutralization is in large measure the motive behind the deliberate confusion for parents and physicians caused by the stilted and non descriptive nomenclature of the newly arrived childhood affliction. I would much prefer a simple term like Juvenile COV Infection as opposed to their vague jargon "paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome" (PMIS), which says nothing other than a fever and therefore nobody is willing to take credit for coining it. The British National Health Service (NHS) uses at least a somewhat more scientifically accurate term "mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome" (MLNS), which indicates the three elements of mucus glands, the skin and the lymph system. This trio comprises three defensive centers of the human immune system, and therefore the term syndrome indicates a crisis for this health-protective trio, resulting a condition ranging from neutralizing of the patient's anti-viral defense to a possible auto-immune disorder. In many parts of world, this inexplicable syndrome in children has been known as the "Kawasaki disease" named after pediatrician Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, who first detected the syndrome in Japan in 1961. Its relatively recent history, with an origin still shrouded in mystery, is important toward the comprehending the origin of this condition, which if detected can help in developing therapeutic strategies to overcome its effects and possibly eliminate the disorder, which is the task for this Part 23 of the coronavirus series. As a preview, I will show how this mysterious juvenile disorder emerged in the Nuclear Age from radioactivity impacts on wildlife immune systems, and then morphed as a zoonotic disorder in its spread to young humans. From its starting point, I track how this unnatural disorder became incorporated into biological warfare research, and was more recently introduced into the COVID-19 prototype developed at a DHS-NIH funded research project on bovine tuberculosis at the University of Bristol in Gloustershire, immediately following the 2013 ban on gain-of-function (GOF) research in the USA that prohibited research that increases the virulence of pathogens. It's a long convoluted story, as we track the journey of an unnatural immune disorder, which discloses the lethal synergy of nuclear weaponry and biological warfare, the artificial pathogens of a therapeutic state that calmly assures us that we might dies because there exists no cure for COVID. To the contrary, a history of a pathogen's develop can discover its fundamental nature and thereby lead to a hopeful therapy. If an antidote cannot be devised in time for a cure, then knowledge about the pathogen can help to develop strategies to slow and limit its damaging effects, and possibility spare the child's immune system sufficiently for a defensive rally against this attack. The immediate objective is at minimum to arrive at a manageable situation where the child's health is gradually recovering and backing away from the brink of destruction. At this point, it is possible to reduce fevers, so that is the starting point for a hopeful recovery over time. Knowing the origins of this syndrome will obviously be helpful in determining therapies toward this longer-range goal. Similarities with HIV-AIDS The complicated symptoms of PMIS-MLNS Kawasaki "disease" among children are different from adult reactions to SARS-COV2 and vary among different pediatric patients. The differences from adult COV conditions is understandable, considering a child's immune system based on its internal organisms is not yet functioning for the level of a young adult at peak of health. Scale of body size is also a problem, especially here when smaller blood vessels are more prone to blockage by clots. Another issue is the changes in the growing child's immune system and hormonal development, which affect immune defenses. Due to bio-engineered elements in an over-complex COVID, a child's body is simply not prepared to handle the challenges from the unnaturally aggressive pace of virus replication, meaning some offsetting or remedial strategies will have to be conceived, developed and tested. From what can be gathered thus far, my observation is that the difference between previous adult cases of the Kawasaki disease and the emerging PMIS-MLNS syndrome in children is based in two factors. First, HIV-enhanced COVID has a faulty over-active replication process, which is producing a vast amount of defective proteins called prions as a waste product. Prions are defective proteins with misshaped folds and likely other defects in its structure Prions can there have a disruptive effect of interfering with the functioning of organs, blood cells, the immune system system and other targets of opportunity. A large quantity of such damaged or irregular proteins can eventually causing serious damage to key organs in the child's body. The second dysfuction is caused by segment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (m.TB) spliced into COVID. From the lab research involved, this strand appears to be a variant of bovine TB from cattle, a zoonotic infectious disease, which is technically easier to work with that the strictly human and legal for research in a veterinary lab, in contrast with human medicine. Only a part of its structure has been attached to the COV, the mechanism to counter-attack the human immune defenses have been installed, in order to defend the coronavirus from counterattack by the body's phagophage, which triggers white blood corpuscles to release antibodies against the virus. This Mb.TB strand can hijack the antibodies by converting the antibodies into antigens to attack the corpuscles and nullify the