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Creeper Joe Biden Just Got A LOT Creepier

Just a few months ago China Joe presented as a doddering, old, hunched over drooling moron
with blatant onset of dementia and/or Alzheimers which often prevented him from stringing a
simple sentence together even while reading from his teleprompter. His mental deterioration
was so bad he was kept in a basement and dozens of video compilations of his demented brain
public speaking failures were all over the net. Further, his brazen public pedophilic smelling,
sniffing and touching of little children - horrible and legendary - has been largely scrubbed from
the net by communist big tech. So, how is he now able to stand up straight up like an ex athlete
and speaks perfectly clearly, even showing a new unsettling anger, arrogance and rage? No, it's
not a clone, it's the same body. Creeper Joe may now be Nano Joe...more Borg than Biden...
and in this article you will see a viable explanation for his 'miracle recovery'...

By Jeff Rense
© 2021 All Rights Reserved - May Be Republished
With No Alterations And Author Attribution Intact

Many of us saw these items peeking out of his shirt sleeve during the debate with President Trump and thought they were evidence of a wire.   Since a couple of sharp observers had the foresight to enlarge them and posted the results, it is now blatantly clear they are certainly NOT wires. I now think I know what they probably are.  

Note the very bright studio lights are reflecting off the 'heads' of these two 'visitors' indicating there is a sturdy exterior on them...and the Creeper never felt a thing?  

Before I present the full, science fiction-sounding conclusion of what I believe we are seeing evidence of, we need some important background on nanotechnology and extremely small scale tech to make it clear why I am positing the conclusions to follow.   Please pay close attention to the following critically-important information...  

I have done nearly 40 three-hour programs on this topic over the past 20+ years.  When I FIRST saw this video clip from the Presidential 'debate' I, like others,  thought what was shown  under Biden's cuff was evidence of an electronic audio device of some kind to prompt his badly-addled brain with debate response material.  

Then, recently, I saw a new video which had enlarged the original clip to show close-up details of the two, or more, items that were sticking out of Biden's cuff on live national television. 

After watching the video several times, I connected some advanced techno dots and came away a clear idea of what we are probably seeing.   Keep in mind that the predecessors of what was being seen on Biden's wrist are often usually only visible with magnification of 200x or more.   

Stay with this and you're going to be stunned at why I believe these things that came out of Biden's shirt cuff are nanobots... nanotechnology brought to the next generation.

Here's the excellent video I saw by Lori.  If you haven't seen it, please watch... I9KYIk4Ywus

There is simply no way Creeper Joe could NOT have stopped and looked down at his wrist with these things moving around like they were.  Any normal, living human would have freaked out if things were moving like that inside of a shirt sleeve cuff.    

Again, I have done over 100 hours of radio programs, most of which are three hours in length, covering this incredible, frightening and DEPLOYED technology.  (What do you think is really in the two most common coronavirus 'vaccines'?)   You can hear many of those programs here... Datapages/ morgRSPEC.htm  

The subject baseline is the truly horrible Morgellons 'Disease' which has been desperately suppressed and lied about by the CDC and most all of organized 'medicine' since it first officially manifested in the US in 2002. Much to the horror of those infected - or more correctly INFESTED - with this nanotechnology,  most doctors usually dismiss their obvious symptoms as 'Delusional  Parasitosis'.  In other words, the agonized victims are told it's all in their heads and that they are simply 'crazy...deranged...and delusional.'  

Here is an excerpt of the 'WikiPedia' definition of Morgellons, obviously written by someone pushing the government coverup...  

'Morgellons is not well understood, but the general medical consensus is that it is a form of  delusional parasitosis   .  The sores are typically the result of compulsive scratching, and the fibers, when analyzed, are consistently found to have originated from clothing and other textiles.'  

Many/most of these doctors and scientists are in on the technology and are under strict instructions to deflect as much attention as possible away from Morgellons as a REAL problem by labelling sufferers as having a psychological illness  in addition to incessantly scratching their skin as mentioned above. 

Those inflicted with Morgellons nanotechnology lead lives of terribly difficult emotional and physical problems including the hallmark open lesions which never become infected (think about that) or never scab over and heal normally (that, too).  These weeping lesions just sit there and ooze a greyish thick, goo-like matter  which slowly dries down to what are called 'plaques' which can easily be plucked out with tweezers or by scratching.   In virtually every case,    these 'plaques' will have a few or even dozens of often colored FIBERS in them.  Fibers?  Yes, colored fibers which MOVE in the lesions and under the skin driving victims to constant, intense physical scratching and feelings of terrible loneliness and isolation  because doctors won't believe them...and there is no cure. 

