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Amazon Censoring More And More Book Reviews
Critical of 'Homosexual' Author and Clergy, Book
Reviewer Is Banished by Amazon - Censorship Rules |
Book Title - In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy.
Dear Amazon:
You have advised me that I have been banned from posting book reviews on Amazon and that all previous reviews have been discarded. I do not find that any of my reviews have violated "community standards." . Criticism and ridicule of a book are not legitimate grounds for censorship, nor is the expression of my religious or political beliefs..
Nevertheless, I accept your judgment without further argument.
I have an account with Amazon that I would like to cancel. If you conduct a review my account you will see all theproducts I have bought with my Amazon prime account and how quickly I pay my bills. In any event, the account is not worth keeping. It is apparent that it is truly not "free delivery" with Amazon prime but simply Amazon jacking up the prices to cover its delivery costs. Those who do not see this are probably the same people who agree with your censorship and are also probably the same people who do not pay their bills. May Amazon customer accounts be filled with such people in the future. Further, who knows. Perhaps my cancellation will relieve some of the despair of Amazon's warehouse employees and stop one of them from committing suicide as a result of Amazon's egregious work environment.
Not that lowly underpaid employees should care that I am cancelling my account but please know also that I am going to go on the internet and urge others to do what I am doing - close their Amazon account. I have many friends. With the number of people I know, I believe I will be persuasive enough to shut down at least 100 accounts, maybe more. The censorship alone will cause many to act. The phony free delivery which can be easily proven will convince others. The number of suicides in Amazon's warehouse may even tug at the heartstrings of some of my more sensitive friends. My only regret is that if I am successful, that your wages may be reduced even more drastically than they already are.
Frankly, the more I think about it, the more I see what an act of charity this cancellation is. With the rising economy, perhaps you all can find a better paying jobs with an employer who believes he has some responsibility for the welfare of his employees. In the meantime, be careful. Big Brother Bezos is watching.