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UFO Reports From
HBCC UFO Research

Brian Vike - Director
HBCC UFO Research

Release Date: November 4, 2007
HBCC UFO Research Note: On October 30, 2007 my daughter gave birth to a little baby boy, my new little grandson. So now I have two wonderful grandchildren and maybe one day they may take over the UFO business. -:))) But I sure am a proud grandpa.
Outside Of Rabun, Alabama Black Triangle Sighting (Footage/Maps/Photos)
Date: April 26, 2004
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Hey Brian, the triangle video that I sent you yesterday was shot on April 26 2004 on Maytower Rd.(county Rd.96) just outside of Rabun,AL. The story you sent me the link to entitled "Black Triangle Sighting Outside Of Stockton, Alabama (Diagrams And Maps)" happened in 2002. As you pointed out the dates are 2 years and 1 day apart.The 2002 sighting, the one we discussed on your web show, also took place on Maytower Rd. just outside of Stockton,AL. The distance between the two sightings is about 3 miles.Here is a map of the area.
As you can see the two sightings are not far apart. Also note here that the location is within 5 miles of interstate I-65. Something the NIDS Triangle Investigation pointed out was that most triangle sightings happen within 5 miles of interstate highways.
On the night of April 26,2004 just after 10:00 p.m. I was driving down Maytower Rd heading home to Rabun from Stockton. I spotted a light across a field and after watching for a second I knew it was a small prop plane. It was flying off to my right heading in the same direction as I and over time it got out in front of me due to its faster speed. At about the mid-point of Maytower Rd. I spotted a small red light. This red light crossed right over the top of the prop plane. Very close. Then I realized it would soon cross the road in front of me. I drove the next 3/4 of a mile at 80mph and managed to get almost up under it when it crossed the road.. I stopped and hung out the driver side window and took the video. It was about 70 degrees up from my location. Here is a map showing the details.
As stated in the video the craft had no strobe lights or wing tip lights. Only three lights, two red and one white in a triangle formation. The craft made no sound. Its altitude was 1000 to 2000 feet at best guess.
The video footage and photos are copyrighted to the owner who filmed the object. Thank you to the eyewitness for the report, photos, maps and video footage.
The photos and video footage can be viewed by clicking on the following link: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3235
Satsuma, Alabama Strange Object Caught On Video (Footage Ran Through Software)
HBCC UFO Research Note: The report below is a re-post. But what is different here is the footage of the "UFO". The witness ran the footage through a good program/software and was able to zoom in on the craft. This is really excellent footage.
Date: December 2, 2006 Time: 10:30 a.m.
Brian, I hope everything is well with you. Its nice to see the site back up again. Now for the report. The weather was clear and there was not a sound to be heard from the object.
Back on December 2, 2006 I was out in the back yard with the dogs. They were playing so I decided to carry my video camera and catch some video of them. I walked back to the NE corner of the yard where I stood under a overhanging oak limb which blocked the morning sun from my eyes. It was around 10:30am and the sun was not quite due south of my position. Upon blocking the sun by the oak tree an object became apparent in the sky. It was about 15 degrees east of the sun and 45 degrees up. I quickly grabbed my camera and took the video which I am attaching to this report.
It was a clear day and no sound was heard. The sight lasted about 1 1/2 minutes. At that point I lost visual of the object. I'm just glad I had my camera with me.
The video file is attached. Here are some frames from the video.
Footage and photos are copyrighted to the owner.
To view this UFO footage please click on the folowing link. http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3223
Thank you to the witness for the report, footage and photos.
Fairchild AFB Ghostly Encounters
Hello, my name is (name removed). My father (name removed) worked as a staff sergeant at Fairchild AFB (about '93-00). During the long time that I lived on the AFB at (exact location removed) Nebraska Ave, I've heard many stories about Goatman. I also want to tell you of the goings on at my old house. I often observed things flying off my dresser and window sill with great force. At one point my friend and I heard a series of laughs float on the air as we surfed the internet in the front room. Also candles would seem to re-light themselves often, and doorways always seemed intimidating. My dog would bark at the living room relentlessly. Not only that, my fathers friend told me that when she was working the front gate late at night, she saw a man walking towards them on camera in the gate. When she looked outside, no one was there. She called for her, the other guard, he saw the same thing. The figure walked right passed the gate and into the base. It spooked them pretty bad. Also at the back gate, by that playground it seemed very creepy, and often a presents would spook you away, or at least that's what I and my friends felt. Some parts of the base were scarier than others. When taking the "back path" to the BX it was often lonely, yet eerie. I can't explain it. In some parts it was fine, but I would cross these paths that just seemed so odd.
