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Buffalo Hitman Targeted The Inventor Of
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By Yoichi Shimatsu | |
Summary of Investigative Reporting in Buffalo: The investigative journalism visit to Buffalo, NY, by the author and a local colleague who served as guide, was aimed at discovering the actual motive behind the Tops supermarket shooting in mid-May. The on-site visit was prompted by an online clip from several years earlier of the store's security guard claiming to be the inventor of the first provable method of running a motor vehicle on water as a fuel. That revelation stirred by curiosity while ringing alarm bells, raising the possibility that the Buffalo shooting incident was done for the powerful energy industry (at a time of record gasoline prices), compelling us to drive north to Buffalo. The rationale is obvious, the energy industry has repeatedly suppressed the potential for the use of water as a fuel. More than 200 attempts at running a car on water have been met with ridicule, debunking and mysterious deaths of inventors. Despite overwhelming risks of failure and media scorn, a retired Buffalo police officer named Aaron Salter (pronounced "Soul-tr") succeeded through persistence and serendipity to run his 2004 Ford F-150 truck on water vapor with sufficient expansive force to pump the pistons for up to 20 minutes. (the video is posted online). So the question arises of whether the inventor was just one of 10 random gunshot victims in an "anti-black" shooting or was Salter the intended target of an assassination plot with unrelated shoppers added to the kill list to conceal the profit motive of the energy industry and its political lackeys. If Salter was indeed targeted for elimination by Big Energy, the murder has worldwide implications for alternative energy sources that are not corporate-controlled, and indeed for the future national interest and economic growth on a global scale. If this crime theory proves to be the case, then the Salter assassination was not the work of one youthful offender, a mere hireling, but a high-level conspiracy implicating the leading circles of government, intelligence agencies, the energy corporations and relevant financial institutions, a wide swath of politicians, high bureaucrats and corporate executives to protect their Petro-dollar system (cash-for-oil relationship). So what else is new, right? Usually, this protection racket is done with brutal invasions and mass murder, whereas the assassination of an inventor doesn't make the front page. The last section of this report focuses on the assassin Payton Gendron's hometown of Binghamton, which is Buffalo's polar opposite as the historical center of American psychiatry based the local SUNY psychiatric research center and, earlier, for its "pioneering" New York State Insane Asylum (which was closed in 1999). That psychiatric asylum was a forerunner of experimental abuse of captive patients, including inhumane electroshock experiments, that led to the deaths of up to 1,500 inmates. The ethical violations at that institution set the precedent for the MK-ULTRA mind-control/assassin program. This ongoing record of psychiatric manipulation, often for the darkest political purposes, is very possibly linked to the gunman and his behind-the-scenes controllers in the Buffalo shooting. City by the Niagara Falls Buffalo, New York - My early summer visit to this remote corner of the USA adjoining the Canadian border was not destined for the Niagara Falls but to the nearby Tops supermarket in a predominantly black neighborhood where on May 19 a white teenage gunman shot dead 9 African American shoppers and the security guard, while wounding two white store employees.(Locals told us that another employee was also hit but suffered only a slight surface wound). The national media on a federal leash immediately categorized the crime as a generic "racist shooting" against poor black folk. Those shots fired at whites in the store and background research on the assailant contradict the allegations of racial motivation. Falsified assumptions reflect a biased media's subservience to loud-mouth pressures from activist influencers allied with the Biden Democrat groupies and their allied compromised Republican sellouts, aka all the usual suspects. My guide on this investigative journey spotted and spoke with the key witness "G.L." who had met the stranger in town, Payton Gendron, for 45 minutes on the afternoon prior to the Tops shooting. G.L (initials are used here to protect him from online harassment) is a neighborhood raconteur who is often seated at his favorite bench across from the store's parking lot. Here is his account. Noticing the arrival of a middle-class white youth "who seemed out of place", G.L. bought him a cold drink and urged him to sit down for a chat. Their conversation proceeded from the topic of string theory, which is the astrophysics term for instantaneous communication over vast distances, to critical race theory and the great replacement concept, referring to immigration ending the demographic majority of white Americans. Gendron was wearing a T-shirt imprinted with the word "Genius". G. L. stated that the