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America's Addition To
Population Growth
Utter Futility of Colorado Governor Ritter's
Air Pollution Plan to Stop Climate Change

By Frosty Wooldridge

Talented Denver Post journalist Steve Lipsher wrote an exceptional report on Monday, "Cost of driving could rise under state climate plan", November 12, 2007.
At the same time, he and the Denver Post missed the most important aspect of curtailing both our Colorado water crisis, which the Post editorialized last week, and our air pollution/climate change dilemma.
What do Lipsher and the Post ignore? Short answer: the obvious! It's astounding how intelligent, educated editors and journalists can cloud, suppress, deny and obfuscate the final culprit in this Faustian dilemma: too many people!
Last week, Denver Post editors published an editorial promoting efficiency and 'new thinking' concerning the West's looming water crisis.
Global warming and water problems tie directly to fossil fuel burning which stems from millions of humans added to the earth's population annually. Yet, the Denver Post refuses to address stabilizing overpopulation in any of its editorials as a method for solving our water crisis. 
The fact remains: if we maintained a stable population well under the carrying capacity of our region, we would not suffer a water, climate change or air pollution crisis.
Einstein said, "The problems in the world today are so enormous they cannot be solved with the level of thinking that created them." Yet the Denver Post continues thinking in 20th century solutions. Result? Guaranteed to fail in the 21st century! The Post said it will take a "host of strategies to feed and water its growing population."
How about promoting a 'stable population' that doesn't grow? How about 'new thinking' that creates a "Colorado Population Policy" ; "Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy"; "Colorado Environmental Impact Policy"; "Colorado Water Policy"? The U.S. maintains a stable population by itself with a 2.03 fertility by the average female. Why not promote a moratorium on all immigration that proves the single greatest cause of our population growth?
While the Denver Post advocates 'new thinking' it stands eyeball-deep in old thinking, old solutions and totally out of touch with what we face. Results? Sure-fire failure to future generations as we add another six to ten million people to Colorado by 2050!
As Lipsher reported, "After a summer in which the metro area failed to meet federal clean-air standards for ozone, the Regional Air Quality Council on Wednesday began exploring options to cut ozone-forming pollutants-starting with dirty cars and trucks."
It matters little if you cut dirty cars and trucks when you add six million people who will add at least three to four million MORE cars and trucks! Not only that, they'll add millions of homes that burn more fossil fuels that pollute the air over Denver!
"We're a growing area, and we're going to have more cars and trucks on the road so trying to make them as clean as we can makes some sense," Ken Lloyd, the Air Quality Council's executive director said.
Reality check: why assume that we must grow until we double our current population, which will double our problems? Why continue with a 20th century paradigm that fails in the 21st century?
At the end of Lipsher's report, Ritter said, "Can Coloradans really make a differenceI believe we can and that we have a moral obligation to try."
Again, ancient, sure-to-fail 20th century thinking by Ritter who mucks around in that old paradigm! What Ritter proposes, although noble, can be likened to California Governor Schwarzenegger, a muscle man, who jumps into the Colorado River and vows to swim to its source in Fraser Valley, Colorado. Sure, "Arnold" proves a powerful and determined man. He jumps into the river in Arizona and begins his historic swim in April. However, the spring melt creates a mighty obstacle of greater and greater water flow. No matter how much progress he makes, he ultimately suffers defeat by being swept downstream.
Arnold fails and Ritter fails because they jumped into a 20th century paradigm model. 
By riding a bicycle along the Colorado River to its source, Arnold would succeed in his quest. When Ritter creates a new model of a sustainable Colorado via a "Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy", then, and only then, will future generations enjoy his "moral obligation to try." If he changes to reality-based paradigms, he will succeed to the delight of future generations.
Whether we like it or not, we must come to terms with overpopulation in Colorado and America in the 21st century. We must create paradigms that succeed instead of emotional 'short-fixes' that make us feel good for the moment.
Take action: www.thesocialcontract.com ;
www.numbersusa.com ;
www.fairus.org ;
www.firecoalition.com ;
www.alipac.us ;
; www.vdare.com
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents ­ from the Arctic to the South Pole ­ as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming Population Crisis in Colorado and America: and what you can do about it" to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website www.frostywooldridge.com
THE POPULATION FIX: Breaking America's Addiction to Population Growth
A Book Review
By Frosty Wooldridge
A staggering 100 percent of U.S. governors, senators, members of the House of Representatives, mayors, major newspaper publishers, editors and the current president of the United States ignore America's greatest crisis in the 21st century. Every presidential candidate ignores it from one end of this country to the other!
Across America, citizens go about their daily activities oblivious to the ominous consequences bequeathed to their children. Few think about or react to toxic air pollution, traffic gridlock, crowding and climate change.
What is this problem? Short answer: addiction to human population growth!
Each day, America adds 8,200 more people. Annually, America grows by 3.1 million people.  The U.S. Census Bureau predicts America to add 100 million people by 2040. Whether it's sooner or later, no matter how far down the wrong road you travel, stop! Turn around; go back and find a better path.
"THE POPULATION FIX: Breaking America's Addiction to Population Growth" by Edward C. Hartman, provides stunning examples of our human folly. He illustrates his native California's demise via massive population overload. Hartman reports on what happened to California as it grew from 16 million in 1965 to its current population of 37.5 million in 2007. Far more sobering-predictions show California adding 40 million by 2050 at current growth rates.
He introduces pertinent points that none of our leaders ask: "Our schools are too crowded-we need to build more schools." The more intelligent answer must be raised, "If we stabilized our population, we wouldn't need more new schoolsif we stabilized our population, we wouldn't need to build more homes and roads."
Hartman asks, "How many Americans are enough? How many people would you like to see inhabiting this land seven generations from now?"
China and India never asked those questions fifty years ago. Today, at 1.3 and 1.1 billion respectively, their citizens exist like sardines in a can-except they remain alive while gasping for breath and movement. As human numbers increase--freedom, fresh air, quality of life and standard of living decline.
Why did Hartman write the book? He's passionate about saving our wild places, our wild life, stopping air pollution, living within our carrying capacity and restoring our quality of life. No one deserves more cities like Los Angeles around this country.
Since the American female stands at a stable 2.03 fertility rate, the U.S. enjoys a stable population. However, massive inward migration from around the world drives our population growth. We either decide to control how many people we allow onto our "limited capacity lifeboat" or we sink.
Every airplane mandates a specific carrying capacity that cannot be exceeded. A restaurant cannot serve more than its limit. A pool cannot allow more than its capacity. A movie house cannot sell one more ticket than its limited seating.
It's time the United States moves toward: "National Carrying Capacity Policy" and "National Environmental Impact Policy" and "National Water Policy" and "National Sustainable Population Policy." By planning for a sustainable future for all citizens and animal life, the United States may lead the world toward a more viable and vibrant future.
Is Hartman optimistic about the future? Are you? Will we change course in time? It's up to each and every one of us. Hartman's book will give you greater perspective on your stake in the future for your children. I highly recommend reading it.
The Population Fix
Author: Edward C. Hartman
ISBN-Hardcover=978-0-9776125-1-2 Retail price: $24.50
ISBN-Softcover=978-0-9776125-0-5 Retail price: $18.50
Telephone 1-800-852-4890.
*Discounts for orders over $100 = 20%, over $200 = 30%, over $400 = 40%.
"America faces a daunting future if it continues along its overpopulation path. Everyone will become victims and survivors of this "Human Katrina" bearing down on our civilization. We can wait and see what happens to us or we can take action to create a sustainable civilization for our children. Hartman shows the way with 'The Population Fix.'" Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world traveler and journalist


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