Thank you to the person for relating their story.
Ghost - Poltergeist Experience In Kansas Town
As a child, my family lived for five years in a turn of the 20th century home in a small town in northeast Kansas. There were multiple experiences over those five years in that house. Most of it was of a poltergeist nature, with objects unexplainably falling over of their own accord. On one particularly noticeable occasion, my brother and I were watching television, in the middle of the afternoon. At that particular time, the television was situated in the corner of the family room, facing in the direction of an archway, and beyond that to a wooden staircase that led upstairs. As we were watching television, out of the corner of our eyes, we both witnessed the same event. A picture that was hanging on the stairwell wall, halfway up the staircase, came sliding off the wall downward at a 45 degree angle, and crashed onto the landing at the bottom of the stairs.
On another occasion, our mother witnessed the sound of a little girl crying in the middle of the night. As we had two sisters sharing a bedroom, she went to see which of them was crying. She actually walked into their room twice in response to the crying, only to find them both sleeping soundly. When she returned back to her bedroom on the third trip back, the crying sound moved down the hall, and came to a stop at the door of her bedroom. She could hear the crying sound, but could see no one standing there. Our family dog, who had been sleeping beside my parents bed, suddenly began to growl, looking in the direction of the door. To this day, some 40 years later, we are all still firmly convinced we lived those few years in a house that had a ghost presence. Recently we have shared these experiences via email.
Thank you to the person for sharing this interesting, a freaky story.
Phuket Thailand Naiharn Beach Fast Moving Big Bright Light
Date: 1997
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Phuket/Thailand Naiharn Beach
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Big light.
Full Description of event/sighting: The craft moved first from one side of the horizon west, to the other side of the horizon east over the ocean. Then stopped shortly and continue the flight 90 degree to south.
Everything soundless, very, very fast, the light very white!! To fast for humans. I guess some thousand miles per hour. Kind regards.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Russellville, Arkansas: Nuclear One Power Plant UFOs Over Plant
Date: N/A
Time: 10:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Russellville, Arkansas: Nuclear One power plant.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: N/A.
Full Description of event/sighting: To set the scene it was a clear Fall night and the stars were everywhere in the sky. You could see what looked like to be common airliners on route to Little Rock Airport.
We were out on some country road (we got lost), had been driving the dirt roads for about an hour. We needed a restroom break so I found a little entrance into a farm that had no gate. We didn't plan on staying any longer than it took to finish our business and leave. My friend said, "what is that?" He pointed to the sky and I just said, "that is the red light on an airplane." I was in the USAF and you see a lot of incoming and outgoing aircraft of many different types, so when I saw the light that is what I first thought of, and then he said, "Look at it man!" I looked at it again and the light just stopped and then resumed course. I zipped up my pants and we sat on the hood of my car and watched this light move around for about 10 minutes, then to our amazement and out of nowhere a second red light appeared far behind it. Too far to had been a single aircraft.
The lights were steady and moving along the same course for about another 10 minutes, then one light went out completely and the 2nd light seemed to speed up instantly and took the place of where the first light was last seen. My friend then pointed out a cloud. This cloud was coming from the cooling tower of the local power plant in Russellville which is about 22-25 miles away. The light remained near the steam for nearly 5 minutes then in the blink of an eye went from a dead hover to a diagonal up and right. Now I'm not good enough to tell you the speed of this object but I can tell you that the speed of this object was so extreme that the only thing I can judge by it is like trying to watch a bullet leave the barrel of a gun and follow it to the target. My friend was a bit shaken by seeing this, and so was I. We were speechless and didn't talk the rest of the time we were watching. I saw the angles in which this light was traveling and I don't know any craft we have that can allow a pilot to make such drastic changes in speed and angle without becoming unconscious or being killed by sheer G-force. It was truly a remarkable sight to see.
