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Kucinich Poison
From: Kucinich for President, Mike Klein 

Subject: New Constitutional Convention Initiative Town Hall Meeting
"New Constitutional Convention Initiative Town Hall Meeting
"...This town hall meeting will provide an opportunity for the campaign to introduce the New Constitutional Convention Initiative to supporters and anyone who is concerned about the state of affairs in the United States. The New Constitutional Convention Initiative will include a a series of nationally broadcast discussions (via ...
".. Provide a venue which will lead to a coordinated and sustained national effort to renew th.e Constitution and restore accountability in government ...
"...The New Constitutional Convention Initiative will hold a national conference call each week for the next 10 weeks - culminating in a major event at the end of January. A complete list of dates, panel participants and moderators, and topics / themes for each week, will be made available in the next week and distributed to anyone interested in participating."
My reply to the above...
Kucinich Poison
He calls for new constitutional convention -- but who controls the media, education, think tanks, lawyers, and the political fixers operating in every community?
By Dick Eastman
After his "for-show" call for impeachment, Dennis Kucinich now -- equally for show (we hope) plants the idea of a new constitutional convention.
Stop and think a minute.
The impeachment call in this Congress was a deliberate fail -- actually a premeditated boost for Nancy Pelosi and AIPAC -- giving them the see-I-told-you-so-now-please-shut-up  they desperately needed to continue ignoring the voters.
Remember, Kucinich's job in this presidential election, as in the last, is to hold anti-war voters in the Democratic party so he can turn them over to Hillary Clinton on election night when it is too late to bolt and build up a third party effort (exactly as he did for Kerry in 2004.) -- Remember, Kucinich has already publically declared that he will vote for pro-war pro-globalization AIPAC-owned Clinton if she wins the Democrat Party nomination. So now that "impeachment" move psy-op is over with the switches to the next scam, calling for a new constitutional convention,
A new constitutional convention? But who controls the media to frame the issues? Who controls the pollsters who will load the questions and pre-select the samples to generate the "public opinion" that will inform the new convention? WHo controls the universities (political scientists, law professors, historians etc.)? Who controls education (spin to the captive kiddies who go home and inform their parents)? Who controls entertainment, where everything from sitcoms to action movies to soap operas have political messages imbedded in the scripts? Who has the constitutional lawyers on retainer? Who has an army of internet operatives to guide their preferred views and derail contrary viewpoints in a totally unregulated and unaccountable environment? And who owns the political fixers with potentially bottomless pocketbooks who operate on the sly in every community of the nation? Who, indeed, but the money power who are exactly the same people as now own Congress and are the corrupters beind all all of the laws and power-cedeing resolutions that are destroying this country and all of our lives.
The Constitution we have is not the government that men fought the American Revolution to get. The revolution that began in 1776 was fought for a compact of states held together by Articles of Confederation -- a masterpiece of decentralization of power -- but not to the liking of Easterners alligned with the money power -- who wanted a centralized government that could tax and make profitable war and set up a central bank etc. And so the Money Power manipulated the country into near bankruptcy so that a new government would be formed. But even then the states did not want a new constitution, they just wanted some revisions to improve the old one. But Alexander Hamilton and other agents of the money power had a different agenda and eventually they won over and the current Constitution was developed -- but not without a fight from the "anti-Federalists" who included Madison and Jefferson who fought Hamilton tooth and nail to get the Constitution we now have. (This constitution could have gone either way.
Unfortunately, another tool of the money power, John Marshall, became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and so the Hamiltonians got what they wanted by "loose construction", including and especially a central bank.) I mention this only to make this point: If you call a Constitutional Convention you empower men to rewrite the Constitution and you do so at a time when the public has absolutely no control over who will be selected and what they will stand for. What Kucinich is doing is paving the way for a new form of government that is in fact already written and waiting to be pushed upon us -- all that is needed is the right "rubber stamp" Constitutional Convention to do the job.
Dennis Kucinich is the last person to know what amendments need to be added to the Constitution to repair it. I have elsewhere suggested that we return to having state legislatures pick US Sentators, a system that worked well (in terms of quality of Senators) until direct elections were pushed on us in 1913 -- and of course the Founding Fathers were exactly against this type of "democracy" for the higher chamber of the legislature. I have also suggested that we return to the Founding Fathers original conception of having people select electors from among the wisest people of each community and having these electors get together in the electorial college and pick from any citizen over 35 years of age who is not a criminal the best president for the job without recourse to political parties (which are only organized interests working for graft and patronage and monopoly priviledge at everyone else's expense.) But this is not what Dennis Kucinich is after. And he is not after the amendments that you would want either.
There is not shortcut to good government. You can't get around a corrupt congress by somehow finding human saints or heavenly angels to come out of nowhere and write a new constitution for you. To create a constitutional convention and then get it ratified, while the Congress stands by and lets it happen -- can only be the work of the money power and its overriding mission of erradicating the last shreds of Jeffersonianism still in effect, still capable of resuscitation. There is only one way to do it right and that is to throw out the present congress -- and do so despite the advantages of the money power in the processes of politics and information distribution. This will take a revolution -- hopefully not a bloody one -- but Homeland Security and a hundred executive orders are in place to make sure it can't happen without first overcoming incredible state power bent on sustaining the money power's hold on government, economy, resources and debt-slave labor units. No one wants this necessary warfare -- but there is no other way to freedom from the Money Power except by fighting in showdown after showdown -- knowing that the Money Power is international and that, as always, they will bring foreign mercenaries, particularly Israelis, and, perhaps (realistically, but let us hope not) decisively, China's military and economic might.
I say we make war on Congress and the Political parties and do it fast.
Ron Paul is not the leader for this struggle and certainly beyond all certainties Kucinich isn't either.
But it must be done. (I suggest Bob Bowman -- he would make the right decisions and oversee the undertaking in all of the theaters of conflict that are necessary -- if his health will allow it.)
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Here is what tbacane wrote:
Is this [Kucinich's new  Constitutional Convention] really a good idea or is it another ploy by the traitors to seize total power by turning the Constitution into something evil? After all the Constitution and the laws it represents have been enough for over two hundreds years all we really need is for the damn politicians to stop making excuses and do their jobs and support that documents and all those it represents! Which would mean impeaching the traitors and law breakers , removing them from office and either jailing them or executing them or both. Just think with the sickness and corruption in government today a conventional convention could in fact codify all the corruption and down right treason that is currently illegal under the current Constitution. So think people and lets force the bastards to do their jobs under the current laws which they are ignoring then a Constitutional Convention would be a mote issue!



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