mother-ship phage. Eventually, the confused phages go into panic mode, assuming all their own still-intact antibodies are hostile antigens. This "freak-out" triggers a cytokine storm, which totally deranges the immune system and can result in a shutdown of the central nervous system. IV theraphy Due to the vast difference in scale of this battle in the blood stream and our perpections relying on thermometers to gauge changes in the body, the cytokine storms seems to us to be a fast-rising fever, which is a symptom of an underlying problem, which leads us to Dr. Kawasaki's therapy of intravenous administered immuno-globulin (a relatively simple antibody produced by white blood corpuscles to suppress pathogens) along with aspirin (to calm inflammation sources and cool fever) has proven efficacy in a majority of cases, although not in more serious cases. Immuno-globulin consists of antibodies that fight infectious agent, and so the tactic here is to flood the bloodstream with antibodies to overwhelm the attacking pathogen, which is effective is this war of numbers against the subversive m.TB strand and its renegade antigens. Aspirin prevents overheating due to the start of a toxic shock attack, as the immuno-globulin meanwhile overcomes the causal agents, the rogue antigens. Studies in Beijing hospitals have confirmed this simple treatment has been efficacious against COVID, so this therapy is hopeful and commonly available from many blood donors. Recklessness of prions Back to the prions, the damaged proteins from HIV-expedited virus replication inside human host cells. Unfortunately, current anti-HIV drugs have ineffective, not being targeted at the specific proteins in COVID. Preventing dehydration is helpful to warding off and flushing out toxic concentrations of prions. Lots of water is of course best, but IV rehydration is more expeditious in some cases, especially if the child is suffering from swollen bowels, a symptom of PMIS-MLNS. Fortunately, kidney function has not been a major target of infection. Perhaps a mild diuretic could help inititate the removal of priors from organs via the bloodstream and kidneys. In a worst-case situation, dialysis could be helpful but are risked in a weakened patient. A more directly targeted medicine would, of course, be most effective, but this is nearly impossible to formulate without better knowledge of the origins of the PMIS-MLNS, which is the topic further along in this 23rd essay on COV. Who is Dr. Kawasaki? The puzzling children's condition is named after Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, a pediatrician who had graduated from Chiba Medical School soon after the end of World War II. Quoting a rare source in English, here's an account by Vivienne Kendrick, one of our columnists when I was at The Japan Times in Tokyo: "The first time Dr. Kawasaki saw the illness was in a 4-year-old boy in 1961. ‘I could make no diagnosis of this unusual sickness for which I could find no reference in any medical literature,'he said. The pediatrician saw his second case a year later, and again‘realized that I had seen two instances which did not exist in any medical textbook.'With interest aroused, he applied himself to research. In 1992 in ‘Nelson,' the standard textbook of pediatrics in the United States, the listing of Kawasaki disease was established. Since then it has become internationally accepted." The doctor's perceptive focus on an unheard-of condition in a few children shows that the rare exceptional disorder had some as-yet indeterminate importance, which now some 60 years later has major importance in this bizarre emerging sub-contagion. This syndrome remains something of a ghost that eludes our grasp. It has a borrowed name but we do not know what it is or where it came from, but only that it threatens to harm and kill many innocent children. Without Dr. Kawasaki, we'd never would have known of the existence of this variant of coronavirus. Just maybe it might be the key to defeating the pathogen. In hindsight, it was wonderful to have daily newspapers and weekly or monthly news-magazines with articles like Vivienne's that explained the intricacies of the moving parts of society before the paperless onslaught of mindless drivel from imbecile social-media influencers and hopelessly lost drugged-out celebrities. As compared with the "convenience" of idiot phones and twitter quips, reading is now regarded as a difficult chore, a type of hard labor, like breaking rocks with a sledge hammer. So bear with me while I badger you with an onslaught of details about the wild beast involved in the creation of COVID as well as the PMIS-NLMS Kawasaki condition in children. Alternative delivery of medication The blockage of the intestines and clotting of smaller blood vessels can pose a major obstacle to delivery of medication to affected children by oral or IV methods. My past experience with an effective herbal treatment clinic in Hong Kong, monitored and verified by a leading international microbiologist, provides an alternate medication-delivery method, which is by long periods of warm-water immersion in a medicated solution absorbed through the pores of the skin. This calming method of direct delivery through the pores of the skin could help treat subcutaneous blood clotting and also a means to stimulate the lymphatic system without overloading the gut tract or further bloodstream intervention. