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US Pro Athlete Vaccine Injuries...Or Shedding?

From The Net
Something new has been happening lately in professional sports. I don't know what else to ascribe it to other than vaccine injury.

Athletes are performing in ways that can only be described and explained by a 'loss of focus'. The announcers who cover professional l sports have been struggling to explain what they have been watching lately. I have never seen anything like it.

Players have always had momentary losses of focus which people often describe as 'taking your eye off of the ball'. But now, these moments can last 30 minutes. Player slumps have always happened where a player plays badly for a month. This can be the result of a loss of self-confidence, a poor mindset or getting into a bad habit.

But traditionally, these slumps don't happen for just 30 minutes, then go away for an hour...and then come back. Self-confidence and proper mindset shouldn't go away and come back so rapidly in a professional athlete unless there is some mental issue. Bad habits can set in but you don't break habits and form them again in the space of an hour. Especially, for a professional athlete...and now this sort of thing happens all of the time.

Something even stranger is happening in professional team sports...

A lot of players on the same team are losing focus at the same time. Before the vaccine, if one player did not have their head in the game (aka lost focus), the other players knew how to let it not distract them. And often that player was taken out of the game if that player was affecting the other players too much. But now, multiple players are losing focus at the same time. So I am thinking it could be that one player is shedding something from the vaccine to the other players.

In a close contact sport like pro football and basketball, this is a distinct possibility. We have no idea how many in pro sports in the US have taken the injections. If would appear to be a mix...a perfect venue for serious and continual shedding during games and practices. In Europe over 500 soccer players have collapsed and DIED to date.

Not so with American pro sports which suggests that perhaps only a small percentage have taken the shots. The premium players ...the 'franchise players'...probably got a placebo or no shots at all. There is far too much money involved to take a chance with a Tom Brady, for example, falling over dead on the field...