Reports Tie Marc Rich To Russian
Spies And The Looting Of Russia
By Christopher Ruddy

Marc Rich has a pardon clearing him to enter the United States at any time, but don't expect him ever to return.
Washington sources say congressional investigators would love to slap him with a subpoena upon arrival and haul him before congressional hearings and the cameras for interrogation.
Specifics of the Clinton pardon deal may be just one small part of what Congress would want to find out from Rich.
Perhaps the most serious concern for congressional investigators is Rich's alleged ties with Russian intelligence agencies, the Russian mafia and some of the old communist states of Eastern Europe.
Last week the New York Post's Rod Dreher reported that Rich made tens of millions of dollars helping Russia's communist bosses loot their country, leaving it bankrupt.
Rich's role in ruining Russia's economy was detailed in the book "Godfather of the Kremlin" by Paul Klebnikov, whom Dreher describes as an expert on Russia and a Forbes magazine senior editor.
The book alleges Rich and Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky and associates stole untold sums from the Russian people through international financial manipulations.
In 1983, the year he fled the United States to avoid prosecution, Rich took advantage of the grain embargo that the United States imposed on the Soviet Union because of its war in Afghanistan. Rich ignored the embargo and imported grain into the Soviet Union, winning friends in the Soviet hierarchy with whom he would ally himself when the communist government collapsed.
According to Washington sources, from then on Rich was associated in his business dealings with "the Communist Party and KGB senior figures. Everybody in that carousel, commie and KGB, got personal benefits ... commissions in Western accounts."
It is widely believed by intelligence experts that today's powerful Russian "mafia" is nothing more than an arm of Russian intelligence agencies, such as the former KGB.
Other evidence suggests Rich had more than a casual business relationship with the Soviet spy agencies.
Appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live" earlier this month, Howard Safir, the former head of the U.S. Marshals Service, revealed efforts by East Germany to get Rich off the hook.
Referring to Rich, Safir said, "You are talking about an individual, when I did a spy exchange in 1986, he had a lawyer from East Germany offer $225 million for him and (Rich's partner) Pinky Green if the prosecutions were wiped out."
According to Klebnikov, Rich came into the picture again as a major wheeler-dealer in Russia around 1990, when the Soviet Union began to open up to outsiders.
"Governmental authority began to crumble. All these local Communist Party bosses got to strike deals on their own," Klebnikov told Dreher.
"Working out of Switzerland, which has secretive banking laws, Rich was in a prime position to help Russia's plunderers carry out their dirty work," Dreher wrote.
According to Klebnikov, Rich dealt in oil, aluminum, zinc and other raw commodities.
"He'd strike a deal with the local party boss, or the director of a state-owned company," Klebnikov told Dreher. "He'd say, `OK, you will sell me the (commodity) at 5 to 10 percent of the world market price. And in return, I will deposit some of the profit I make by reselling it 10 times higher on the world market, and put the kickback in a Swiss bank account.'
"He made a complete mint off of Russia," Klebnikov said.
Rich began buying Russian aluminum, at absurdly cheap prices, with his hard currency. He then dumped the aluminum onto Western industrial markets, causing a 30 percent collapse in the price of the metal, as Western industry had no way to compete.
There was such an outflow of aluminum from Russia that there were shortages of aluminum for Russian fish canneries. At the same time, Rich reportedly moved in to secure export control over the supply of most West Siberian crude oil to Western markets.
Rich's companies were under investigation for fraud in Russia, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal of May 13, 1993.
For at least two years, while the Soviet Union was writhing in its death throes, Rich was that nation's largest trader of aluminum and oil on a spot basis.
"Marc Rich ended up being a mentor to all these young kids who came out of the Communist Party establishment and who made billions off these schemes themselves," Klebnikov charged.
"Applying the lessons they learned from Marc Rich, they bankrupted Russia," Klebnikov alleged. "As a result, you have a ruined economy, bankrupt government and an impoverished population."
Rich, headquartered in Switzerland, was well situated to help the Russian mafia. Switzerland already has been identified by international police agencies as a major center of Russian money laundering.
If it is true that Rich and his intermediaries were willing to spend more than $200 million for a pardon for U.S. crimes, it raises questions of whether a lot more money may have changed hands than the few million suspected as donations to the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign or the Clinton library.
Could money, for example, have been transferred to an offshore bank account? It's a good question investigators need to ask, especially since the Clintons may have had their own Switzerland connection.
Several years ago London's Sunday Telegraph reported that Vince Foster, one-time White House deputy counsel, had made frequent trips to Switzerland before the Clintons entered the White House.
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