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10 Years After Fukushima |
By Yoichi Shimatsu |
For reference to those unfamiliar with my decade of field work inside the Fukushima nuclear exclusion zone and other fallout-affected areas from the Antarctic Sea to the North Pole, across Japan to the Pacific Northwest, most of my eyewitness accounts and scientific probings are posted at On this solemn occasion, let me praise our colleagues Jeff Rense and Dana Durnford, along with other honest sources in this long and difficult campaign to disclose the truth about the political, military and mercenary causes and consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster versus government cover-ups, craven academic avoidance and blatantly false media disinformation on behalf of the militarist nuclear industry and its attack dogs, the nuclear physicists.
The official cover-up is still aimed at protecting elite bureaucrats, executives with the globalized energy industry, and above all the executive branches of the governments of Japan and the United States, specifically the pro-nuclear armament Liberal Democratic Party and its collaborators in plutonium-for-warheads George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. For all the self-serving lies uttered to television crews and print-media reporters, thousands of agrarian residents of northern Japan died needlessly of the threats associated with a nuclear meltdown. These deaths have been falsely attributed to fictitious causes in Japan, Asia and across North America. Instead of having health protection as a primary principle, these innocents were sacrificed on the altars of a self-serving and ineffective U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, put in place to defend the vested interests of the globalist elite and certainly not there to protect the welfare of citizens in Japan, the United States, Canada or a multitude of nations across Asia and Europe. Much more than some natural disaster, Fukushima 311 was a towering crime against humanity. The irresistible force being the triple disaster that challenged the immovable bureaucracies, its principal cause was a solar corona mass ejection that destabilized the Pacific tectonic plate. That initial impetus of the Sun's nuclear energy pulse scored a direct hit on that part of the Pacific region, the intense cosmic radiation energizing an undersea volcanic region, some 70 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of the Fukushima prefectural coastline. Nearly three hours past noon, the solar-sourced wave of energy struck, as if on target, near the juncture of three major tectonic plates, namely the Pacific, Euro-Asian and Okhotsk along with the Philippine plate a bit further to the south. The high-powered shock waves energized the magma under the seafloor, rocking that unstable region and rippled out to physically displace the coast of Japan and causing ground movement that collapsed buildings, power-lines and rail bridges across the Tohoku region. The initial Richter estimate by seismologists was later raised the Japanese meteorological agency, rather unaccountably due to the inability to measure the solar shock wave. Soon thereafter a voluminous tsunami rolled ashore and up the Tohoku rivers, sweeping boats onto buildings, ripping away concrete structures and swamping the coolant-water drainage tubes of Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) No.1 nuclear station. The 14,000 deaths reported are a low estimate, as my field studies discovered entire seashore communities obliterated yet never reported in the official record due to the obvious cover-up of the long-time disregard for public safety by the nuclear industry in those environmentally unstable areas. Nuclear-weapons blast Less known, indeed virtually unknown to the public is the simultaneous seismic collapse and tsunami-flooding of the coal-fired electricity plant at Haramachi, less than 6 km north of the TEPCO plant. The first meltdown blast, which triggered the TEPCO meltdowns, originated in a deep bunker adjoining a coal-receiving harbor operated by the northern-regional Tohoku Electric Power Company. Its 2,000 megawatt thermal plant had dedicated its entire electricity output not to the nearest city of Minami-Soma in Miyagi Prefecture, about 30 km up the coast but, oddly, to merely two customers, the TEPCO No.1 nuclear station and to that vast on-site structure hidden 8 levels underneath the coal pile. One might question why a nuclear station requires a vast electricity supply from a conventional nonnuclear source, and also the purpose of the secret industrial-scale bunker next to the harbor of the coal-fired power plant. Things do get "curiouser", Alice, because you're just entered Wonderland. The temblor felled one of the towers of the Haramachi-to-TEPCO power-line, at a corner by the Nos. 5 and 6 reactors on the north side of the Tokyo Electric facility. The resultant external power loss blacked out the nuclear plant, including its computer-control systems and servo-motors that close the wastewater-release tubes that flush into the sea. It took about two minutes for the emergency generators to start up and conduct a series of back-up procedures. In that