visiting youth expressed no racial slurs nor veiled threats, and to the contrary was polite, friendly and respectful. The teenager offered no reason for visiting that remote black community so far from his home in Binghamton, other than as a "camping trip". Since no girlfriend was with him, there's low probability of his destination being the Niagara Falls. G.L. had no grounds for suspicion about a white boy on the road for no specific reason other than to be on the road after the long lockdown. On the next day, G.L. arrived on that corner after the shooting started and as the police arrived, thereby unable to intervene or appeal to sense. Then the shooter knelt on the parking lot, removed his helmet, vest, mask and gloves, when G.L. recognized him as the nice kid with big ideas. The body armor had stopped a bullet from Salter's handgun. The planners knew the retired police lieutenant had bull's-eye aim. Less than optimal target in state In solemn discussions with locals at the wreath festooned corner of the newly erected chain-link fence around the parking lot, my associate and I picked up on several points as yet unreported by news media, if ever, which have willfully ignored key details and then dropped investigative reporting. The 18 year-old assailant Payton Gendron had visited Buffalo several weeks earlier, on a scouting mission possibly to be briefed on the ground-plan for the upcoming covert operation from a liaison officer, and then returned to his hometown, Binghamton. (Presumably his travel record comes from videos aimed at license plates along toll roads for billing purposes.) In rebuttal to the media claim of a self-motivated attack to protest increasing black political influence, every local resident we had met emphasized the shooter could have more easily driven public roads to cities with larger black communities much closer to his hometown of Binghamton. For instance, as compared with inconsequential Buffalo, big-time politics are centered in the state capital Albany or New York City, with its populous black neighborhoods in Bedford-Styvessant, Harlem or, for that matter, Times Square, in order for a racist statement to gain much wider news attention. To save on gasoline, he could have chosen the nearby black community in Syracuse or Cornell University in Ithaca. So the question that puzzles everyone here is "why Buffalo?" So where does the the FBI and Attorney General stand on this obvious question? Thus local residents do not find the news media version of this crime to be credible and rightfully suspect a cover-up of the underlying motive. Most of the black casualties were senior citizens on social security without little political value, not leaders of the black community or radical left activists. Logic dictates, therefore, that the only target of choice was the Tops security guard, a retired police lieutenant named Aaron Salter. Toward what purpose then was he killed by an assailant who had no reported criminal record and never has been arrested in Buffalo? If not a revenge killing for a previous arrest, it was a hit. This is so obvious that Biden's AG Merrick Garland should immediately resign on grounds of mental incompetence and hopelessly unprofessional bumbling. As it turned out any "racist" statements by Gendron were not against homegrown blacks but versus open immigration (only confused ultra-liberals would consider opposition to illegal border-crossing to be anti-racist). Gendron posted an online manifesto critical the Biden-Democrat policy of open-border immigration by illegals as a cause of economic difficulties and potential violent crimes against Americans. Indeed, this is a quite common opinion, as discovered during my tour of the Midwestern states, usually expressed in response to a flood of Latino migrants who are making lots of money and shipping consumer items back home to Mexico and other parts of Latin America without paying federal income taxes. The situation is ridiculous when no other nation in the world would tolerate this fraud, especially not Mexico. (Note: I was an avid supporter of family reunification for decades but open borders for the undeserving foreigners is treason against the USA.) Gendron is not a racist, and that raises alarm bells. Official Suppression of the Water-powered Engine As my local colleague and I learned to our astonishment, and unbeknownst to the local black community, the brave retired cop Lt. Salter was also an amateur science buff who had cracked the most frustrated challenge in American technology history, which is to fuel an automotive engine with water. The quest for water-fuel for motor vehicles has been attempted since the late 1900s by more than 200 scientists, tinkerers and total amateurs, yet has remained the "holy grail" of automobile technology. In a research role equivalent to Percival, the knight of the Round Table who did the impossible by recovering the Holy Grail, Aaron Salter discovered the greatest secret of mechanical engineering. Below, we examine how this remarkable African American inventor has been able to run the engine of his 2004 F-150 Ford truck on tap water. Who could object to that, nearly free fuel to run your car? Well, before getting into the technology, we need to examine