In recent years, the controlled mainstream media has clearly been instructed to stop covering the Morgellons story and that has forced many of the victims into even more misery and isolation.  In the approximate 20 years since the first cases were reported, there has been no uniformly successful cure or treatment.  Why? The simple answer is that these fibers and other tiny items you will soon see are not biological as much as they are intelligent, purposed nanotech  MACHINES or 'nanobots.'  Antibiotics and cortisones are useless.

Here are some of these intelligent Morgellons fibers growing out of the human body...

Below are typical Morgellons fibers growing in a crusty, grey goo 'plaque' taken off an equally typical non-healing Morgellons skin lesion. Think of these plaques as a bizarre clear 'scab' that never heals like a normal scab...and growing in and out of them are colored fibers...thought to be intelligently designed machines capable of sending and receiving information and instructions.

Another crusty plaque removed from a Morgellons lesion

Not only are there colored, moving fibers or 'nanotubes', but in later stages of mostly citizen scientist research, many other shapes and configurations of these nanobots or nanomachines were discovered which you will see shortly. The photos below show bundles of fibers taken directly out of the skin or an open lesion.

Here are photos of typical non-healing, scarring Morgellons lesions. The misery inflicted on these Morgellons patients is pure horror. Remember, these nanotubes or nanomachine colored fibers are constantly moving under the skin, or in the lesions, and the urge to scratch them is overwhelming. The lesions are disfiguring and have destroyed the lives and self-confidence of virtually every Morgellons victim...most of whom tend to hide themselves away for obvious reasons.

The agony of Morgellons sufferers takes several paths.   

First, as mentioned, because the fibers are POWERED and continually MOVE, victims constantly feel those movements under the surface of their skin or in the actual, open, wet lesions.  The itching and discomfort are nightmarishly agonizing and sleep becomes nearly impossible.   

Second, the realization that knowing one's body in infested with these nano machines leaves one afraid of being around family and friends for fear of infecting them, as well.  It is truly horrendous for victims.

Third, when a ‘Morg' sufferer goes to a regular Physician or Dermatologist for help, they are almost invariably  dismissed  (with full intent or by ignorance) as being 'crazy'...suffering  from ' Delusional Parasitosis'...that is the formal medical 'code' name for the 'illness.'

Fourth, the feeling of being called 'crazy' by doctors, shunned by society, and left alone with their physical miseries, torments them and leads many to indescribable desperation, and has driven many to suicide.

We use the term 'self-replicating' often.  Here is a nanobot, regrowing four new legs after being pulled off the skin of a Morgellons patient.   Does this look ' delusional' to you?

Here are more examples of nanotechnology on the loose in the gray goo plaques from lesions on the human body...

Goo and back fibers formed a cube           Grey goo and multicolor nanotubes.

On January 16, 2008, the CDC launched a 'full and thorough' investigation of Morgellons which gave great hope to these test subjects who were being used like lab rats.  The CDC stated, 'the investigation may take 12 months or longer,' and the results were to be published in the CDC's Weekly Bulletin.  A year came and went and no results were published. 

I was convinced as were my friends and colleagues Jan Smith and Cliff Mickelson - both long term Morgellons sufferers and truly heroic people - that the whole investigation would be a fraud and diversion operation from the day it was announced. We were proven 100% correct.

It was, as we expected, a blatant and obvious coverup. Jan Smith played a key role in the research and her incredible work at exposing this nanotech nightmare was ignored or swept under the rug. None of her massive, video and physical...were given any real credibility.  The evidence provided by over 1200 other victims was also ignored.  Here is a statement from Jan in the NBC News story above...wherein they made her sound...delusional.

"I'm pretty sure they'll say we're all delusional," said Jan Smith, 62, a Concord, N.H. woman who runs the website  "Morgellons Exposed," which details her 15 year battle with the perplexing disorder. Her theories include fears that Morgellons is caused by alien beings implanting nano-technology in humans. " "There's so much more to this than a medical condition," Smith said. "There's something being hidden."