Just when we thought it was all over and done with the 1st light reappeared in the same place it had vanished and the 2nd red light came back to the same distance when it had first appeared. The two lights kind of made like a subtle flash (as we had been watching it, we had not see any fluctuation from these lights at all). Then Poof! they were gone. We sat there for another 30 minutes hoping they would show up again, however they did not.
(Now, I'm telling you this and have not posted it anywhere else on the web. I do not wish to be made public. I just hope this helps confirm similar accounts if you even have any like this. Your feed back to me would be much appreciated.)
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Ireland Object Flashing Different Colors
Date: May and June 2007
Time: Evening.
Message: During May and June of this year, 2007, I saw, what appeared to be some kind of flashing star in the north east sky here in Ireland. The colors flashed green and orange, with some nights red and blue. It was very distinctive, the biggest object in the night sky and I felt uneasy looking at it, as it simply did not tally with information I possess about the night sky.
My mother witnessed it, as did my daughter, grandchildren, son and his girlfriend (Canadian). All felt as I did, uneasy and confused. We could find no info on this matter, even though my son is in Canada at present training to be a pilot, so well informed. Only one neighbor here has witnessed it. She said it appears to rise after Christmas, in the northwest and travels towards the north east until midsummer. She first witnessed it two years ago and felt very uneasy too. She is a farmers wife and not educated to third level, so feels inadequate to discuss this. This 'star' is visible to the naked eye and looks terrifying through binoculars, which are all I possess. Can you tell me what it is?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Logan County, Ohio Multi Colored Object
Date: Mid October 2007
Time: Approx: Midnight.
Mid Oct 2007
Woke up about midnight, stepped outside to smoke a cig. I happened to look to the east about 35 to 45 degrees and saw what appeared as a star
with a smaller star right under it.
No big deal but it seemed odd to see a double star like that.
As I stood there looking at it for about 10 or 15 minutes it seemed to have colors red , green blue but very faint I continue to stare at it.
It does not move and neither do I as a jet went over me to that general direction but not very close to it. When the jet was well gone by I saw a blur of red
glow that seemed to swirl around these two stars and then a faint red glow appeared to be moving out from these two stars one on top largest.
It continued then towards me a very faint red glow. This red glow slowly came overhead and as it went directly overhead I saw the rear-end of the red glow
was two rows of square blinking lights.
These lights were large and flashing from red to yellow to green to blue. Each square stayed the same color as it was but seemed to be running back and forth. About 5 or 6 squares.
It just continued on its way about the size of a small fingernail at arms length. I was amazed. It was not similar to any type or kind of aircraft I have ever seen or heard of. My feeling was one of astonishment.
I stood there looking at the two stars which never seemed to move for another 15 minutes.
Then I went inside.
That was it.
Additional Information:
Hi, This took place in Logan County, Ohio. Logan Co. just happens to be 60 miles north from Wright Pat AFB. Dayton.
One further note I saw a You TUBE video with two stars as I described.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Vancouver, British Columbia A Large Round Bright Green Object
Date: October 13, 2007
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vancouver, near McGill Street.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round and big.
Full Description of event/sighting: I came out of the back yard and was on the phone with my girlfriend and as soon as I got to the side walk I saw something that was coming down at a very high speed. It then slowed down just a bit. Then it was gone. It looked like a shooting star, but a very bright green color. There was no sound, but it curved a few times then traveled straight across and then down. I then lost sight of it due to trees and buildings. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I wish to see more.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Lights Over Niagara On The Lake, Ontario
Date: October 2007 (Various nights)
Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
This is indeed a strange one to report to you again. I live in Niagara on the lake, and since my sightings throughout this area have indeed been more frequent, may I say that I myself don't understand it. Every Thursday, Friday into Sunday nights I see the same lights. Now, one of the evenings that was rather nice and warm I had decided to sit out on the patio and of course look up per usual now a days.. And I saw a large white streak from South to North it proceeded not like a meteor but a thin white streak it faded into a pin prick of light then this thing appeared.. The first thing that came to mind was oh my God that's how they appear.. anyway I watched for sometime with binoculars. Again the red, blue green lights were quite visible.. it seemed to be rotating on an angle. Now last evening was the 28th of October and this time they were in the Western sky lower than ever and this time not over the lake.
