The paragraph below on artificial sweeteners is one to keep because it
discusses the main sweeteners used today. We all know aspartame
causes cancer and was admitted by the chief scientist who investigated
aspartame to the senate, Dr. Adrian Gross on 8/1/85. Dr. Moranfo
Soffritti of the Ramazzini Institute did one on sucralose as well showing
it causes cancer. He also did three studies on aspartame showing it to
be a multipotential carcinogen.
This paragraph is by Dr. David Brownstein who is well known. A lot
of people don't know much about acesulfame potassium but in original studies
it caused cancer and leukemia. The interesting thing is they all
violate the Delaney Amendment which forbids putting products on the market
you know cause cancer which was done in all three cases.
I'll put the paragraph up front: Unfortunately we have an FDA that serves
above the law and is there for industry but does not protect the public
and misleads them with propaganda from industry. As Dr. Gross told
the Senate: "If the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect
the public?"
Mission Possible World Health Intl only exists to alert the world aspartame
is a deadly poison because the FDA sold out, and several scientists there
confessed they were broken and corrupt in a letter to former President
Obama. Spread the word. There are now six class actions on aspartame
having to do with aspartame causing weight gain instead of weight loss.
If it says diet, don't buy it!
Here is the paragraph:
Artificial sweeteners. If you're using artificial sweeteners in pink and
blue packets to sweeten coffee or tea, or if you drink artificially sweetened
drinks, you're consuming chemicals known to cause cancer. Laboratory studies
have found that exposing cancer cells to aspartame spurs their activity
and increases their mobility. Acesulfame potassium, which is used to hide
the disagreeable aftertaste of artificial sweeteners, is linked to an
increased risk of breast cancer, thymus cancer, and leukemia. Sucralose
(used in Splenda) damages the gut's microbiome; damage to the microbiome
has been linked with various types of cancer, including colorectal and
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl
More information on aspartame on,,,

7 Foods That Can Cause Cancer
By Sylvia Booth Hubbard | Tuesday, 31 Oct
2017 12:39 PM
Did you know that foods you may eat every day increase your risk of cancer?
Even healthy foods such as mushrooms, broccoli, green leafy vegetables,
and salmon are capable of causing cancer, depending on the circumstances.
And some foods that appear to be healthy, such as microwave popcorn, are
loaded with cancer-causing chemicals.
"Many foods that people eat every day can, under some circumstances, cause
cancer," says Dr. David Brownstein, author of Dr. David Brownstein's Natural
Way to Health newsletter. "If you're not reading labels, and not buying
organic foods, you're eating carcinogens. That's especially true if you're
eating processed foods.
"There's no doubt we are what we eat," Brownstein told Newsmax Health.
Below is a list of seven foods that can cause cancer:
Mushrooms. A recent study published in PLOS One found that cadmium, a
metal found in mushrooms, can increase a woman's chance of endometrial
cancer by 22 percent. The substance has been found to interfere with normal
hormonal balance and to increase rapid cell division two factors implicated
in the development of cancer.
"Cadmium is an estrogen-mimicking chemical, meaning it imitates estrogen
and its effects on the body," said lead author Jane McElroy, PhD, associate
professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University
of Missouri Health School of Medicine.
"Endometrial cancer has been associated with estrogen exposure. Because
cadmium mimics estrogen, it may lead to an increased growth of the endometrium,
contributing to an increased risk of endometrial cancer," she noted.
Cadmium is also found in liver, shellfish, kidneys, and tobacco.
Microwave popcorn. Ah, the aroma of microwave popcorn how could it be
harmful? Unfortunately, there are several risks involved. First, the bag
is lined with a chemical coating that, according to the FDA, breaks down
into perfluorooctanoic (PFOC) acid, a chemical linked to cancer in lab
animals when heated. Some popular popcorn brands still contain partially
hydrogenated oil, meaning they contain trans fats, which Vanderbilt researchers
say can contribute to deaths from any cause, including cancer.
The delicious-smelling fumes can be caused by artificial flavoring which
contains diacetyl, a poison shown to cause lung damage known as bronchiolitis
obliterans or "popcorn lung."
Farmed Fish. Although farmed fish is cheaper than fish caught in the wild,
farmed fish are treated with antibiotics, pesticides and other carcinogenic
chemicals to try to control the diseases that result in the crowded water-farming
environment. According to the Environmental Working Group, farmed salmon
has about 16 times the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in wild
salmon. In addition, farmed fish doesn't contain as much heart-healthy
omega-3 fatty acids as wild salmon.
Since almost all tilapia in this country is farm-raised, many experts
advise you to avoid them completely, and some say that eating a hamburger
or bacon is healthier than eating tilapia. The fish are often genetically
modified and given antibiotics, and since they will eat almost anything,
farmers sometimes give them very poor diets of GMO corn and soy pellets
and even throw in chicken and pig feces.
"It's a really dirty fish," said Brownstein. Tilapia can have high amounts
of carcinogens up to 10 times more than other fish. They also contain
less omega-3 fatty acids than most fish, and more inflammation-promoting
omega -6 fatty acids.
Processed meats. After a review of more than 88 studies, the International
Agency for Cancer Research, which is the cancer agency of The World Health
Organization (WHO), announced that processed meat is a carcinogen and
is especially linked to colorectal and stomach cancer. Processed meats
are those that have been salted, cured, fermented, or smoked. Curing meats
by adding nitrates or nitrites and smoking can cause the formation of
carcinogenic chemicals such as N-nitroso-compounds (NOC) and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Popular foods include ham, bacon, hot dogs,
and sausage.
WHO put processed meat in the same Group 1 carcinogen category as asbestos
and smoking tobacco. A report from the International Agency for Cancer
Research (IARC) found an 18 percent increase in colorectal cancer for
each increase of 50 grams (1.76 ounces) of processed meat eaten each day.
Artificial sweeteners. If you're using artificial sweeteners in pink and
blue packets to sweeten coffee or tea, or if you drink artificially sweetened
drinks, you're consuming chemicals known to cause cancer. Laboratory studies
have found that exposing cancer cells to aspartame spurs their activity
and increases their mobility. Acesulfame potassium, which is used to hide
the disagreeable aftertaste of artificial sweeteners, is linked to an
increased risk of breast cancer, thymus cancer, and leukemia. Sucralose
(used in Splenda) damages the gut's microbiome; damage to the microbiome
has been linked with various types of cancer, including colorectal and
Potato chips. The high temperatures used to cook potato chips causes them
to create the carcinogen acrylamide. Federal standards limit the amount
of acrylamide in drinking water to 0.12 milligrams per 8 ounces, but a
study by the Environmental Law Foundation found that potato chips contained
up to 900 times the amount legally allowed in water. In addition, the
oil used to cook potato chips usually means the chips contain trans fats,
even if they're not listed on the label. If a food contains less than
half a gram in a serving, it doesn't have to be listed on the label. And
how many people eat only one serving of potato chips?
Broccoli. Although broccoli is usually a very healthy food, it could be
deadly for women who carry mutated BRCA genes, often called the "Angelina
Jolie" breast cancer gene. Broccoli, along with avocadoes and green leafy
vegetables foods at the top of most lists of foods to include in a healthy
diet are high in folate. Mutated BRCA genes greatly increase the risk
of ovarian and breast cancer. Folate causes the body to produce formaldehyde,
a carcinogenic chemical that irreparably damages the DNA of mutated cells,
and could spur the formation of deadly tumors.