Scab with fibers             Bandage with fibers            Goo with fibers

The much-anticipated results were not published until January 25, 2012, over four years later.  

Here is a short description of some of the CDC report's 'findings'...

'The conclusions were that 59% of subjects showed cognitive deficits and 63% had evidence of clinically significant symptoms. 50% had drugs in their systems, and 78% reported exposure to solvents (potential skin irritants). No parasites or mycobacteria were detected in the samples collected from any patients. Most materials collected from participants' skin were composed of cellulose, likely of cotton origin.[9]'

In other words, most all of the people studied were either mentally defective, on drugs, or were exposed to 'skin irritants.'  There was no mention of the microscopic fibers turned in, their easily observable movement, or any of the other multitude of shapes and sizes of tiny devices and 'bots' complained about by the subjects in the 'study.' This was a bitter setback for the entire Morgellons community...both victims, independent researchers, and families and friends of victims.

Here are the results of the 'study' as reported by NBC News. healthmain/mystery-skin- disease-morgellons-has-no- clear-cause-cdc-study- 1C6436053

So, to coverup the nano infestations...obvious advanced nanotechnology research...the CDC basically said Morgellons sufferers were all simply crazy.  
In retrospect, it is now obvious that the entire Morgellons phenomenon was and is, very likely, a 'beta test' of various types of nanotech devices that were released into the general public or implanted in specific individuals. There is no doubt many or most of these cases were carefully monitored and watched...the victims were and remain lab rats in an extensive nanotech development program.  No doubt much has been learned since 2008...

There Are MANY Different Types Of Morgellons Nanotech
Machines From From Powered Colored Nanobots To Nano
Machines That Actually Light Up. Here Are A Few Examples...

The top left image is a powered object pulled out of a non-healing lesion on Jan Smith. The other images show different views of it, and finally show it compared to the size of a penny.

This microscopic infestation of the human body called Morgellons, is now considered to be highly-advanced, secret nanotechnology science, probably weaponized, and created to send and receive information to influence and control the human mind and body. Who is communicating with them? For what reasons?  We shall see one prime example a little later. 

We believe the early devices showed in these photographs have been greatly surpassed by newer and more sophisticated models during the many years since their discovery.  I personally and sincerely thank my friend, Jan Smith, wherever she is now, for her magnificent and beyond heroic research...largely done with samples from her own Morgellon's ravaged body. Most of the photos in this report were done by Jan.

Here is another nano machine Jan took out of her own body. When flipped on its side shows a perfect hexagonal shape which lights up...

Let me ask you, other than on this article, when was the last time you heard or read the term Morgellons? The lid came down on it around 2012 with the release of the CDC report, which was a complete coverup and fraud. . Report released...lies distributed...problem solved.

Back To Creeper Joe Biden...
Or Whoever Or Whatever He Is Now

Remember, all the nanotech we have been looking at so far in the study is tiny...some of the items only being able to be seen by using microscopic magnification of 200x or more.

So, let's remember what we've learned and consider Biden as an obvious candidate for nanotech 'upgrading.'  The world was witness to his rapidly increasing dementia or Alzheimer's senility for many months during the 'campaign.'   His decreasing verbal and mental acuity were noted a year or two earlier but during 2020, they became profoundly obvious.  There are dozens of video compilations online showing him unable to put together a full intelligible sentence...sometimes even two or three words in a row. It was grotesque and he could have been the poster man for any number of mental illness groups or associations. 

Then, how about his physical presence? He walked like an elderly man, broken down, unsure of his footing and well into the twilight of his life. So, what happened? Where did the drooling imbecility go? Why is he now walking with strong physical bearing and presence? His posture is perfect now.  Simply watch any recent news conference or interview and be amazed.  How can this be? 

And further, what could the connection be between those items crawling out of his shirt cuff and moving around, and nearly sub-microscopic nanotechnology like masses of colored fibers and lighted small metallic devices?  Let's look at the evidence.

Here, again, is the video by 'Lori'...If you haven't seen it, please watch...

Take a CLOSE look at the LARGE brownish tube-like things sticking out of the top of Biden's left hand shirt cuff. These items - two readily visible and possible four altogether - can clearly be seen in the video to move around, extend themselves and then to suddenly and quickly be 'withdrawn'...seemingly down into his cuff and lower shirt sleeve. 

OR? Or, what?   We'll get to that in a minute or so.