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and many of the immune system triggers are located in the subcutaneous fat layer, and so water-borne active ingredients could stimulate the immune system's responsiveness. The blatant refusal of major hospitals to consider, much less try, these smarter proven methods is based on medieval ignorance that must be overcome to instill a patient-centered approach to health care. I've witnessed many dozens of cures among people who had visited hospitals for years without any effect. Some types of modern medication are amenable to bath-based delivery, so I don't see a conflict, especially for children whose parents can use this method for home treatment. My wishes and concerns go out to the families of the affected children, since certainly this manmade catastrophe never should have happened, but I hope you stay strong and bear with this life-crisis and bring some happiness to the unfortunate child. Mad Cow Disease warnings unheeded Skipping ahead to a topic of importance to the journey section below, while on medical topics, prions or derelict proteins seem to be a contributing factor in this set of diseases due to HIV-enabled fast-replication of COV, with an obstructive role against therapeutic strategies in this children's disorder. Deranged proteins, some harmless and others dangerous to health, arise from two factors related to COVID. Prions are the result of recklessness during a tissue damaging tuberculous infection of the lungs and internal organs, in a larger way than HIV-enabled virus replication of coronavirus. Prion swarms were seen as a causal factor for bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE, or mad cow disease), which afflicted the British dairy herd in the 1990s. That outbreak crossed over to hundreds of human patients in England, causing terrible brain dysfunction including loss of motor control over the voluntary muscles. The official story was that scabies, a type of prion-based disease in sheep brains, was transmitted to cows without much detail of the route of transmission, in the financial interest of the dairy industry. There probably also was a prior causal factor of mild infections of bovine tuberculosis in the British herd that went undetected in the past, which left behind a tendency for organ deterioration spinning off defective proteins under the influence of antibiotics and feed supplements or just stress. From what I could gather at the time, the brain disorder was linked to the use of hormones from the cerebral tissue of dead sheep and, shockingly, aborted human fetuses, these being fed to dairy cows to increase milk production, a secret practice discovered by the staff at the Zurich zoo in Switzerland. A variant of prion encephilitis is known in New Guinea as "kuru", derived from cannibalization of human brain tissue, which Japanese soldiers in World War II witnessed and called "kuru-kuru-pa", a term that became slang for going crazy. Long after the war's end, the kuru remained contagious via unknown factors, possibly respiratory exchanges between cows and humans, or possibly milk drinking, in its epicenter of Hokkaido, the heart of the Japanese milk industry. Whatever the mechanism, growth hormones used in milk production carry the risk of damaging the nerves and brains by proteins harvested from dead sheep and recycled in cows and humans. Children are excessive milk drinkers and so diet could be involved in the PMIS-MLNS Kawasaki disorder. The second factor for damaged prion releases is the HIV-assisted virus replication process of COVID, devised by Yoshihiro Kawaoka at the University of Wisconsin in 2011, in experiments that provoked the U.S. ban on gain of function (GOF) research that increases the virility of pathogens. Four inserted HIV proteins direct the replication of new virions (core virus particles) inside the host cells. This intervention increases the speed and volume of viral replication, rapidly stripping out gene sequences and proteins from the infected human cell, at a reckless pace which releases a massive amount of detritus from exploited cell material as a waste by-product adrift in the organs and eventually the bloodstream. Silken enzymes If immunoglobulin therapy fails in a patient, and blood-thinning considered too risky, a clot-dispersing protyolic enzyme might be effective in overcoming the obstructions caused by prions. Eventually antibodies and the kidneys will clear out this detritus, but that filtering could come too late for some patients, so proactive intervention is required in more severe cases. This is not an endorsement, since I've had no experience in the Hong Kong herbal-therapy center with Serrapeptase, a silkworm derived treatment for preventing blood clots and used also as an anti-inflammatory treatment. In a severe pediatric case or a bad reaction to aspirin, this alternative might be tried with parent consent and physician approval as a last resort. It is as yet unknown, and very doubtful, whether the microbiologists who designed and constructed COVID ever considered these therapeutic possibilities or intentionally exploited harmful effects to increase killing power. Humans with bad intentions are pushing changes in the body that nature would run trials on for hundreds of thousands of years and three times that many generations, which is one of the basic critiques of bioengineering and CRISPR gene-editing. The microbiologists and pharmaceuticals are tampering with a sophisticated system that they know very little about in a systemic perspective, being trained under a mechanistic bias rather than an energy-flow perspective. What you don't know, or never bother to discover, can kill. Odyssey in search of a cause Despite the harsh challenges just discussed, this rare idle moment during lockdown affords the time for tracking down the origins of PM!S-MLNS Kawasaki syndrome. As urgent as the situation in hospitals may be, as forensic sleuths we should use this opportunity to explore since only an open mind can accept an insight. This sporting