the political-economic motives and elite forces behind the targeted murder of Salter, along with the collateral deaths of 9 shoppers and injury to two white employees, slated to die horribly undoubtedly on orders from the highest levels of the petroleum industry, intelligence officials and top politicians at the federal level in the USA and Canada-UK. Any racism inherent to this heinous crime is entirely due to the unspoken policy of the globalist elite of the global petro-dollar system (based on the exchange of oil for money). How the lone gunman was coerced into that CIA-MI6 dirty operation, as in the case of the Uvalde shooter, was likely due to an arrest for a juvenile offense, which was granted legal immunity through "government service" as a state-sponsored assassin. The heinous crimes in Buffalo, done with a hunting rifle and notably not an AR-15, demand our attention to the political-economic players behind the scenes and the strategic importance of the region surrounding the Buffalo Bills football stadium, especially its nearness to Canada, a former British colony that remains part of the Commonwealth. While Canadians scoff at any latent hostility to their Yank neighbors, Canada was the key launching pad for attacking these United States during the revolutionary war and the War of 1812, and earlier by the French as depicted in "The Last of the Mohicans". Nothing really changes. As remote as this part of western New York State may be to the rest of the Lower 48, Buffalo is geographically located between Lakes Erie and Ontario, which are a key part of the Great Lakes region and Saint Lawrence Seaway, a major center of world energy production (including nuclear power, oil and gas, shale oil, coal and green alternatives such as wood chip furnaces). A mega-network of rail, barge traffic, trains, trucking, pipelines and power grids integrates a vast swath of Canada from as far-west as the Alberta tar sands to the massive nuclear plants dumping coolant into the Great Lakes. This dual-nation region is similar to Texas and Louisiana on the Gulf Coast, which is shared with Mexico and its state-run oil company along with Valero. This economic geography of the Great Lakes and the Gulf region is, the key to USMCA (U.S, Mexico, Canada), the continent-wide free trade deal that replaced and revived the much-criticized NAFTA open borders treaty. The tripartite cohabitation has resulted in the former national leadership of each country to morph into "internationalists", a regional trend expanded by Mexico's historic ties with Spain and Canada's role as a colonial subordinate of Britain and to a lesser degree France. The Canadian capital Ottawa's financial and cultural links with London explains the cold cruelty displayed at a lower-end Buffalo supermarket. (As colonialists and slave traders, the Brits have mass-murdered more black people than the rest of Europe combined.) The bankers' City of London and Lower Manhattanall Street matter in every category of finance whereas lowly Buffalo is expendable as a good place to kill somebody. So much for democracy under the Democrats sold out to the London bankers and energy cartel! As for launching covert operations, Buffalo is the closest physical space in the USA to the British-Canadian intelligence cluster fronted by RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP aka Dudley Do-right queers), and its boss, the MI-6 of Ian Fleming's fictional hit-man James Bond. The lying, cheating gay/lesbian political criminals operate in closet cooperation with the CIA and State Department intelligence. Therefore when Her Majesty's thugs demand action, the humble bumbler Sir Knight Joe Bribe-em, responds, "Yes, your Highness, thy wish is my command." It was Uncle Joe who also introduced Michael Bloomberg and Bill and Melinda Gates to the Buckingham Palace to be knighted by the Queen herself into the Knight of the British Empire (KBE). There are other, even more loyal agents of the British monarchy in the Biden administration, starting with Vice President Kamala Harris who was raised in Montreal and whose father was born in British colonial Jamaica and her mother in pre-independent India. One of her lovers, temporarily engaged to Harris was a Canadian lawyer whose mother was a top level executive with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), a watch-dog posting usually assigned to a veteran MI6 agent. Yep, one of the Bond ladies. British-influenced media is packed with agents and spies, assigned to limit truthful reporting and maximize censorship. Another product of Canada, specifically Vancouver as birthplace, is the Biden appointee to Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE) Jennifer Mulhern Granholm. She was the host of CNN's War Room after serving as governor of Michigan. These sorts of "from one success onto the next" career path, much too good to be true, are generally paved by the intelligence agencies. Coordination and integration of the Canadian and American energy sectors is the present direction under Biden's gasoline regime, is part of a national sellout of strategic sectors to the globalists. Grenholm appointed a clown to head up her pubic disinformation program, assistant deputy secretary Sam