Here's the big giveaway that there is something very WRONG with China Joe Biden. 

This revelation has several aspects. 

First, if there were 'items' crawling or moving up the inside of one's shirt cuff or sleeve, do you think that person would not immediately raise that arm and LOOK to see what the hell was going on? Of course, they would. Biden never flinched. Look at the video. How could that be?

And how do we tie those very significant 'snake-like' things under his cuff to Morgellons 'Disease' which takes a 200x magnification to see examples of clearly?

First, a word about the possible 'mission' of this nanotechnology. I will try to keep this short and to the point. 

1. The Morgellons nanotech devices are in all likelihood self-replicating, self-repairing, send and receive machines.  They are likely designed to do MANY different things in the human body. Their clearly purposeful behavior shows intelligence at least in their creation and deployment. There are, or were, many videos online during and around 2008-2012 showing these fibers and other STRANGE Sci-Fi shaped nanotech objects being found in open Morgellons lesions.  Many are shown to be motile and even appearing, in the case of fibers, to 'reach out' and move toward anything put in their immediate proximity.

2. It is presumed these objects derive their power by tapping into the body's natural electric currents and fields. Remember, humans are electrical beings first and bio-chemical beings second. Below are some clearly powered objects taken from the body of Morgellons victim and brilliant citizen scientist, Jan Smith, usually from skin lesions. No, these are not reflections of light, these are internally-powered colors. 

3. Who or what is listening to and communicating with these objects? The biggest question may well be WHERE did the knowledge to produce such microscopic machines come from? It's not a big stretch at all to suggest it might have come, at least partially, from Visitors. Look at the closeup of the ILLUMINATED blue item above. Who DOES that kind of work...and this was back at least ten years ago.

Intricate details of a prismatic internally illuminated powered object item taken from a Morgellons skin lesion.
Size comparison - the image of the penny shows the size of the actual object just above it

Look carefully at this next one from a Morgellons lesion. Note there is still 'gray goo' on the top edge.

4. Morgellons nano machines are NOT just found at the top layers of the skin but throughout the body of the victims, one of whom had to have both knees replaced. After the first surgery, which went well, the surgeon came to the patient and asked if she had any idea of how TINY colored fibers could have come to be found in the INSIDE of the knee joint. He assumed it was some kind of Industrial or environmental contamination of the body. No, it was not.

She knew full well she had Morgellons nanotechnology in her body but simply said 'No, I can't imagine.' to avoid being shamed and laughed at. Plus, she needed to have the other knee replaced and did not want to jeopardize that procedure. Yes, you guessed it. The same sort of colored mass of fibers were found in the center of her second knee joint when it was replaced.

However, this second operation saw the entire surgical team wearing BSL 3 suits in the operating room. They were VERY concerned about this bizarre fiber infestation and weren't taking any chances...

5. It has become known in the Morgellons research community, I found during my work helping to disclose this nightmare 'disease', that victims who died by suicide or other causes - including Morgellons fibers and other nano configurations possibly blocking arterial blood flow (heart attacks and strokes) or doing other things to major organ systems including infesting the brain - were NEVER AUTOPSIED. They were cremated whether the next of kin wanted that done or not.  

Obviously, the word came down to Medical Examimers that no autopsies were/are to be performed on Morgellons victims.  I am certain that an autopsy would show colored nanotech fibers and many other types of nano in most if not all areas of the body. This is speculative but logical, given the surgical findings in the Morgellons victim's knees. 

Since there are no autopsies of Morgellons victims, there are no questions asked about the strange things being found throughout the entire bodies of Morgellons sufferers.

Some of the items, like the gray goo plaque below have been found to have glyphs and even NUMBERS on them.  This is quite remarkable. Take a look...TINY numbers or letters appear on this piece of plaque...which is loaded with fibers...

6. Intelligence and purposeful activity. Since we cannot prove any of the following, we leave it up to the reader to extrapolate on what these TINY machines are possibly capable of doing. We feel the sky's the limit, and with nanotechnology being many decades beyond what is being revealed to the public, any manner of CONTROLLING or influencing Morgellons victims - or ANY targeted humans - using these tiny machines, seems possible.

I personally believe the outbreak of lesions and the discovery of so much strangeness in the early 2000s reflected a testing stage in the final development of these nanotech devices...and that was 15-20 years ago. Where is that nanoscience today? In all likelihood, the SIZE of nanotech machines now runs the gamut...from near sub-microscopic to something that might come crawling out of a shirt cuff...