challenge is not quite as grim as the tale of Dororo, a fantastical bio-medical story about a quest to recover one's body parts from the organ traffickers, in this case referring to the nightmare "medical" experiments of Unit 731. Here's a quick overview of Osamu Tezuka's manga "Dororo", later adapted as an anime by Kazuhiro Furuhashi, which provides some inspiration toward pursuing the crisscrossing paths that led to construction of the hybrid COVID-19 biological warfare agent. The title is the name of an orphaned female thief who tags along with Hyakkimaru, a dispossessed wandering samurai. This ronin is on a quest to recover his organs and limbs from 48 demons that deprived him of body parts in infancy with a devious promise to enrich his corrupt father. This is exactly how organ-trafficking is done. Throughout childhood, Hyakkimaru was kept alive by Jukai sensei, an alchemist who inserted prosthetics into and onto his body to keep him mobile enough to track down and recover the stolen organs for reinsertion, but only after slaying a demon in each act of recovery. So you get the drift, that it's a lifelong journey to the ends of the Earth to overcome your demons and restore the wholeness that was meant to be yours all along. Otherwise this life would be just a short brutal and deprived existence without a ray of hope. Struggle on and never give up hope. Monitoring the Himalayan wind The most distressing aspect of the PMIS-MLNS threat to children has been the inability to detect a pathogen and its source. Some researchers have suggested the causal factor to be a Candida-type fungus borne on dust storms from northeast China. This conjecture by Japanese medical researchers was disputed in 2014 by David Battisti, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle. The meteorologist correctly asserted the ground throughout China's Dongbei region, known in the past as Manchuria, is frozen in winter preventing formation of dust storms and that the jet-stream in that season arrives from further south. Of course, it's way easier to sit on one's armchair and blame the Chinese for all the world's ills rather than making the personal effort to conduct a fact-based search to wherever it might lead. I'm familiar with detritus in the wind, as you can tell from Part 20 of this series, which went into how coronavirus was spread across the USA and Europe on the jet stream transporting particles from cremated bodies in Wuhan. This has been a weird season, for sure. You see weather maps all the time but probably haven't suspected its transport capability, never personally having felt the powerful tug of that rushing mass of air, which can easily rip your body off a high-altitude trail and freeze your toes to ice. So without further ado, let's jump into the wind. Geronimo! Out of Thick Fog I had to do a lot research on the jet stream for a video project in the Himalayan region titled "Prayer Flags", a rebuttal to vile slander against mountaineer Ming-ho "Makalu" Gau, accused of causing mountaineers' deaths and in other ways smeared in Jon Krakauer's Book of the Year 1997 "Into Thin Air". Using a hand-held digital mini-cam for the first such documentary in that format, well, the second after my "Flight of the Karmapa", I constantly circled around the Taiwanese climber along Everest trailas he hobbled due to the fact that his frostbitten toes and fingers had been amputated. Some 8 years after being stranded overnight in the Death Zone above 8,000 m elevation, Makalu had sufficiently healed to revisit the world's tallest mountain, locally called Qomolangma. Sometimes you must face the monster that nearly killed you to see it once again as a friend. (That happens to me all the time with women, that's a joke or then again maybe not, since most are unforgiving.) His aim was to reach the peak of Kala Pattar (Black Rock) at 5,645 meters elevation (18,519 feet), which we achieved in record-setting time without acclimatization, his having just returned to Nepal from Tibet whereas I had flown in from Hong Kong, elevation less than 3 meters above sea level. There are various trekking secrets passed down by ancient Buddhist monks that enabled this not-so amazing feat, for instance, deep breathing midway over rivulets to increase oxygen in one's blood stream. Another trick was to don lightweight boots and packing only camera equipment and a light sleeping bag, but not much else, other than a toothbrush, to move past yak trains bearing tons of supplies for the German "eco-adventurers". Oh, and always pass the big hairy beasts, not a reference to Germanics, on the upper slope side or a gentle bull might be tempted to fling your puny carcass off the edge with a horn toss. Rules of the high road. My favorite expression while huffing for breath at altitude comes from that rogue climber from the Italian Dolomites, Reinhold Messner, who asserted "oxygen is a drug". Well stated by a hero who's been spotted filching leftover spritzes of that opiate from half-used bottles dropped by other climbers. He's right, however, about oxygen dependency blocking the anaerobic capability of muscles, which is a factor in why over-reliance on respirators can harm COV patients during a panic attack. Breathing exercises during meditation should be mandatory now. Face masks are another impediment to air intake and release of microorganisms, although sometimes I'd pull up the bandanna when the wind whipped up dust containing lethal bacteria such as anthrax in the powderized animal dung. Thee mountains teach you to keep body movement in sync with the metabolic rate, the key to survival under nonstop duress. After Makalu's glorious moment of spotting the "Black Diamond" of Everest peak, where he had nearly died