I clocked it from approx: 9:00pm to when I went to bed at 3:00am. Whatever this is I don't know but they can stay in the sky same spot for hours. I can't say for sure what these are but have counted in an evening approx 3-4 north, east and in the western sky. Please if there is anyone out there who sees anything similar let it be known. Because I myself am rather perplexed at this. They are very bright and seem to pulsate. I would appreciate some feedback from anyone else living in the area. Just look up and when what appears to be a star seems to pulsate, that's just not a star. Look up usually over tree lines. Thanks.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Manheim, Pennsylvania A Large Dark Rectangular Object
Date: October 16th or 17th, 2007
Time: Around 4:30 to 5:00 a.m.
Brian, my wife and I use our Hot Tub to the rear of our home. Around 4:30 to 5:00 am Monday through Thursday rather routinely before we go to work. A couple of weeks ago (I'm thinking around the 16th or 17th of October 2007)about 4:50 or so I saw a large dark rectangular object fly over our house. I was an aircraft mechanic in the Marine Corp and didn't recognize this as anything I had ever seen before. It was not lit up but was noticeable because it but blocked an otherwise very clear might sky. It was flying over Manheim, Pa. headed in an Eastwardly direction. I happened to see the excerpt on the net ( http://www.ufocasebook.com/scrantonpa.html ) and thought I would share this with you. If you folks are investigating this I hope it helps.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Barrie, Ontario Multiple Orbs Witnessed By 4 Witnesses
Date: October 25, 2007
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Outside of house.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Orbs.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sitting watching T.V. when my roommate came home from work. He was very excited that he had experienced multiple sightings while on the road at work. First he noticed what seemed to be white lights. They were stationary and low in the sky. On his way home he was getting off of the 400 hundred highway off ramp when he noticed a green orb that shot downward and disappeared over the trees close to where the police station is. After relating to everyone in the house his news the four of us proceeded out to the front of the house to have a look at the night sky, the time was approx 7:30 pm. We noticed to points of light low in the sky which seemed to change colors. These at first glance appeared to be stars but were very bright and low in the sky. One of my roommates then noticed a dark bluish green orb that was even lower and closer and traveled at an impressive speed from the south traveling north.As it moved over the top of my house we noticed it changed color from dark bluish green to white. It moved so fast that we chased it on foot as far as we could until it disappeared over the house tree line. This object made no noticeable noise and again traveled quite fast. Shortly after i noticed a plane which was also visible and traveling considerably slower than the object we had just witnessed.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Wallace, Idaho Light Moving Fast And Jet Aircraft
Date: October 25, 2007
Time: 6:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Wallace, Idaho
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Just a light.
Full Description of event/sighting: Well I was walking down the street with my friend. I looked up in the sky and saw a strange star but it was moving, like really fast. It was moving from east to west. I ran out in to the street and tried to see were it was going and at the same time my friend said "what the hell is that".
Then it was gone. A few seconds later army jets were following it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Barrys Bay, Ontario A Circular Orb With Protrusion (UFO)
Date: October 27, 2007
Time: 4:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: (removed exact location info) Barry's Bay, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular orb with protrusion at one side.
Full Description of event/sighting: The object in question was observed by my mother (full name removed) at approximately 4:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 27, 2007. She was having a restless sleep and had gotten out of bed. Upon entering the dining room, she glanced out the bay window because a bright glow across the lake had caught her attention. An object was hovering above a low hill across Carson Lake to the east of her residence.
It was completely stationary and very bright. It's intensity of brightness was of a very high magnitude. The sky was completely overcast and there were no other stars or planets to be seen. A protrusion at one side appeared to be "pulsating" There were no colors observed and it appeared to be entirely white. She watched it for about 4 minutes before it vanished instantaneously. Mom stated that it was larger than any star or planet that she has ever observed.
Thank you to the person for relating this really interesting report. And thank you to the person's Mom as well.