"Once again, what is this array doing in my body, how did it get there, and who is it communicating with? It appears that there is a specific purpose intended in the variety of nano devices I am finding." - Jan Smith

A Re-Animated Biden Zombie Borg?

Now that you understand what kind of nanotechnology we had in an operational state some 15-20 years ago, let's return to the Creeper.

As you watched the video, it became apparent that he is either dead from the neck down, certainly has no feeling in the very sensitive area of the inside of his own left wrist...OR he knows there is a big (remember the word 'big') problem in his body and that he is familiar with it and that ‘problem' has turned off his pain sensitivity and he's thereby able to ignore the substantial discomfort of things crawling out of his shirt sleeve on live national television.

Repeated Question: Where did his drooling, shocking brain dementia Alzheimer's go? A condition so severe he could often not complete a full sentence? Why is he suddenly standing upright with a far more normal physical least in public...and not having to be led around by 'Dr.' Jill Biden like a walking puppet or mannequin?

I submit the following for your consideration. Don't laugh until read through the to end, look at the video freeze frames and the video itself. If you wish to chuckle then, have at it...but there just may be a whole lot more here than meets the eye...

Creeper Joe Biden may now be more BORG than human. He may be being controlled, influenced and 're-animated' with microscopic nanotech devices that have been placed throughout his body and directed remotely. Or, they might have been put in his morning oatmeal in pre-programmed configurations to go to their 'duty stations' all around his body and perform their appointed tasks. Like unscrambling his least for now. We feel there is a remote control dynamic involved. And look at his physiology? He is usually standing up nowadays like an aging, one time star college football player, or power corporate executive.

Also remember that at least some coronavirus vaccines are ADMITTEDLY carrying nanotechnology into the bodies of those who take the shots. I suspect the 'vaccines' are just carrier media for any number of self-replicating and self-repairing nanotechnology machines being transported into the body. The Pfizer vax - which was allegedly 'invented’ in just TWO HOURS (impossible) - must be kept at MINUS 94F to possibly prevent the nanobots in it from breaking loose, animating and 'deploying' before they are put into the body.

Size matters. I also believe that the objects we see coming out of Biden's cuff could easily be very LARGE nanotech devices put into the Creeper to do any number of things. Once again, HOW could he NOT have FLINCHED or jumped out of his shorts (God forbid) right there on the stage at the podium with all of that activity on his wrist inside his shirt cuff?

As you look below, you will see some MICROSCOPIC nano 'claw' tubes coming out of grey goo. Compare the hooked 'beaks' on these tiny ones to the large versions coming out of the Creeper's wrist area and shirt cuff.

The photo below shows 'claw nanotubes' growing out of a plaque from a skin lesion on Jan's cheek. This is a different type of nanotube than the traditional Morgellons colored fibers...but it is the same artificial nanotech technology, probably also powered by the victim body's own natural electric field. These are extremely small...keep that in mind as we explore Borg Biden with still frames from the Debate video.

"This is a photo of tissue that came from my cheek. The silicon projections kept on maturing after it was mailed to Dr R. K. He took this photo using a sophisticated pathology microscope with 3 dimensional capabilities. The bizarre claw formations are another version of a nanotube." - Jan Smith

The drawing of the little claw-like item in the top right is an image of a second nano device from the "Advanced Materials" company.

Note - These objects are NANOMETERS in width...

What IF for some unknown reason, these nearly sub-microscopic 'Claw' Nanotubes grew, or were grown, to immense proportions in Biden's other words...maybe hundreds of times their normal size? 

Now look below at the freeze frame of two of the nano devices that have found their way out from under his shirt cuff.  It seems when they sense the bright television studio lights they almost immediately withdrew - or were instructed to - and went almost instantly right back under his cuff...or was that where they went at all?

As you've seen in the video, here are the two most prominent 'visitors'...and we're supposed to believe a normal human wouldn't notice these things crawling around? 

Notice how the bright studio lights are reflecting off the 'heads of these two. And from WHERE did they come? Did China Joe not notice them when he put his shirt on?! Look again at the claw nanotube machine photos. You'll see the same sort of big upper 'beak' and the lower shorter beak below. Think of a parrot.