eight years earlier like Scott Fischer who was stranded right next to him up top. Satisfied with his amazing comeback, Gau started the downhill return with bleeding heels and feet, while I continued on to Everest Base Camp for a tense confrontation with the CIA team up there, who were waiting for my arrival. Indeed the trail was littered with British spies, some coyly amiable and others threatening, to prevent my learning too much in detail from Sherpas about the disastrous Anglo-American (MI6-CIA) expedition involved in the 1996 search to recover a secretly planted nuclear-powered detection device disguised as a portable meteorology station. The so-called "weather robot" was assembled in the UK and planted by the Chubu mountaineering club from Japan, under a secret project hatched at a G-7 meeting in London by Margaret Thatcher and Ryutaro Hashimoto, prime ministers of those royalist powers. The British-Japanese effort was foiled, however, when the jet-stream broke the robot off its anchor chains from the Kangshung Face. With it went an electric-generator containing 70 pounds of plutonium, plunging into the darkness over Tibet, falling into one of millions of crevasses in a glacier that fed the upper reaches of the Tsangpo-Brahmaputra system, the water supply for more than 200 million people. An attempt at recovery of the lethal plutonium was the actual reason for the gathering CIA and MI-6 expeditions in May 1996, which led to that grim night's unfortunate deaths of eight mountaineers including trek organizers Rob Hall from New Zealand and American Scott Fisher, who both heroically lingered on the peak too long in their effort to infrared detect the plutonium in order to save the peoples of South Asia from radioactivity poisoning. Gau, Hall and Fisher were vilified in the "official" Krakauer account based on crude self-serving lies from CIA officers in an effort to absolve the Western intelligence agencies of their fiasco, which was about to exterminate half the population of Tibet and Indian Arunachal Pradesh along with all of Bangladesh. Indeed, the deaths of many of the best mountaineers of that generation were somehow related to the lost plutonium-powered robot and another nuclear device, yet to be found on Nanda Devi, one of the sources of the river Ganges. Whoever radioactivity doesn't kill, it maims with its byproducts such as COVID-19. Now that your curiosity is aroused, I should add that my DVD convinced the Beijing Olympic Committee to organize the dispatch of a massive Chinese search party to locate and remove the plutonium cache, which met with successful retrieval a couple of months before the torch relay team crossed over the Qomolungma aka Everest summit at 0902 May 8, 2008. To me, and journalists in South Asia, that symbolism was fine and good, but it was much more of a priority to save the health and lives of millions of Tibetans, Bangladeshis and Indians downriver from the hubris of the Western powers and their all-consuming fear of loss of political influence. The removal of the nuclear threat fulfilled the goal of the Hall-Fisher mission to save South Asia. My Sherpa and I honored their memories by lighting candles at Fischer's memorial cairn in a stony hollow en route to base camp, in fond memory of Scott's best-known quip "It's not the altitude, it's the attitude." Bobok Marmots at the Soviet test site My extensive research for the counter-narrative to Into Thin Air in the hunt for the lost plutonium canister focused on the seasonal drift of the jet-stream past the Himalayas and another branch further north across the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts. These twin directions of air flow could both be traced back to the sky over the former Soviet nuclear test site at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, the reason for installing a radioactivity monitoring device on the north-looking Kangshung Face of Everest The Soviet site of more than 300 underground, above ground and aerial nuclear blasts is located in the most consistent part of annual jet-stream flow just before the seasonal divergences near the Tianshan range, drifting southward in winter-spring and northward by late spring and, during the shift moving parallel. My long-time colleague Takashi Morizumi, a leading photo-journalist of hibakusha or radioactivity victims, had repeatedly spent months in the Kazakh region documenting nuclear-related ailments in local children as well as adults. The most horrifying effect was head swelling in many newborns. One of his happier photographs was the return of the Bobak marmots of the steppes after a long absence until after the nuclear tests ceased in 1989, a crucial clue on the underlying radioactive origin of the PMIS-NLMS Kawasaki syndrome and the MbTB is COVID. Over four decades of nuclear tests, millions of dying and decaying marmots, voles, weasels, gerbils and other small mammals inside the widening radioactive circle at Semipalatinsk were the logical source of prions or defective proteins cast up by nuclear blasts into the "atomosphere"and conveyed by the jet stream to Japan, and even at times the West Coast of North America. The greater threat to Japanese children, however, was from the excrement of badgers feasting on dead and dying marmots, or the decomposition of badger carcasses, to be swept off in the wind and rising on desert thermals up to the lower reaches of the jet stream. Or, more directly, blown sky-high in a nuclear blast. Badgers are a closer match with the human immune system than marmots. PMIS-NLMS Kawasaki is likely to be caused by prions from the pituitary glands, brains and internal organs of radioactivity-killed badger cubs. Proteins transferred from the mother sow's organs to