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A 21st Century Alternative to the 1927 Big Bang Theory

By Michael Roll

In 1927 the Roman Catholic priest, George Lemaitre, put forward the idea that the universe started from nothing with a Big Bang. This was at a time when every scientist in the world started from the false base that our Milky Way galaxy was the universe. Two years later in 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered galaxies. We now know that our Milky Way is just one of trillions of galaxies.

All scientists agree that galaxies are expanding, and that galaxies are moving away from each other. The gaps between the stars in a galaxy, and the gap between galaxies is getting bigger. What George Lemaitre did in 1927 was to reverse the expanding Milky Way galaxy all the way back to nothing, hence his idea of the Big Bang. With the benefit of hindsight we can now do the exercise of reversing every expanding galaxy and every galaxy back into the missing 95% of the universe, not all the way back to nothing. This is thanks to the recent scientific discovery of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The force of gravity is no longer a mystery. Gravity is coming from the missing 95% of the universe. It is an external force of nature. It is not a giant magnet at the centre of the Earth that is keeping all the oceans from flying off into space. It is the force of gravity that makes suns, planets and moons a round shape.

This also brings into play Sir William Crookes' exciting scientific idea of the so-called spiritual part of the universe that he discovered in 1874. Following repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions over a number of years in the early 1870's, Sir William published the results of his experiments in The Quarterly Journal of Science in 1874. Sir William Crookes was the pioneer of television. He invented the cathode-ray tube. He knew all about forces in nature that can't normally be seen or sensed. "If your theory does not match the experiment, then it is wrong." Professor Richard Feynman. Einstein's materialistic model of the universe does not match the Crookes' experiments. "I don't believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbour such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism." Albert Einstein, New York Times, April 19,1955. Here are Sir William Crookes' original published results:

In 1933 Sir Oliver Lodge gave a lecture "The Mode of Future Existence". Here he hits everything on a rational scientific basis, linking the study of survival after death with subatomic forces – forces in nature that are normally just out of range of our five physical senses. Sir Oliver Lodge invented the radio. He sent the first radio signal from the Museum Lecture Theatre at Oxford University in 1894. There is a plague on the very spot where this happened. A photograph of this plaque can be seen on the front page of the website of The Campaign For Philosophical Freedom:
Here is Sir Oliver Lodge's lecture "The Mode of Future Existence":

The other great pioneer of television, John Logie Baird, tells in his memoires "Sermons, Soap and Television" how a contact of his took the finger prints of a "dead" person who materialised at one of his experiments. The prints were identical to those on the dead person's physical body. There is also a photograph in this book of Baird with Sir Oliver Lodge when he was working on his (Baird's) invention of the infra-red camera.

Michael Findlay Roll


"Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. Two thousand three hundred years ago the Greek scientist Eratosthenes proved that the world was round. This shows that vital scientific discoveries that belong to every man, woman and child on Earth can easily be censored by powerful people who are desperate to keep the old boy network intact. Very well summed up in just a few words by the Nobel Laureate for Physics, Professor Brian Josephson, when he was head of the Mind-Matter Unification Project at Cambridge University. This was during an interview in the New Scientist on 9 December, 2006: "It's hard to change how people think. People have vested interests, and their projects and reputations would be threatened if certain things were shown to be true."

"On The Edge of The Etheric" (1932) by Arthur Findlay. Linking the study of life after death with physics, natural and normal forces in the universe. Can be read at the click of a mouse on the Internet.

"The Curse of Ignorance" by Arthur Findlay. The true history of mankind on this planet. Totally different to the rubbish that we have been taught by those who believe in supernatural Christian absurdities. Again, can be read by the click of a mouse on the Internet.

"Sermons, Soap and Television" by John Logie Baird (1988) Royal Television Society

"Crookes And The Spirit World" (1972) Souvenir Press.

"The Times" published my letter confirming that Sir Oliver Lodge sent the first radio signal from Oxford University in 1894. The letters editor demanded proof before publishing. I was able to show him the photograph of the plaque at the Museum Lecture Theatre on the front page of my website.

Michael Roll

Michael Roll
12a Westover Rise
Tel: 0117 9506981
m. 07866875710