Hint - notice how SMOOTH and 'level' the 'heel' of Biden's hand is.  Look below the ends of the red arrows.  The skin is smooth.  No bumps, no raised tubular shapes in the skin, no dimples...just normal smooth skin.

Biden now pulls his hand upward and to our left and rotates it. 'Visitor' number 1 is now in full view in the studio lights, and is sticking out from the cuff as far as it got before VERY quickly withdrawing. 

In the vertical position we see below, it is sticking straight up.   WHAT is it using to keep from falling is it staying UPRIGHT? Remember, Biden is moving his hand around rapidly...and still has NO SENSATION of a nano 'snake' in the cuff of his shirt!

Here's a very good close up below. It looks just like a worm or lizard with its mouth open. Again, how is it maintaining an upright position between the cuff and Biden's wrist while he is moving his hand around?

Next, I've included a super close-up. Note the studio lights reflecting off its 'head' and, oh my, don't those look like black 'eyes'. Also note what might be a REFLECTION off the open LOWER 'jaw' below and to the left of the top of the 'head'. It looks like it has its 'mouth' open.

Notice the DARK area to our left of the nanobot down inside the cuff. See the dark area right next to the white cuff? There should not be a shadow there because of the dozens of studio lights shining directly down on the scene. In fact, it's NOT a shadow...

It is either a SECOND 'visitor' or could it be a tail of the first one? Notice it does come to a 'point'. Allow me to repeat, how is it, or how are THEY, standing upright inbetween the cuff and Biden's wrist skin? And HOW can the alleged LIVING Creeper Joe Biden NOT be aware of this circus going on inside his cuff?

It gets BETTER !

Looking down to the next photo and zip, they're both GONE. The 'Snake' Visitor/s - or Visitor and its TAIL - are suddenly gone...DOWN the cuff. But wait, DID they go DOWN the cuff?

And how in the world could anyone above room temperature not notice and JUMP at the WWE action going on inside his own cuff? It's impossible!

So, now that the Visitor/s is gone, what do we see...?

In the photo below, you'll see a bizarre 'bulge' with a strange dimple in it on the heel of his hand. See? That bulge and dimple were NOT there a moment before.

Now note that right BELOW the dimple, angling slightly upward to our left, is a fold, or lump of skin...under which is a dark shadow.

Yes, right below that dimple and fold of skin there is now a large sunken-looking area with a clear shadow on it caused by the studio lights shining downward and hitting that fold of skin with the dimple just above it. That is what's causing the large dark shadow on his almost looks like a cave. See?

Here, I've put an arrow pointing to the sunken 'cave' the shadow. What the heck is going on here?

Now, look again at the next photo below. There is a also a long, raised tubular lump going UPWARD from the left (our left) of the dimple right up to and under his fingers.

In this extreme close up, that long tubular raised area is, again, seen as going straight UP toward his fingers and, at the bottom, it is curling to the right UNDER the raised area of skin with a 'dimple' in it. Looks like a 'snake' with its hooked head is causing a dimple to form between the snake head and its body. Obviously, there is something UNDER Creeper Joe Biden's SKIN.

Now, look below and you'll see 'Visitor' 1 sticking up from behind the white cuff. Look at the palm and heel of Biden's hand. Do you see any sign of a tube under the skin coming down from above and forming a circle with a dimple in the center? No. Look closely at the skin behind 'Visitor' 1. Correct! There is no tube or FOLD of skin with a DIMPLE in it and no TUBULAR RIDGE of skin going upward

It's SMOOTH and normal. How can that be ?!

One more time...after the nano machine has pulled back inside his cuff...

Conclusion And Some Possible Answers

Here we go...this will sound wildly speculative and indeed it is...but it fits.

You have been very kind, thoughtful and patient. Thank you. You have learned a lot about Morgellons nanotechnology machines and the horrors that have been let loose on human kind.  With technology, depending on the discipline, said to be 30-60 years ahead of what we are deemed worthy to know about, you should have little trouble realizing that nearly anything is possible.

Cliff, my friend and long time Morgellons victim, said he thinks virtually everyone on the planet now has Morgellons fibers in them to some degree.  Many have other kinds of nano machines infesting or placed in their bodies...sending and receiving and doing all kinds of evil things. Without doubt the rush to force the world to be vaccinated against a non-issue 'virus' is just a clever way to inject these kinds of nanobots into most of the people on the planet.  Then what happens?  We will have to wait and see but that wait might not be too long.  At least two nurses are already dead two days after taking the 'vaccine'...