the uterus have a developmental role in embryonic formation of her cubs' brain, nervous system, sensory organs and digestive tract, the same regions targeted by PMIS-NLMS Kawasaki syndrome. The clearest clue is the over-sized nose of badgers, which snuff through fallen leaves and sniff out prey in the darkness or even underground. On top of the ground, a badger can smell a young rabbit down belong in the safety of a warren and rapidly dig down to snare the bunny by the neck and pull it up for dinner. Nasal mucus and loss of smell are the key symptoms of the Kawasaki syndrome, being the entry to the passage leading to the lymphatic system, a coordinator of the immune system. The core words in the acronym MLNS are "mucocutaneous lymph", meaning mucus-covered skin, for example, the linings of mouth, nose and throat connected with the lymphatic system Of course, one-dimensional microbiologists will dispute these sorts of field observations and attribute all biological knowledge to a linear genomic code with rather fanciful computer modeling of proteins, medical science through models, flawed much like climate change theory. Things don't quite work that way in the natural world, which is why so many people have been dying due to one-dimensional perceptions, rather than being self-healed with the multi-sided approaches of holistic medicine. If you cannot understand the body's inner rhythms, how can you combat something as insidious as engineered COV? It's the attitude not your altitude that matters. Windfall on Japan Japanese youths, especially boys who play outdoors more than girls, were thus infected with prions from dead mammals along with TB, anthrax and plague, and fragments thereof, entering through the nostrils, which explains the infection of mucus-lined tissues in the Kawasaki disorder. That mystery's solved, the wind-driven theory is established by tracing back along the jet stream to a Kazakh nuclear test site. So it's time to move on to the next challenge. How then did a radioactivity-caused disorder in sick badgers at a Kazakhstan nuclear site reach the UK as a component for SARS-COV2 when the jet stream is blowing eastward and not towards the west? Duh, wait a minute while I come up with a plausible solution for debunking by Snopes. For the next step, it's important to recall that tuberculosis is a historical endemic disease across Asia, and in Central Asia linked to a transmission cycle between wildlife, cattle and humans. Despite advances through vaccine campaigns and veterinary inoculation of herds, the more drug-resistant bacteria have defied eradication. While veterinarians put the blame for cross-species bTB contamination on infected urine, the more probable transmission route is the carnivorous diet of badgers eating infected game animals and also human corpses in graves. Badgers are known to place their prey in shallow pits covering these with dirt, the reason being the need for cold storage of meat over the early winter and early springtime, before and after hibernation in their setts or burrow complexes. Badgers are known to kill cattle and drag a carcass to a burial site used as their meat locker. The weight difference would be like a human pulling an elephant along a road to your freezer. After snow storms when hunting on the ground becomes too difficult for these small mammals, the badgers merely have to dig a tunnel to the buried carcass for a winter feast, filling the belly prior to hibernation. This practice may seem like a corpse-eater scene from a horror movie but be assured that you do exactly the same when tossing a plastic-wrapped hunk of meat or burger patties into the freezer of your refrigerator. Other than arctic creatures that have no other option, it's only us and the badger in this rather narrow category of dining on stiff corpses. It's not carrion, it's frozen food, but that meat could unfortunately be a steak from a cow culled due to TB infection. The all-natural Paleolithic diet has just a few drawbacks like TB, e-coli and salmonella. Hey, you vegans, stop grinning like a school marm at the dumb kid in the back of the class. The Swiss Factor The first discovery of bovine Tuberculosis in badgers in Switzerland was reported in 1951 in the Basel region, some two decades prior to the first MbTB outbreak in the British dairy herd. Much later in hindsight, the disease in badgers has been attributed, to predation on infected chamois or roe deer, a case of false attribution, a sure sign of a guilty conscience since reports at the time of discovery ruled out any connection with other wildlife or the local cattle herd. So how did badger-borne bovine TB churning out prions as the recent Kawasaki-related outbreak indicate, arrive to Western Europe from the Soviet Union? Another mind-boggling question. Let's figure a way to misdirect Snopes with some Hansel and Greta Thunberg cookie crumbs. The answer to that gap in the COV saga is to found where else but inside the van Wattenwyl house on Herrengasse 23 in Bern? The grandiose residence was occupied long-term by an American gentleman engaged in a law practice and private diplomacy named Allen Dulles, spymaster with the OSS, first and longest-serving director of the CIA and founder of the Deep State that has the power to overrule mere elected presidents or, in deemed necessary, to be rid of them. The spymaster had a long informal relationship with the Soviet leadership, starting with contacts with Vladimir Lenin during his Swiss exile in Bern and Zurich (despite his fairy-tale about their missed encounter), where the revolutionary's expenses were covered by German-Jewish-American banker Joseph Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., a brass plate in New York for the