brief interval, the Israeli Stuxnet virus, which targets Siemens software for critical infrastructure (which led to a partial meltdown at one of Iran's nuclear reactors), slipped past the downed security scan to penetrate the TEPCO control systems to shut down the emergency response system. The virus overrode commands to close the waste-water outlet/inlet valves, enabling the tsunami wave to burst through unhindered and flood the underground areas where the reactors and some spent fuel pools were located, adding to the coming meltdowns. Famously, Reactor No.2 was the first of three to begin meltdown by the morning of the 12th, much sooner than anticipated by the TEPCO plant workers, many of whom escaped the facility in confusion and fear. TEPCO local plant management was preparing a total evacuation order not only from the crippled plant but also from the TEPCO No.2 down the road a few kilometers. That sudden, much too-early meltdown was inexplicable, as if a demon had possessed the nuclear plant with a foretaste of Hell. No wonder they ran. Angrily Prime Minister Naoto Kan demanded a back-to-work order for the sheepish, and thoroughly scared crew and demanded that fire engines be dispatched to pump seawater into the overheating reactors, despite the risk of a sodium blast from ionized salt along with chlorine reactions with radionucleotides. Soon after his retirement due to Shinzo Abe's comeback as a "nuclear energy expert", Kan who had been a nuclear-engineering student at university gave this account at a conference in San Diego, which I attended along with nuclear engineer Arnie Gunderson. Kan recelled his anticipation at the time of a "thermonuclear chain reaction" reaching beyond the Fukushima area to trigger meltdowns at the Onagawa NP in Miyagi and the Ibaraki-Tsukuba complex of the Tokai-mura nuclear facility and several research reactors along the Pacific coast. Had either of those facilities gone up in flames, Kan was prepared to issue an executive order for mass evacuation of the Tohoku and Tokyo Metropolitan regions, which comprise more than a third of Japan's national population, or more than 50 million people. He admitted the transportation system, in spite of Japan's extensive rail lines, could not conceivably move out that many households, meaning millions left behind would have died in the nuclear catastrophe. The late morning houses of 12 March was an apocalyptic moment, which did not come to pass due to the maverick prime minister's refusal to accept the do-nothing immobility of TEPCO managers who were more worried about saving their own skins than killing off tens of millions of fellow citizens. Cowardice is the flip-side of arrogance. Hidden Trigger of Disaster If the solar storm was the First Cause of this catastrophe, what could have been the consequent Second Trigger that prompted the TEPCO reactor meltdowns? The answer lay hidden inside that underground bunker by the coal dock in Haramachi, located less than 6 km north of the TEPCO nuclear station at Okuma town. The politically correct global warming crowd can complain about coal all they want, but one thing is certain, the black organic fuel is not highly radioactive. So what was inside the mysterious deep bunker? As told to me by a local grasscutter, when French filmmaker Phillipe Carillo and I toured the then-no-entry area in 2014, the radioactive count at nearby fields was "off the chart", so dangerous that the decontamination crews dare not come near. "That field is by a long shot the most radioactive site in the exclusion zone but it's closer to that hole in the ground than to TEPCP," the aging fellow asserted, adding "There's been a lot happening here, which nobody talks about in public, even if Haramachi is supposedly a conventional plant." Since we stood along a direct line of sight to the Haramachi coal-fired plant, I followed up with "Is its power output dedicated for the city of Minami-Soma up north?" Not a single volt of its 2,000 megawatt output; everything goes to TEPCO No.1 Fukushima. "You mean a 6-reactor nuclear plant needs that much external energy from a rival company?" He nodded. "Does any of that output stay here?" Later, back in Tokyo, I searched for a Google satellite image of the Haramachi facility. It revealed the remains of an underground bunker as large as two city blocks right next to the coal dock. Huge earth-moving trucks looked like tiny specks of dust. A ramp, the remnant of a road, led down into the cavern and turned at level 3, the site of a huge basement, and then wound around the perimeter to a larger underground area 5 more stories below. I did not have to ask what the heck was it, since I had already heard about the 1,000-plus corpses stored inside a freezer room, plus payments of about $100,000 each to lab workers who were not on duty that day as hush money to gamble with and buy Mercedes Benzes, while living in hotels in Koriyama. I knew that there was a secret warhead production site but had no idea, until this point, that it was underneath a rival utility's coal-fired plant, which at that moment made complete sense, because deception was the underlying game-plan for Japan's "non-existent" nuclear bomb program. The massive outburst of neutrons