Brinton, a head-shaven "non-binary" transvestite who strikingly resembles Bozo the Clown in drag. While trying to be cute, he more closely resembles hat murderous clown right out of the Batman movie "The Joker". Teachers and parents should be informed that the queer freak is in charge of children's education at DOE. Ever wonder what nuclear-powered pedophilia is like? Deceivers like Harris, Grenholm and Brinton, imperial lackeys with absolute disdain for the Constitution, are a shadow force of the MI6 and Rothschild cabal in our midst, with their fingers on the ultimate threat of a nuclear meltdown by the Great Lakes, similar to Chernobyl or Fukushima. These operators, educated on Brit turf in Canada, are simply put a threat to American national security. This covert-political interest puts them on the list of high-ranking suspects behind the murder of that populist inventor of the water-powered vehicle, Lieutenant Salter. 240 years after the victorious American revolutionaries expelled the pro-Royal lackeys and saboteurs known as Tories from these States fleeing into Canada, Jamaica and Bermuda, these foes of populist democracy are back. Operation "Buffalo Springfield" The secret operation to eliminate Aaron Salter, which I'll call "Buffalo Springfield" (the latter being a buffalo gun that along with the Sharps .50 wiped out the vast herds of the Plains and now a descendant of the buffalo soldiers) was another global elitist effort to enrich the Rothschilds and Rockefellers by preserving their Petro-Dollar system from competitors such as oil tzar Putin, the Iranian mullahs, Texan frackers, and any homegrown inventors of free energy including the discoverer of water-powered combustion. Then, there are those knights of the crown, Bill Gates, along with his benighted rival Warren Buffett, but how these creeps figure in the Buffalo killings? Because the Salter water-driven engine would have permanently wrecked the electric-battery powered "green" automobile, thereby eliminating the market for the mini-nuclear generators being developed by Gates and Buffett to recharge Teslas, Nios, Drakos and other electric cars. Never mind the radioactive-isotope exhaust fumes emitted by these charge stations or the fallout after exploding. By contrast, water is clean, abundant, safe, cheap and it can power your car, as Lt. Salter has shown on video. Anyway, add two more prime suspects to our list. Techno-Revolutionary in the steps of Ben Franklin and G.W. Carver So who is Aaron Salter, the Soul Train of Water Drive, and why was his assassination important enough to require the deaths of 9 others in a cover-up? In brief, the African-American police lieutenant retired after 30 years service with the Buffalo department. Earlier as a young man in need of a paying job, he had to quit pursuing a science degree at the local Canosian college, a Jesuit-sponsored school, with just one class left to complete. His interest in science never diminished, and after buying a home on a spacious lot in a distant town, he began tinkering with several projects involving chemistry and mechanics. Following his death, Canosian issued a posthumous science degree in his honor. His experiments began a decade ago when Salter experimented with water to fuel the motor of his 2004 Ford F-150 truck. He rigged up an electrolysis system in a tub inside the trunk to generate hydrogen gas. Salter also installed a small water mixer under the hood to test whether a mix of water and a small amount of plant-based oils and minerals might help maintain the fuel burn after ignition. This step was to compensate for the well-documented deficiency in hydrogen output during the fission process. It is a fact of thermodynamics that more energy is required to split a water particle than the resultant hydrogen energy output, that being the most serious impediment to water-powered energy production. Therefore, Solter surmised that a tiny amount of combustible oil content in the pistons might compensate for the shortfall in the power equation. It was a long shot. He realized that distilled water does not carry an electric charge and therefore added minerals to the mix fpr the needed charge. Interestingly, Solter dismissed the famous 1960s claim of Stanley Cramer due to his little-known use of deuterium-laced water (which indicates that Cramer probably used wastewater from a nuclear power plant). Deuterium, especially during the atom-splitting process releases high-speed nuclear particles, which can cause cancer, heart problems and even brain deterioration for cheapskate drivers and passengers. Cramer famously died after drinking a glass of cranberry juice at a Cracker Barrel shop while dining with two Dutch investors. Better get your cranberry fix from the Dollar Tree and add tequila to the cocktail as a disinfectant. Cheers! On a hot day, Salter forgot to switch on the hydrogen generator in the trunk and started up the Ford, cut the gasoline flow and fed in the steam from his box of water-and-juice. As if by miracle, the engine ran for 20 minutes, without a drop of gas. To repeat, vaporization of water made all the difference between failure and success. Despite his reluctance to explain the scientific cause(s) behind the water-power system's