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Making A Difference
For The Future

By Ted Twietmeyer

I was looking forward to 2011 and trying to renew my driver's license. Most likely it will be denied for unspecified reasons just as it was recently for a retired fireman in Chicago. But our governor here backed down when the populace turned up the heat in his kitchen. He changed his mind about the REAL ID act and postponed it. I think REAL ID stands for Reversing Each American's Liberty by Idiots Deluxe.
Where do the Idiots Deluxe reside? I'll give you a few clues. They live in a city built on a polluted river that starts with P, has numerous structures reminiscent of Solomon's temple, and there is a big white house near the middle of the city that really should be painted black and surrounded with yellow/black safety tape.
Sometimes it's interesting to look at reader comments found at the bottom of internet articles. What one sees in these commentaries isn't actual mainstream thinking, but the thinking of some mainstream internet readers. Most of them clearly show they are fed up with hearing the party line, day in, day out. After all, the average brainwashed American or European won't take the time or effort to type even a small response. Sadly, they expect someone else to do it for them. But there are those waiting for a light to be turned on. More on that later.
With regard to excessive acts of police violence, many people often make comments like "They are just getting us ready for the coming police state" or "Look what's coming, get used to it." In reality, that coming police state is already HERE. Just look around and it's nearly impossible to miss. Do you live out in the country and think you're safe? At some point sooner or later, you'll need to go into nearby town or a city to buy essential items at a grocery store. And there will be the video cameras, many of which are already connected to Uncle in some fashion.
Amish and Mennonites, dressed in their quaint 18th century attire, are frequently seen in department stores. Common attire for their communities consists of black hats, black stockings, grey skirts, white shirts and black coats. Much of the material to make these items are often purchased, or bought ready to wear and no longer made. So many products today are made in China, that it's a virtual certainty you'll find Chinese products and tools on their farms. Are these people also immune to the actions of the police state? Of course not ­ they just want to think they are. What would they think if these saw the photos taken in Chinese factories of slave-worker children working 18 hours a day?
The Amish and Mennonites are probably the most innocent people in America today. They steadfastly believe that by clinging to their 200+ year old traditions and shunning society that the troubles of the world will leave them alone. Imagine the look on their faces if an army column stormed into their quiet, simple community and tells them they are all prisoners of the new Fourth Reich (the first three failed, but who's counting?) They will suddenly and painfully realize what a waste of time it was to spend almost 200 years in self-isolation.
Everywhere in the developed world are cozy insulated lifestyles full of television, music and live sports. All of these are nothing more than a myriad of methods to stuff one's virtual head in the sand while keeping the butt sticking up in the air ­ waiting for that iron boot to come along to finish the job. No anesthetic will be administered.
How many contusions and bruises must the average person's butt display? How much pain must be endured, or is the body numb to it now? Have people everywhere become Sadomasochists at heart? It would appear this is the case. One good example is the now virtually non-existent censorship of the tube. Shows are airing today that just 25 years ago would have been forbidden.
Most human beings share a common trait - training by repetition. There are two forms of this training. Remember back to when you were in elementary school, and the day came when learning the multiplication tables was mandatory? How many times did a family member flash those cards at you until you finally knew them all? Most likely, you'll remember these tables throughout your life. Or until you mind goes, at which point they will never be needed again. This is just one form of training by repetition.
There is another form of training, subtle and sinister. It is the experience of what we see, hear and do every day. An old adage states "You are who your friends are." And this is always true - and true of your children as well. Any alert parent, who sees the undesirable training of their children through daily exposure to degenerating and negative influences, has the chance to counter it in many ways. It simply requires daily determination and a game plan. Anyone can fight city hall. All it requires is some effort each day. It's simply about fighting for that which is true and right.
Doing nothing only enables the degenerative process. Here's another old but true expression - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. During WW2, resistance fighters in each country often used the Nazi weapons against them. They let the enemy supply them with the means of their own destruction.
Today, Taser deaths, sickness and Autism from forced vaccinations, innocent children punished for drawing a picture of a gun on a bus and other non-stop police state madness all readily serve as the means to expose the agenda for what it is, and to litigate against them for using it.
Not all of the mainstream populace wants to be in the dark ­ many are still in the dark simply because no one turned a light on for them to see well enough to put all the pieces together. Once they can see in the light, they will turn on more lights for other relatives and friends. The light of truth will continue to spread, and the day will come when those living in the city of REAL Idiots Deluxe will tremble in fear.
What will you do?
Do you know where the light-switch is?
Ted Twietmeyer


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