and protons racing out of the tsunami-battered underground plutonium-extraction facility at Haramachi was the actual cause of the early-on rapid meltdowns of Reactors 2, 3 and 1, along with the spent-fuel fire atop Reactor 4. That stunning scenario was confirmed therefore by Naoto Kan's fear of a long-distance chain reaction along the Pacific Coast, something that is not predicted in nuclear safety manuals or evacuation exercises. Another Fishy Story While walking with Professor Richard Wilcow past another conventional power plant, TEPCO's oil-fueled facility at Hirono, south of the twin nuclear stations, we noticed a vast pile of black 3-ton poly bags filled with radioactive waste dug up from another underground weapons lab. Streaming radioactivity of 0.50-plus microSieverts triggers a tingling sensation, followed by sharp pinpricks on one's feet and legs. After an afternoon of avoiding footsteps in lethal rain puddles, we stopped by the only izakaya, snack bar, for some hot sake to shake off the chill. The lady proprietor and a table of nuclear-plant workers eyed us suspiciously as outside agitators spreading lies about the local food quality. With two flasks of strangely hot rice wine, she deposited a pair of freshly grilled local-caught fish. Richard looked at me with fear morphing into tears. I told him to take a bite while everyone was watching and then slip the fish minus bones into his pocket for disposal in the forest on our way to catch the last train out of the Zone. The American professor daintily took a small bite and declared "This is the best-tasting fish I've ever eaten!" He actually meant it because we were both starving. Satisfied by his healthy appetite and gourmet delight, conversation and laughter resumed at the other table, the hostess slipped back into the kitchen and we were spared arrest for telling outrageous lies about radioactivity in Fukushima's perfectly healthy and tasty local cuisine. Richard actually finished his delicious meal, while mine was neatly wrapped in a napkin to feed the by-then extinct cats or feline ghosts lurking in the shadows. Abandoned to die My long-time photographer colleague, Takashi Morizumi was with the Miyagi Prefecture police rescue team operating in the Soma region, a few miles north of Haramachi, immediately after the tsunami hit. The prefectural governor then ordered a cease to operations and for rescue squads to pull back northward due to extemely high radioactivity levels. Many of the policemen protested the evacuation order because their families and old friends were isolated by the tsunami floodwaters and trapped with no way out on their own. Thousands of local residents were left to die in the freezing cold, and most of the corpses were pulled out to sea with the retreat of the flood. The actual reason for the pull-out order was to prevent the local police from discovering the tangled mess of bodies trapped inside the nuclear weapons facility by the coal harbor, whose secret warhead production was in blatant violation of the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty, Japan's own Three Non-Nuclear Principles, the US-Japan Security Treaty and the San Francisco Treaty that admitted Japan back into the world community after its pariah status for World War II aggression. The Haramachi warhead project is yet to be prosecuted in the World Court at the Hague, due to the avarice and cowardly collusion of the lackeys of the nuclear mafia, aka heads of governments worldwide. White House culpability The administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama had direct complicity in this secret military project that blew apart and triggered the Fukushima meltdowns. Following his Camp David summit with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on April 27, 2007, President Bush had this to say: "We talked about the environment and energy. I appreciated very much Shinzo's vision of using technologies to help our energy security, our economic security, and at the same time, be responsible stewards of the environment. There's a lot of work that Japan and the United States can do together, particularly in fields like emission-free nuclear energy, nuclear power. I mean, the truth of the matter is, if people really want to solve the issue of greenhouse gases, civilian nuclear power, powering our energy grids by nuclear power is the best alternative available." Security was the key word, as in nuclear deterrence capability. In this light, the Green Raw Deal by self-proclaimed "stewards of the environment" has been a sweet-sounding cover for transforming MOX fuel into nuclear bombs, as in the blasts that rocked Fukushima and poisoned the Northern Hemisphere. The climate-change alarmists are about as credible as the food safety experts of Fukushima. Below is a brief summary, so for more details on this dynamic duo of nuclear treason, see my article at - US-Israeli Nuke Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts The Amarillo heist To get to the quick, warheads containing highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium were smuggled out during a labor strike at DOE's reprocessing facility in Amarillo, Texas a year after the secretive dealings at Camp David. This