St. Thomas, Ontario Strange Unknown UFO
Posted: October 29, 2007
Date: October 29, 2007
Time: 7:50 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Bus stop.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: N/A.
Full Description of event/sighting: Waiting at my school bus stop this morning, I was tired, looking up at the sky. There was a single bright star, still high up in the sky glowing a teal color, and the sun had just risen in the cloudless sky. I kept on looking at the passing jets way up there, there must have been more than five passing in various directions overhead leaving dissipating contrails in their wake. I had glanced overhead towards the south, where the closest of the planes was and I saw something that looked like a small black line slowly and perfectly moving horizontally below it. At first I had thought it was a bird, there was tons of them flying around, seagulls and the like. After I'd pointed it out to the two others at the stop we were all watching it, and as the jet came closer, passing in front of us it really looked like some sort of craft. There was no detail on the object, just pitch black, although we could see the wings on the white jet passing by. We made a few jokes about aliens and the like, and went off on our way to school. I glanced away for a second to get onto the bus, then peered out the window to see if it was still there, and it wasn't.
It could have been a bird, a plane, but no- I believe it was something else.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Ostfold Moss Norway Object Makes Strange Maneuvers And Objects Merge
Date: October 30, 2007
Time: 0400
Location of Sighting: Østfold
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unclear to tell to far up.
Full Description of event/sighting: Last night I was watching the night sky because it was so clear and you could see the moon and the star so crisp and clear, it was so beautiful. I use to just watch one part of the night sky and look on the stars, you can se some of them just hanging there and you just say nice, the thing here is do stars move and then come down and become brighter? One of them moved downwards and then it glowed, it was like it was coming closer and closer. Then it shifted and had goofy maneuvers back and forth. back and forth. Then it just passed along like it was floating in the atmosphere. Then there was another that moved to and they went towards each other and just melted - merged together and that was that.
I just say wow what a night, this is going to be remembered for many years I know that.
My wife was in the bathroom and when she came out and into the room, the only thing she said was 'what happened to you 'coz my face was white as snow and the only thing I was saying was oh my god, oh my god. The other thing is she got her ears full of it because she had not recharged the video camera. It's a shame when you need it the most its not charged, this is not going to happen again.
I will be watching the skies again tonight because I want to see it again and again.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Hamilton, Ontario Mysterious Object (UFO)
Date: October 30, 2007
Time: Approx: 10:30 a.m.
Mysterious Object
On Tues., Oct. 30/07, at about 10:30 a.m., I was walking near Upper Paradise Road with a friend, when he started to slow down while looking at the sky. He said what's that? I looked and saw a small round object appearing to be grayish white high in the sky, certainly above the height birds fly. I cannot estimate the height or the size of the object although we seemed to feel it could have been very large as the height in which it moved seemed so high. My friend then though it had a silver-ish tinge to it and conjectured that it was a blimp or weather balloon. It was moving too fast for either though. We watched for about a minute while it was visible in the clear blue sky, a rarity for Hamilton. It seemed to just suddenly blink off, out of sight. Whether it had drastically increased its speed, I can not speculate. We simply saw what I have stated. My friend is 50 yrs. old and myself, 63 yrs and I do not think we are senile yet. I just wonder if anyone else saw some unusual around Hamilton that morning.
Thank you to the witness for their report. A side note, I am not able to respond to the witness as the report came into me through submissions. Everyone is Anonymous to me as well.
Pickering - Ajax, Ontario Unknown Red Object
Date: November 1, 2007
Time: Daytime sighting.
Hi again Brian, these were taken yesterday-on hwy 401 Pickering/Ajax-the black helicopter gave it away for me to snap along as I drove. Here is the result of some sort of unknown red object. Again have a great weekend and hope the others will e-mail you of what they have seen.
Thank you to the witness for the report and photos. Photos are copyright 2007 to the owner.
To view the photos: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3239
Casper, Wyoming Light Makes A Sharp Turn
Date: November 2, 2007
Time: 6:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Casper
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Star shape light.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hey Mr. V, I just took the trash out and let the dog run a bit and was looking too the sky and seen two planes flying from east to west very high. After they where out of sight I noticed a light moving south to north, my first thought was a satellite. I'm not sure of this but I've never seen a satellite traveling from south to north I watched the light until it just vanished may be to far to see, one thing I need to add is when looking at the light it did make a sharp left and then straight north.