I have published many of Jan's photos in this paper. They are copyright Jan Smith and yours truly.

Here is a POSSIBLE interpretation of what we have looked at and considered...Please draw your own conclusions from what you've seen.

1. Creeper Joe Biden is infested or has been implanted with both small microscopic nano fibers, etc...AND some very much LARGER nano 'life forms'...or Nanobots...that the world saw come out from under or behind his shirt cuff.

2. 'They' (black ops scientists, or...?) have used this advanced nanotechnology to somehow diminish his SEVERE dementia, senility and Alzheimer's allowing him to speak and sound quite credible since before the election...during the FEW times he is allowed out in public for short durations.  Perhaps he was kept in the basement while this all of this nano 'installation' was being done.  We suspect his 'broken foot' was a ruse to cover up something else, entirely.

3. Biden might essentially be a Cyborg now...roughly half-human and half-nanotech Borg.

4. 'They' have also given him physical strength with nanotech and he now suddenly walks like a man 25 years younger...rather than that doddering old man staggering around in a dazed state of mental and physical decline and idiocy.

5.  I speculate that the large nano snake-like visitors inside his cuff did NOT crawl up and out of his sleeve.  I suggest they came out THROUGH his skin...from inside his his wrist.  By partially emerging from Biden's body, 'Visitor' 1 was able to hold itself up and 'stand'...because the back end of its body was still well inside of Biden's wrist.  

See this letter 'L'?   Imagine 'Visitor' 1's 'head' is the tip top of the  L  and its body is the long vertical part that goes down to the bottom corner of the 'L'.  The remaining part of the 'L' that goes to the right always remains firmly embedded into his wrist and perhaps extends on down his arm, depending on how long this nano machine is.

6. When 'Visitor' 1 became aware of the intense studio lights, it VERY quickly, retreated right back INTO Biden's wrist and formed that ridge of skin and dimple at the heel of his hand.  It also had gone UP the palm of his hand under the skin, leaving the raised tubular bump.  LOOK AT THE PHOTOS AGAIN. You can trace the outline of a tubular nanobot with a 'beak' or rounded 'head' with a lower jaw right under his skin. Remember, those lumps on Biden's hand were NOT there when the nanobot was at maximum extension OUTSIDE of his cuff. Go back and look at the photo above. We have no idea how LONG those things might be...12 inches...2 feet? More? Anything is possible.

7. There was no bleeding or visible wound opening because 'they' have the tech to instantly cauterize and also of instantly fusing living cell tissue (skin) right back together. We've seen this very idea in Sci-Fi movies forever. 

8. You sure can see what appear to be the nanobot UNDER the skin of his palm and the 'heel' of his hand after it pulls back inside.

9. 'They' have turned OFF all Borg Biden's sensory objections to the 3 ring circus played out in and outside of his wrist, cuff and palm. That's how he didn't show any notice of what was going on. Any normal human would have leaped in the air, yelling and waving their arm around if they felt those 3 of 4 nano-snakes clambering around inside of the shirt cuff.   But Borg Biden isn't 'normal' anymore.

10. Biden is arguably a Nano Borg now.  He is NOTHING like the DROOLING, SLUMPED-OVER GOON of a relatively few months ago. 

11. If he gets into office, he will serve only as long as 'they' want...they can turn him 'OFF' any time they wish. 

12. It is also possible Biden's blood has been vastly augmented, reconstituted and changed. 

The 'real' China Joe Biden seems to no longer exist as he once did. He's been 'upgraded' to serve 'them.'

The technology you see clearly on display appears to potentially be from off-planet. It is said that the world controllers have made a deal with the reptilians or some other unpleasant group, and that the nanotech is possibly a Trojan horse 'gift' to the world elite to play with. Don't take the vax.  Don't Take The 'Vaccine'...even Moderna admits 'it is an operating system.' !

Here is the video again...

'Biden the Borg 2 - Sleeve Creatures'
Undeniable, WEIRD Things Out Of His Sleeve

Here is a very important scientific paper to read...

ADVANCED MATERIALS Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Arrays

https://www. archivos_pdf/silicananotubes_ morgellons.pdf

Here are some astonishing images from this paper...look familiar?