military-grade material was shipped to Japan for conversion into MOX (mixed oxide of plutonium and uranium), whose key ingredient is U-238, which is boosted by neutron bombardment inside a reactor for transformation into plutonium Pu-39, the right stuff for nuclear bombs. That totally illegal shipment of U.S. warheads was detected at the Port of Houston by CIA contract inspector Roland Carnaby, who was shot dead by the Bush family's loyal gendarmes with the Houston police. That cold-blooded murder makes me wonder how much Shinzo Abe paid Bush and Obama for treasonous services rendered. From what I could gather at the time, the Israeli shipping company, ZIM, stole the high-grade bomb material, leaving the highly contaminated waste for their Japanese client, which accounts for all the delays and extra effort to clad Reactor 5, where the power-line from Haramachi collapsed. Magnetic resonance The next step in the production process was to use the state-of-art GE-Hitachi laser separation system, which uses magnetic resonance by laser-beam to pull away specific isotopes. An analogy is a pitch pipe to blow a specific note, whose vibration informs the orchestra of the right chord. That fine-tuning eliminates cumbersome and time-consuming refinement though a series of centrifuges. That innovative process happened to coincide with the pet research of Obama-era Energy Secretary Stephen Chu. I and perhpas you might wonder what sort of American leader would provide war-grade plutonium to the nation that bombed Pearl Harbor and conducted the Nanjing Massacre. Many more dots connect the White House in DC with the Prime Minister's office in Nagata-cho. TEPCO. For instance, Reactor 3 was re-cladded with a denser shroud to handle the heat of MOX fuel roads. This also casts light on why a GE team was installing the same type of shroud inside Reactor 4 during the early stage of meltdowns. Recall also that the entirety of that Reactor 4's rods were inside the roof-top spent-fuel pool that caught fire in the 311 crisis, ignited by neutron bombardment from adjoining reactors in meltdown. Between 2008 and 2011, enough enriched plutonium could have been produced at Fukushima for hundreds of warheads prepared at the Haramachi bunker. These weapons of mass destruction never reached their intended target in North Korea and China, but instead devastated Japan. This is like being trapped by one's own lie, except worse. Don't meekly trust my wild claims since the man in the know is then-GE nuclear plant inspector Kei Sugaoka. Get his expert opinion at GE Nuclear Plant Inspector/Whistleblower Kei Sugaoko Speaks About Fukushima, GE & Obama Now adding coy humor to this policy imbroglio, President Donald Trump like a clever armadillo tried to wash his hands of the fallout from the Amarillo secret deal, by suggesting that the USA fold its nuclear umbrella over Japan and let then incumbent Abe build up his own arsenal. I suppose Trump was peeved by an absence of salmon from the White House table, a dish favored by his Scottish mother. "My friend Shinzo," that and other knife-twisting sarcasm, is why I do miss the Donald. Killing Planet Earth The knock-on effects of the nuclear inferno that met with deceptive nonsense from the immovable object of Japanese denial are so numerous as to defy counting with an abacus. Local-caught fish off the menu is one harsh blow, now that the radioactivity-contaminated water from Fukushima has completed the Pacific circuit, rounding the coasts of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska to poison the Oyashio (Leman Current) from the Bering Strait and down toward Tokyo. Over the past three years, Tohoku fishermen are reporting an absence of schools of fish in the desert sea. The marine poisoning reaches far beyond Japan's shore, due to the scuttling of barges carrying highly radioactive waste into the Philippine Trench, and then transport of Fukushima reactor rubble by the Japanese whaling fleet for dumping south of New Zealand into Antarctica's Southern Sea. These undersea boilers have conjured up massive cyclones, many of those steering to Fukushima, like ravens coming home to roost. The reactor venting, which released smoke and fumes from the Fukushima plant, left a metallic taste on the tongue while I was doing a soil remediation project nearby and then field research in the exclusion zone. The heat column lifted radioactive particles into the Jet Stream, which deposited hot-spots onto the Arctic region, cracking and melting the ice shelf, while opening a massive ozone hole over the Northern Hemisphere. The destruction of the ozone layer in April 2011 enabled cosmic radiation to pour down through the breach causing a bigger Aurora Borealis and the Polar Vortex that has gripped the southern states with freezing temperatures. In Texas, the unnatural chill froze the ice "corks" inside pipelines that separate gas shipments, and also stopped wind turbines and solar power panels. Contrary to the green ideology of that idiotic NPR, the solution to the Texan power outage is the only fuel that can survive a Fuku'd ice storm hurling down from the radioactive North Pole, namely much-vilified coal as savior of children and the elderly. The deaths in Texas