performance, he submitted a request for an application to the U.S. Patent Bureau and began to write a patent application, that is until he was cut down by a bullet at Tops. As most laymen know, water in its natural state is involved in transmitting electrical current on the scale of explosive power, as seen in the interaction of ground current with a cloud passing overhead to generate a lightning bolt. Vaporized water, as in a cloud, readily conducts electric charges that can generate flashes of high heat, as often seen glowing in clouds before a major lightning strike. Water particles carry opposing charges, and when pressurized release these as high-energy "bolts" or flashes. When compressed inside hot pistons, the miniature cloud, or fog, discharges sufficient energy to crank a piston. So that is a summary of the Solter Method. The Tao of Water In the perspective of Taoist philosophy, water has powered human mobility since the ancient canoe, and when combined with Wind, it can transform the landscape and enables a highly efficient form of energy use called Life. In the Book of Changes, a lake is symbolic of a reservoir of latent power, as seen in the town of Lockport, where rushing water from a dam can fill man-made locks, which then lift ships and barges up to the next level and so on, to cross over steep hills. Clouds of water vapor build up an electric charge while soaring over the ground, and that energy is released in megawatt lighting bolts, the same principle that powers the water-fueled car. In terms of environment, the Buffalo region with its lakes and rainfall was the ideal place for the human inspiration to create the water-powered motor. Aaron Solter brought a wellspring of ingenuity into existence as technology at a most critical moment in civilizational development. The Greens who should celebrate him as the Hero of this Age have expressed zero interest, exposing these activists as hypocrites with an attitude of racial superiority. As patriotic Americans, then, we claim him entirely as a national hero of innovation and persistent research, as well as having the courage to die in combat on that tragic day against the force of evil. Those who conspired in this hero's death must be hunted down ruthlessly for ultimate punishment, if only to prove that this is not a nation of uncaring cowards. May his spirit return to the stillness of a deep lake to inspire future generations. Besides his stunning discovery, Officer Salter proved that African Americans, through their own sustained personal efforts boosted with education, can overcome self-doubt and racial stereotyping to benefit American society without resorting to self-inflicted defeat with drug addiction or rioting as promoted by those cheating liars, the big mamas who stole millions of dollars from the coffers of Black Lives Matter. Salter's invention could have saved this country from economic suicide and put us back on the map of world leadership. So by his example be proud to be an American and act accordingly to help your neighbors and save this nation in its hour of despair. So do not let the ruthless bastards steal his brain child, and if the succeed, take them down. Remember Buffalo. Flip Side of this Buffalo Nickel On the flip side of the Buffalo nickel is the shooter, 18-year old Payton Gendron, from the other side of New York state. A long list of incriminating facts about his origins and operational planning indicates that the young shooter is an asset of both the energy industry of the Great Lakes region and the mental-health complex centered in Binghamton, the location of the state university (SUNY) psychiatry programs and, nearby, the earlier New York State Asylum for Inebriates, which inspired the creation of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control program. Several other facts indicate that the shooting was not terrorism directed against black Americans but the assassination of a single individual, Officer Salter. Two days before the Buffalo event, Gendron released an online statement against federal policies encouraging immigration by undocumented non-citizens. None of his victims were Latinos, Arabs, Africans or Ukrainians. Indeed, his hometown of Binghamton is in proximity to New York City, a major processing and housing center for illegals, which by the way, Mr. Biden, he did not shoot up. Another consideration is that both his mother and father are employed by the New York State Department of Transportation, suggesting a connection with the state's higher officials in the energy sector aka gasoline suppliers and the state's Democrat leadership Then there is Binghamton's psychiatric research facilities, including its State University of New York (SUNY) massive center and the legacy of the nearby psychiatric facility for addiction-based behavior, the Inebriate Insane Asylum, located inside a Gothic-style structure which was not closed until 1999. Mayor Ed Koch's war against public health care Here, allow me to interject my recollections from the mid-1970s Bicentennial era, when I worked as a business magazine editor (and did a lot of menial jobs) during the decade of the NYC default, the Apple's lowest point ever (although the clubs and cheap eateries were fun). During