Rothschild fortune. In fact, Lenin's residence was just around the corner from 23 Herrengasse. Meanwhile Dulles was a corporate lawyer for IG Farben and opened a bank account for Adolf Hitler at Schroder Bank, while befriending the Reich's entire leadership on trips to Berlin. Although born in Watertown, New York, lSwitzerland was a sort of homecoming for this scion of the Mallet-Prevost family, it enabled his dual career as lawyer businessman and diplomat spy, whose speciality was trading with the "enemy". The German chemical industry combine IG Farben, as mentioned in Part 19 of this series, was also involved in pharmaceutical research and secret biological weapons laboratory in Marburg, one of the recruiting centers for microbiologists dispatched to Canada and the USA under the postwar Operation Matchbox, run by the MI-6, and the CIA's Paperclip project. The IG Farben connection is key to deciphering Dulles-launched espionage activity out of Switzerland to spy on the first-generation Soviet atomic-bomb program, which included the arrival of steppes anthrax in Basel, just across the border from the American Army bases in the Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttenberg in occupied postwar Germany. Capable of maudlin sympathies instead lasting loyalties, Dulles was a shrewd operator capable of seeing the good in anything he could exploit, including Nazism or Soviet communism and a gullible American democracy. As much as the right tries to portray him as a patriot, deception is all that matters for a top spy, meaning he couldn't trust anybody especially fellow Americans unless they happened to be of Helvetian descent and connected with the ultra-secretive Swiss intelligence service. In 1949, Moscow ordered in secret the test blast at Semipalatinsk in the Kazakh SSR of its first atomic bomb, a plutonium-core implosion device based on the stolen (or perhaps transferred) design of the Nagasaki bomb. The blunderbuss was called First Lightning, or Pervaya Molniya in Russia, detonated on August 29, 1949, at least five years ahead of its anticipated premier. A USAF B-29 based at Misawa air-force base in northern Honshu conducted radioactivity readings in the lower jet stream along a trajectory toward Alaska. Moscow did not announce the test blast, making this premier the prime goal of U.S. espionage for years to come. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, chief of military intelligence affairs and fierce rival of the Dulles brothers, had no choice but to seek help from Allen Dulles, who was known to be on excellent terms with Moscow. The Army anxiously sought any information from that remote Central Asiaregion. The problem for Dulles was that his only asset anywhere near the Kazakh Soviet Republic was by then the first CIA agent killed in the line of duty, shot by a border guard on his escape from Xinjiang to Tibet, six months before the test blast. Under paper-thin cover as U.S. consul general to Urumchi, Douglas Mackiernan had been, ironically spying on Stalin's secret uranium-mining project in the Altai mountain region adjoining the Kazakh border during the Soviet occupation of western Xinjiang along what the Chinese and local tribesmen called the "Russian Road" to Lanzhou, Gansu. In this game of wits, Mackiernan was the endangered gerbil versus the Soviet bobcats, employing White Russian emigres to get within sight of the vast mine. (The name of book about his career "Into Tibet" is a misnomer for commercial purposes, when the actual and way betteer thriller is about spying on the Soviet uranium program.) I've visited that mine to learn about the Chinese efforts to decontaminate the massive radioactive waste along the roadways and pastures, accompanying Kazakh expert named Dr. Sarsenbaev, who was using isotope-absorbing plants to decontaminate Kazakhstan waterways that poisoned thousands of residents and herders. Even after tree-planting campaigns, the area was mainly a wide-open grassland, due to the fact that heavy metals in underground water were killing off the tree plantations. There are still occasional Bactrian camel caravans on hilly trails and lots of horses there in China's Wild West, and also some hard-bitten Uyghur nationalists who were not well-liked by local Kazakh herders since the sheep and cattle are all owned by wealthy exploitative Uyghur businessmen in Urumchi. Romantic notions are, sadly, a thing of the long-gone past. Orientalism has been plowed under by a bulldozer. By a figment of time, Dulles had lost his only ace in the Tianshan region, which would have still been a long shot since Mackiernan's Russian pals could easily spotted in the vast treeless terrain trying to approach Semipalatinsk. Since not a lot of Kazakhs, back in those days qualified for a Soviet passport for a flight to Western Europe, the next best thing was get permission for Swiss zoologists from the then presitigious Basel Zoo, built back in the 1970s, to obtain a few wild animals from the region, which explains the badger with tuberculous found in Switzerland in 1951. (Another was found seven years later.) This sparse harvest of nuclear espionage, any visitor is better than nothing at all for the White House and Pentagon, spurred the Dulles CIA to develop the U2 high-altitude spy plane program for surveillance of the Soviet nuclear program, a tremendous success that collapsed back onto Dulles with the Gary Powers crash, which the spymaster unwisely tired to deny. A 19th century-style grandee of human intelligence Dulles was out of his league in technical espionage or running clandestine operations against seriously tough enemies like Uncle Joe, the Bay of Pigs being something of a Boy Scout expeditiion. Due to the tensions with the