add to the human death toll related to Fukushima. Babies born without brains in the Pacific Northwest; and a slew of miscarriages and abortions of reptilian-like "monsters", as one Hong Kong physician put it, have decimated the birth rates in Japan, the Asian continent and North America. Other species have also been reduced with wildlife numbers in drastic decline and insects disappearing from North America, in a mass slaughter far more extensive than the DDT killoff documented in Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring'. Fukushima is in your local air, water, food, pets, living room and also inside everyone's body. We are facing extinction as a species. The Bright Side of Hell Think of the bright side. Had the 311 tsunami not completely flooded and then solidified into frozen slush inside that secret nuclear warhead lab in Haramachi on the unusually cold nights of March 11-15, the incineration of hundreds of warheads would have killed every mammal on this planet, including fool apes that flatter themselves as being intelligent, along with the rest of the biological kingdom, other than a few hardy mushrooms and mildew. Even the ants would have been left starving and disoriented by chromosome damage. Life on Earth came within a hair's breadth of the Sixth and Final Extinction Event, leaving a dead rock gyrating wildly in space due to the eccentric movement of the magnetic North Pole, knocked off its axis by the Reactor 3 blast. Total extinction might have been a better solution than our present dilemma in which our every effort could be nullified by the next reactor meltdown. In bipolar policy oscillation between nuclear collaboration and evasion of responsibility for public safety, the imbeciles on both sides of the Pacific are still trying to rescue nuclear power instead of saving human lives. Japan as nuke pioneer One point to emphasize is that Fukushima 311 is not some exceptional day but instead a logical outcome of nearly a century of secret nuclear weapons development in Japan, which began with the world's first-ever description of the massive potential of nuclear fission through neutron escape, in the 1934 paper published by Iwanami Shoten by Tadayoshi Hikosaka, a nuclear physics professor at Tohoku Imperial University in Sendai, just north of Fukushima Prefecture. His research paper was released five years before the claim by German Jewish chemists seeking a fast track to a visa from the USA to enjoy the academic privileges of that plagiarizing fraudster Albert Einstein, who stole the credit for equations by Henri Poincare, Olinto de Pretto and India-born mathematician Satyendra Nath Bose, not to mention Werner Heisenberg and Paul Dirac. The opportunism of Jewish scientists in their quest for professorial titles, directorships of laboratories, high salaries and cushy accommodations from the military-industrial-academic complex in the United States was an undeniable factor behind the ethnic distrust by state bureaucracies in Germany and the Soviet Union, whose suspicions of treasonous attitudes resulted in institutionalized ghetto confinement and pogroms against humble, ordinary and patriotic Jewish families. More recently Israeli dual citizenship has heightened the national security threat to the U.S. due to lucrative transfers of American high-tech secrets to Chinese military labs. Nuclear-fission pioneer Hikosaka's theory of neutron escape from the nucleus, which he maintained was the key to releasing enormous energy on an unprecedented scale, attracted the attention of the Japanese military, which dispatched him with his immediate family to Lushun, formerly known as Port Arthur, near Dalian, apparently in transit to occupied Korea. Following the 8-day war of the once-neutral Soviet Union, intent on capturing the Japanese nuclear program on Konan (Hungnam) island in northern Korea, Hirosaka was treated cordially by Russian military intelligence officers, who invited him to conduct research in Moscow. The Soviets suspected that he had been assigned to the Japanese atomic bomb project, making him quite useful for Stalin's takeover of that strategic program. Realizing that long-term captivity could be fatal, he and his wife hid his research papers and packed their belongings for a secret escape back to Japan, where he then resumed his theoretical studies in Sendai and later at Iwate University. On the 50th anniversary of the founding of RIKEN, his pioneering research papers were re-published with addenda, while maintaining the secrecy of his wartime military-related service. The notion of equal and sometimes superior scientific achievement in Asia is an unbearable prospect for the Eurocentric scientific establishment, Yet the materialist Mohist school of empirical observation contended for centuries against Confucian social ethics while putting China in the lead of technological innovation over many centuries. The fly in the ointment, however, was the inherent amorality of absolute rationalism. The attitude of "if it works, do it" explains why Japanese physicists at the Riken research Institute of Physics and Chemistry gladly participated in state-funded nuclear warhead research and also on the development of the thorium-powered jet