my few time-off periods, I was involved as a downtown community activist mobilizing Chinese and Puerto Ricans to attend protests in front of city hospitals facing budget cuts. Mayor Ed Koch's advisors, many of them well-off white and Jewish homosexuals like their boss, were totally heartless about depriving low-income retirees, the urban poor and ethnic families of basic health care. Psychiatric wards at the huge Bellevue hospital, synonymous with lunacy in local lingo, were also being steadily depleted by patient expulsion. The mentally ill homeless were forced to find shelter inside the urban subway system, and soon defecation along the streets and sidewalks meant watching your step on the way to work or while jogging. It was amid this urban nightmare that I received a phone call from a sociologist at SUNY Binghamton, asking me to deliver a lecture on the NYC health-care crisis and its impact on city hospitals. So I drove up upstate. In the audience, there were several older non-students, these being resident SUNY psychiatrists expressing their concerns for the fate of castoff patients. Thanks to their interest, I got a short tour of the State Inebriate Asylum, a grim Gothic castle in a state of decay where a smiling staffer gave me a brief tour of the showcase wards. My interest was further piqued after getting back to the Apple, where a sociology major at NYU told me that the State Asylum in Binghamton was the granddaddy of the MK-ULTRA program, particularly in the use of drugs and electroshock technology for mind-control under the cover of rehabilitation. After the Asylum was shut down in 1999, bulldozer crews unearthed 1,500 bodies, mostly of John Doe patients who died during experimental "treatment". So the "brilliant young thinker" aka the Genius on the bench with Grady Lewis was in all likelihood, given his arcane choice of research topics had been in a state-sponsored indoctrination program, which churns out assassins and suicide warriors. Some of you have met, perhaps through the Dark Web, these sort of weird characters with bizarre intelligence and arcane concepts. It's all in a day's work in my bailiwick as an investigative journalist, indeed the strange and estranged have become as normal to me as they are to a psychiatrist. Being 18 years of age, as was the Uvalde shooter, it would have been fairly easy for the political police in liaison with the CIA and DHS to have arrested them on a minor charge while still juveniles. While in juvie hall, entice them to enroll in a terrorist-training program to gain release, and meanwhile scrub their past. After the assigned hit on domestic enemies, outfit them with fictive identities and then deploy them as mercenaries in ethically murky battlegrounds, like Ukraine, Syria, sub-Saharan Africa or Los Angeles. From lone gunmen to dogs of war, it is a short step indeed for the next-gen Dirty Dozen. Maybe, just maybe, both youthful gunman were misled to believe their deadly shooting sprees were not the real deal but just an STO (agency parlance for a Standard Training Operation). Death in the Parking Lot After shooting three people in front of the Tops market, the gunman rushed to the entrance and opened fire at shoppers and employees. Meanwhile Solter, who was at the parking lot entrance, rushed forward with a pistol in hand. He got off a single shot, accurately, at the gunman who turned around quickly. The bullet was stopped by the gunman's military-type bullet-proof vest. and Gendron then fired two shots from his rifle. One bullet hit Solter in the chest, killing him. That well-planned entrapment scheme shows without a shade of doubt that the inventor Aaron Solter was the sole target of value in the Tops incident. Gendron had probably expected Solter to be inside the store, but then learned in a split second that he was approaching from the parking lot. His quick reaction indicates that one of the spotters outside warned Gendron, who was equipped with an phone earbud and heard the warning. The other possibility is that Solter was shot dead by a hidden sniper in a car in the parking lot. This pre-planned assassination, a well-organized trap, would also indicate the presence of CIA/DHS agents on sight to prevent the local tactical squad from firing on their asset Gendron. Following the Tops shooting, the gunman calmly went outside, sat down on the parking lot to remove his helmet, military-grade bulletproof vest, gloves and knee pads, to signal his surrender to the arriving tactical squad. It was an inside job, a dirty plot by cowardly enemies of this Republic. In contrast, the outstanding American inventor Aaron Salter should be remembered as a native genius whose research asserted that our democracy extends into technology and its applications, therefore becoming himself a national hero in the company of the Wright brothers, Henry Ford and Nikola Tesla along with the African-American advocate of hard work and invention Washington Carver. Salter is our generation's national hero, a brother in soul and spirit who lived and died for the democratization of science and technology. Lower the flag to half mast and salute, and then carry on this never-ending struggle for progress, fairness and democracy. Justice must be done.