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We Can Still Kill the Hate Bill!  
By Rev. Ted Pike 

Sen. Kennedy's hate crime bill, attached to the National Defense Appropriations Act, H.R. 1585, is coming out of conference and scheduled to be on the President's desk for either signing or veto after the Thanksgiving recess.
 Yet it must pass one last hurdle: The House and Senate must approve the final conference version of H.R 1585. Should Congress reject the arms bill, it is possible to defeat the hate bill before it reaches the President.
 An <http://www.southernvoice.com/thelatest/thelatest.cfm?blog_id=15272>article by Lou Chibbaro Jr. in the Nov. 15 Southern Voice says members of Congress are angry with H.R. 1585 for two reasons:
             1.  As many as 20 Democrats don't want to fund the war and threaten not to vote for the arms bill because it contains no significant requirements of withdrawal.
             2.  As many as 180 Republicans who voted against the hate bill in May also threaten to vote against it; they don't want to pass an arms bill that includes the hate bill.
It is suggested that, for the moment, our military might continue being supplied by extending levels of funding approved by the previous DOD authorization bill. Then, next year, a whole new arms appropriations bill might be created. Whether the Democrats will be able to reattach the Kennedy hate bill is unclear.
 Once a bill has gone through conference, it cannot be altered by Congress -- only accepted or rejected. If the arms bill is defeated, largely because of the hate bill attached to it, a strong message will be sent that if another hate bill is attached it should be stand-alone legislation. A bill that must stand on its own merits, especially one surrounded by controversy, has less of a chance at passage than a bill attached as a rider to "must pass" legislation.
Second Chance to Defeat the Hate Bill?
 If there is a second fight over the hate bill, it will provide renewed opportunity for Senate Republicans and Christian/conservative organizations to mount the kind of opposition they failed to muster in September. (ADD LINK to Video Report) It is vital that you call your Senators and House members NOW telling them: "Please reject the National Defense Appropriations Act, H.R. 1585, and its hate crime amendment."
 God may be giving our nation a second opportunity to keep from going into the darkness of a hate crime bureaucracy. Clearly, He is doing His part. Now it's time for us to do ours. 
 The House and Senate are going on Thanksgiving break, but they should be welcomed back to Washington by many messages demanding that our First Amendment rights be preserved. Call again the first week of December and make your voice heard in the cause of freedom!
 Call today toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121.



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