engine, this latter project in the cooperation with Dornier's genius designer Richard Vogt, who worked on contract with Kawasaki Aircraft toward advancement of Japanese air power. Hikosaka's pioneering studies at Tohoku Imperial University on fission theory prior to release of his scientific paper had likely been spurred by the 1929 visit to Japan on a world lecture tour of quantum theorists Werner Heisenberg and Paul Dirac, the latter a brilliant and eccentric Englishman whose research concepts have been largely neglected. Their visit to Tokyo was celebrated in group photo with leading scientists at RIKEN, the Institute of Physics and Chemistry, modeled after the Kaiser Wilhelm science institute. As best as I can discern in this group photo, from left to right are Shinichiro Tominaga, Masatoshi Okochi, Yoshio Nishina, Werner Heisenberg, Hantaro Nagaoka, Paul Dirac, as yet unidentified, and Hideki Yukawa. That encounter was an outstanding meeting of minds between the fathers of the German, British and Japanese atomic bombs. Paperclip Japan It is a shameful disgrace that the Manhattan Project on their postwar visit suppressed and looted the Japanese nuclear program under the authority of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), better known for its Operation Paperclip against Japan as well as Germany and Europe. The thieves at Los Alamos engaged in selective censorship of scientific literature, sneakily stealing the thunder of scientific discovery from Japanese and German physicists. Edward Teller was no Shiva but merely a crafty pickpocket cleaning out the train stations and air terminals. The entirety of science and technology history, and the secretive thievery therein, demands a second draft with proper accreditation for actual inventors, as in the case of Wright brothers who were not to first to fly, since the Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont beat them to it along with other claimants in France and the USA, not to mention those crazy-brave ancient Chinese fliers strapped to huge kites, and one of them to my knowledge at least, flew without strings attached. As for distortion of the facts, the U.S. government and the military-industrial-academic complex have zero compunctions about blanket censorship of uncomfortable facts in violation of the First Amendment. Nearly all of the German-Japanese cooperation on advanced technologies, for either military or civilian use, was the coveted target of the U.S. Defense Department's Asian version of Operation Paperclip, which directly influenced my adolescent life in Japan. The American thievery of German-Japanese technology cooperation included the Dornier-Kawasaki helicopter expropriated without credit or licensing fees by Sikorsky and Bell, turbo-prop and jet engines sent by secret airlift from Komaki Airfield in Nagoya to Edwards Air Base and Wright-Patterson, as well as "useless aircraft with no apparent purpose related to transporting passengers or cargo" sent ignominiously to "that other Edwards in Nevada", later known as Area 51. A victorious United States and side-kick Britain, along with their patent bureaus, were the biggest intellectual property thieves in human history. This grand larceny explains the cult of secrecy involving sensitive technology, which resulted in, conspired to, and covered up the nuclear reactor explosions and fires at Fukushima, since technology from GE and the DOE-Pantex were largely responsible for the blasts and the global radioactivity contamination, with know-nothing TEPCO put into the role of fall guy. I point out these hidden relationships as a harsh critic of TEPCO and not as its apologist. Critique of Scientific Arrogance Had the philosopher of Konisberg lived impossibly longer, the institutional conjoining of science with warfare in the 1930s up till now has amply confirmed the underlying anxiety that prompted Immanuel Kant's 1871 "Critique of Pure Reason" directed at the math-based sciences. The inherent problem of secular science is its rejection of religion-derived ethics, which had previously been developed with a rigor of logic on par with higher mathematics, while informed by flashes of creativity best described as revelation. Another way of putting this intellectual divide between the secular and the profound is the difference between the created and its creator, capital C, if you will. The created object can be methodically understood, but its creator's thinking process is far more complex, convoluted, inspired, serendipitous and sometimes whimsical, yet largely comprehensible. One thing is certain, the relationship between the inventor's subjective mind and the created object; much like the horse and carriage one goes before the other. Buddhist philosophy attributes the process of creation and transformation to the Mind, upper case M, which is something like a universal operating system on a grandest scale, whereas the Judeo-Christian traditional view provides a human-like identity to this same principle of God the Creator. These concepts are essentially "same-same" with both world religious traditions in basic agreement in that the Cosmos could not have merely popped out of a tiny nuclear seed, like a drop of semen flowing into