P.S The kid and wife think I'm losing it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Prescott, Ontario See From The USA Flat Oval Shaped Light
Date: November 2, 2007
Time: Approx: 6:15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Flat oval shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was leaving from my son's basketball practice when I noticed across the St. Lawrence river a bright flat light in the sky in-line with a radio tower and to the right. The object was well lit, it looked to be of multiple lights and white in color. The size was about the size of my thumb. Where I was it is approx: 1 mile across the river and it was situated a distance behind the light tower. The time was about 6:15-6:25. The sun was down and it was dusk at this point. At first I thought it was a plane with it's lights on, but I believe their is no airport in that area of Ontario. So as I was driving towards Ogdensburg, NY I continued watching this for approximately 3-4 minutes until it just vanished from sight. Anyone driving in the area on Highway 401 in the Prescott, Ontario area or on Highway 417 towards Ottawa, Ontario would have had to seen it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Over Vernon, British Columbia Object Streaks Through The Sky
Date: November 3, 2007
Time: 4:10 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Over Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Point of amber light.
Full Description of event/sighting: A very bright amber/blond 'point' of light streaked from the north to the south over Vernon in the North Eastern sky, button hooked 180 degrees and streaked from the south to the north. The path was a very narrow horizontal "U" shape. The entire duration of the sighting was less than 2 seconds. This object was very fast and made no noise. There was some very thin cloud cover over the valley this morning, and the object was clearly below the clouds.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Donations To HBCC UFO Research
Well gang I was hoping not to ever go this route, in asking for donations to help keep HBCC UFO Research operating. But on a pension it is becoming more expensive and difficult for everything I do here at HBCC UFO Research and taking more of a bite out of the pension.
If you would care to lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated. I have placed a donation button on another page, external link. I want everyone to know this is an old site I use to operate when I stated up HBCC UFO Research years ago. I had to use this method as I have a problem adding an html code to my main website.
Also I should add, I don't know of anyone in the UFO field who makes any funds out of what they enjoy doing, all expenses that myself and others in the UFO field come straight out of our own pockets. I guess one has to have a passion for the topic, but it does get expensive for everything one does.
Any help towards keeping the HBCC UFO Research operating would be certainly welcomed.
To make a donation please visit this link: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3086
Thank you very much and take good care.
Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research and radio host of the Vike Report.
KennyZen Crop Circle, UFO & Alien Art Gifts
KennyZen Crop Circle, UFO & Alien Art Gifts have a wonderful selection of great gift ideas for everyone. From Alien/UFO to Ancient Egypt, Cultural T-Shirts and so much more. Also clocks, mugs, posters, etc.
I would suggest dropping by KennyZen Crop Circle, UFO & Alien Art Gifts to do your online shopping for these wonderful gifts.
Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters
Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research and host of the radio show called The Vike Report is now open to having advertising placed on the HBCC UFO Research website, also aired on The Vike Report radio show and placed in the HBCC UFO Research newsletters as a package deal.
Your product banner will be placed on the HBCC UFO Research website front page, and your product will be promoted on the Vike Report radio show and also added to the HBCC UFO Research - UFO Reports From HBCC UFO Research newsletters.
HBCC UFO Research receives alot of exposure which may help out your product you have for sale.
The purpose of going a head with adding advertising to the site, radio show and newsletter is to put any advertising funds towards a Toll Free UFO Reporting Hotline. This of course is a totally separate line from my private home phone number. HBCC UFO Research did run a Toll Free UFO reporting hotline for approximately a year which was very successful, but the costs became just to great to handle on my own.
You are welcome to write to HBCC UFO Research for details on reasonable rates per month, or if you would like to extend your ad for a longer period of time, the pricing would certainly save you a little money. You can use the Feedback, Report a UFO form off the website (http://www.hbccufo.org) or just drop Brian Vike an email at: hbccufo@telus.net
Or visit the following link for details: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2649
Please Note: There will be no pornographic material placed to the website, or just text links to numerous sites where I consider this to be complete Spam.
Thank you, Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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