British, American and French military officers in divided Berlin, the Soviets had to conduct their diplomatic work in Vienna and Geneva, meaning these capitals were key listening posts and meeting grounds for civilian intelligence agencies. Basel Zoo was a perfect showcase for Russian good will prior to the Cold War, and a convenient cover for spying on Stuttgart. Crowd pleasers like the Asian badger and West Asian honey badgers must have done the trick of obtaining live specimens for research on radioactivity effects of the Russian bomb program. Behind the scenes, it was a no-brainer for Dulles to orchestrate and fund with his contacts in Swiss high society. Technology spying was an inter-agency favor, not his personal interest in bribing foreign diplomats and courting their wives. Of course, the British would demand their share of any tribute from Moscow, and so Kazakh wildlife would have been worth their weight in gold, which explains exotic TB strains in British cattle and badgers, the deep background to the massive cull across southwest England. Perhaps it's no coincidence that the Defence Science & Technology Laboratory at Porton Down, is located in Salisbury, Wiltshire, just next door to the epicenter of the great badger cull. That neighboring county Glouchestershire is locale of the University of Bristol, where the veterinary microbiology lab has been on contract since 2013 with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and NIH for research on Mb Tuberculosis in badgers, the final component of the hybrid HIV retrovirus bio-weapon. What little can be gathered, indicates a preference for the mutant strain of MbTB arising from radioactivity exposure, which may explain why this bit of protein is kept under the tightest wraps like a souvenir trophy from a bygone golden era. The cover-up is extensive under the UK Official Secrets and due to the Swiss habit of silence other than chit chat. Switzerland, and the Alps region in general, are highly secretive about foreign affairs and domestic intelligence and tend toward memory loss, which is a pity for a lowly scribe. The first H-bomb blast at Semipalatinsk ended the brief period of postwar good will between the victors of World War II. It was a fascinating time as depicted by Arson Wells in "The Third Man" set in Vienna. A hidden Swiss role in COV development As for the Swiss role in bio-engineering, here's some boilerplate from a lab, that I shall leave to an official international investigation, which hopefully will be soon convened, since it's all there, SARS, MERS and Nipah: ‘ "Over the past years the research, we have been able to clone and propagate full-length coronavirus (CV) canasta from several Co Vs using vaccinia virus as eukaryotic cloning vector. The reverse genetic system is based upon the in vitro transcription of infections RNA from a cloned full-length cDNA copy of a CoV genome, and the introduction of nucleotide changes, deletions or insertions is facilitated by vaccinia virus-mediated recombination. "The reverse genetic system has proven to be rapid, robust and versatile and is available in the laboratory for the generation of recombinant prototype viruses of all major CoV phylogenetic lineages, namely for HCoV 229E, type-I and type-II Feline CoVs (genus Alphacoronavirus), Mouse Hepatitis Virus strain A59, SARS-CoV (genus Betacoronavirus), Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus (genus Gammacoronavirus). "One of our long-term goals is to study CoV replication in order to develop strategies to prevent and control CoV infections. This culture system is now available for several species (human, camelid, bats) and allows us to characterize particular virus-host interactions (e.g. innate immune evasion), and zoonotic transmission of CoVs in an environment that resembles the authentic primary target tissue of CoV infection." Down to the disappearing point As indicated by their absence from the scientific literature, Beta coronavirus prone species such as badgers and ferrets are the great unmentionable due to their use as research subjects for development of biological weapons and as a legacy of the nuclear arms race. The entanglement of radioactivityexposure and bioengineering combine to make coronavirus and its associated PMIS-MLNS Kawasaki disorder difficult to treat and even tougher to investigate. So, with this closing statement: Badgers and children are innocent victims of scientific warfare by atom-spilling and biological engineering; therefore those adult science administrators and microbiologists who are directly responsible for the murder of 300,000 victims worldwide and rising, should receive the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunal verdict for the perpetration of genocide punishable by hanging on the gallows as demanded on behalf of 7 billion people at risk. Like the members of those historic judicial panels, we are acting much too late to save the many and punish the worst perpetrators. The prosecution rests. As the biographer Peter Grose points out in "The Gentleman Spy", "the bookends of Allen Dulles' career as diplomat and spy were his first mission, to attend the funeral of Hapsburg Emperor Franz Josef in 1916 and his last assignment to head the Warren Commission on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy". His legacy continues. In this retrospective on the curse of coronavirus, allow me to quote Sherlock Holmes in The Valley of Fear,"When you have one of the first brains of Europe up against you, and all the powers of darkness at his back, there are infinite possibilities." So it is up to us to close off those probabilities of evil on down to the disappearing point of zero, lest we pass the poisoned cup to future generations.