a vast empty womb, as the truth-denier Einstein suggested with Freudian dishonesty. From whence came that seed, Albert? The Other Side, of course, via Inter-dimensionality. As for the image of God, it varies between cultural traditions as the coins in one's pocket, since in some economies the copper disc is not stamped with a face, which does not mean there's no mold maker at the local mint. As for biological evolution, sure, species can evolve based on mutations inherent to biological reproduction, yet without some sort of design Principle there could be nothing as novel, unique and complex as life on Earth. The fact that we can never identify who or what that creator actually might have been and probably still is leads us to use the analogies of myths and sacred images. These tales and images more or less suffice given our stunted cognitive capacities as myopic apes with vague intimations of a connection with some vast force up there. Although different from pure scientific research, applied technology also engages in a similar denial of authorship, as shown in the necessity of copyright law, without which there would be zero attribution to any inventor. Even with intellectual property protections, the overriding tendency is to erase the names of actual creators, as seen in the inexorable march of the Microsoft corporation in its drive for sole proprietorship. The factual history of science and technology is being methodically eliminated to be replaced by corporate fictions. Code simply exists and expands on its own, never mind the poor slobs on keyboards during this gradual enslavement of the intelligent-industries' workforce. Certainly, Jews are not the only patent-and-professorship glory hogs, since American technology is replete with Big Names like Edison and Westinghouse, Pfizer and Lilly. The obscure scientist or engineer whose tinkering enriches the corporate investors is instantly forgotten and sometimes even murdered, the latter more often than any layman suspects. Silicon Valley and the military-industrial complex are vast warehouses of stolen knowledge. What makes nuclear physics and its sub-branch of quantum theory so exceptional is, of course, the relationship between matter and energy with all the implications about the emergence of the Universe as a secular physical process while conveniently forgetting that the first referenced claim was a Creation myth, specifically for Jews and Christians in Genesis chapter 1, with its moral overtones demanding human ethical conduct based on protection of the Tree of Life. Western science, with its stone-cold rejection of biblical injunction, has steered clear of the prophetic warnings about moral risks from the Tree of Knowledge. This avoidance of ethical accountability through deliberate cleansing science of its mythic origins stands at the very core of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, when advanced weapons development laid waste the natural paradise of Northern Japan and threatens to exterminate all living creatures on this planet. Those appointed to be the stewards of the Earth have become its exterminators. So catastrophes bring us back to ground zero where brute science is challenged by the higher logic of metaphysics, and on that note you were so correct about the urgent need for systematic ethics to install ethical principle into scientific research, Professor Kant, Bravo! Japan's atomic bomb At the practical level of technology with a pick and shovel, the world's first industrial-scale uranium and thorium mine was established in secrecy during the early 1930s on Uzumine mountain, near Sukagawa in southern Fukushima by the Bund-Eine project in cooperation with Weimar German physicists led by Werner Heisenberg, following his 1929 lecture tour in Japan. By contrast, Chancellor Adolf Hitler was an adamant foe of Japan, being a World War I veteran and protege of Karl Haushaufer, the former German military attache in Tokyo in 1914 whose Geo-strategy theory astutely predicted that Imperial Japan would grab the Kaiser's colonies in the Pacific islands and Shantung Peninsula. Indeed, in retaliation for the land grab in World War I, Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to send officers, drill instructors and weapons to bolster the Kuomintang's Generalissimo Chang Kai-shek, as the Franco of Asia, to combat Japanese expansionism in China, which culminated in the battles of Shanghai and the Nanjing Massacre. Only when common interest in punishing the imperious British led to the signing of the Axis Pact treaty in September 1940, did Germany resume the Weimar policy of nuclear cooperation with Japan. U-boats delivered refined uranium and reactor technology to Japan and to occupied Shanghai to hasten the Axis A-bomb. The Allied capture of U-boat 234 hauling uranium oxide and advanced technology is the sole reported interdiction on the U.S. historical record. According to the maternal side of my family, howver, Yokohama and Kobe were for all practical purposes German home ports, replete with German Navy sailors performing in Bach orchestras. Nuclear re-armament of Japan Financed by Shinzo Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, a Japanese R&D team based at wartime Konan (Hungnam island) in occupied Korea successfully built and tested an A-bomb simultaneous with the Manhattan Project's Trinity blast. Following Japan's defeat in World War II, the Manhattan Project sent an inspection team to Japan, which destroyed an obsolete reactor belonging to its rival Riken, the Japanese advanced science research agency. This only forced the Japanese nuclear sector to operate in secret. After his rehabilitation for war crimes, including sponsorship of Unit 731, Kishi was elected prime minister and signed Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program. Then he visited the construction site of Britain's first atomic power plant at Bradford, as the model for Japan's re-emerging nuclear program. After that informative excursion, Kishi ordered the construction of the first nuclear power plant at Tokai-mura in Ibaraki Prefecture east of Tokyo, which lay at the heart of a secret military weapons complex until the 1970s development of TEPCO Fukushima. The 1964 Olympics was timed to hail Japan's emergence as a nuclear power, with the Shinkansen bullet train powered by electricity from the Tokai-mura reactor (though delayed until the following year). Then in 1991, Kakuei Tanaka from Niigata, which also became the site of a TEPCO-sponsored nuclear plant, was elected prime minister with key support from Yasuhiro Nakasone, the defense minister and de facto shogun of Japan's re-nuclearization. The CIA and State Department were aware of these developments all along with a positive attitude, despite misgivings at the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency. The Democratic Party liberals in Washington were loyally wedded to the revival of Japanese far-right nationalism, partly and even largely due to both sides being gay at heart, sharing the onsen at Tokyo's homosexual bathhouses, frequently by the likes of Ambassador Douglas MacArthur II, the general's nephew. Honor above Filth As opposed to the Kishi-Abe mafia, my clan of the Satsuma domain in southern Kyushu has believed that men dedicated to public service based on ethics, and not the brute power of machines or materiel, are the decisive force for human progress and that science should serve the interests of the populace and not be used to entrench tyrants and the indolent rich. This fundamental clash of values and struggle of wills may seem lopsided in favor of evil-doers, but that is a superficial impression of weaklings overawed by the power of evil and lacking confidence in justice ever being rendered. This, simply put, is a test of character that eventually leads to a pitched battle. Meanwhile prepare. It is not enough, indeed far too little that the Tokyo Olympics were postponed, possibly to be canceled, when the nuclear industry and its lackey IAEA "regulators" have so far evaded appropriate punishment for their culpability in the cover-up of this disaster's real causes that led to the mass murder of untold thousands of innocent people in Japan and around the world. It is a moral travesty that Shinzo Abe retreats into comfortable retirement after conspiring with Mizuho Bank to steal hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions from the "Pray for Japan" global outpouring in sympathy with Fukushima residents in response to 311, or that George W. Bush and Barack Obama retire under protection of a Secret Service that instead should be dragging them in shackles to an international court of justice on par with the Nuremberg Tribunal and Tokyo War Crimes Trials. Of course the TEPCO crowd are not the only curs in this fiasco, when their technology providers in the USA and France, along with uranium ore suppliers in Australia and Canada remain at large, with the freedom to profit from death. Much craftier at spinning lies has been the Kyoto Protocol groupies, funded by TEPCO, who have morphed into the Green New Deal fanatics, providing cover for the nuclear industry that is spewing radioactivity across the USA, Europe, Asia and more recently the Middle East and Latin American, in an ever-wider circle of death and destruction. Especially onerous are those Canadian thugs and liars who have hounded and tried to intimidate our courageous colleague Dana Durnford, who nevertheless has been steadfast in exposing the criminality and ecocide of the nuclear industry, Until these criminals are hanged on the gallows, the Fukushima tragedy cannot begin to be resolved. Indeed we are still at the starting line of this world-destroying catastrophe, when so many victims are dying from radioactive poisoning and the global environment is an ever-worsening wreckage. Retribution remains to be meted out to the guilty. Since truthful confession of these unpardonable crimes is not forthcoming from the globalist elites, much sterner measures are required to right the wrong. We mortals cannot bring the dead back to life, and I did meet so many of the soon-to-die in Fukushima, who are by now sadly departed. We must focus on protecting the innocent while never shucking our moral duty to punish the perpetrators. This is the pledge that has motivated and guided my field studies and reportage over the past 10 years to be continued steadfastly into the coming decade, so help me God.