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In The Twilight Zone
Jim Kirwan

We officially entered the Twilight Zone when the Supreme Court intervened in the "election" of George W. Bush on 12-12-2000. And with every passing day we are dragged deeper into the tangled nightmares created by our Outlaw government. Now six years in; 'we' are being strangled in the myriad-tentacles of an unimaginably dangerous American Empire-and yet we seem to prefer the oblivion of denial to the pain of recognition or resistance.
This Twilight Zone, just like its television counterpart, is a place in the mind where reality can be conditioned, re-prioritized and sometimes perverted. Unlike the television series ­ we might not awaken from this all-too-real condition, because this is not a fantasy or a journey of exploration: This is literally a living-out of the perverted fantasies of the Cheney-Bush Junta.
If we are to have a Future: Then we cannot have a nation in which the bulk of the people have virtually no political voice in 'anything that matters.' As 'a people' we must recognize the threat that having Outlaws for leaders brings to each and every one of us-from the wider world, as well as from within our Tarnished House.
Dick Cheney ­ Our home-grown liar and self-appointed War-Monger is supposedly still the Vice-President of the United States, yet this is someone that does not work for either the people of America, or for the protection of the Constitution; but solely on his own agendas. Cheney is a proven and continual liar on all matters of national interest, but especially on matters of war-policy, energy& oil, on anything else that contributes to his future with the Money- Changers and the would-be new American Empire.
Recently "ABC's World News Tonight reported that the "United States has opened a new front in its showdown with Iran." According to the report, President Bush has directed the CIA to carry out covert operations both inside and outside Iran "aimed directly at weakening the Iranian regime."
ABC's investigative correspondent Brian Ross said the CIA's "non-lethal" program had received "secret presidential approval." Officials told ABC the CIA plan "takes the place of proposed U.S. military action against Iran, reportedly advocated by Vice President Cheney."" (1)
The above did happen, and while this is and was an Act of War, neither ABC News nor anyone else seemed to mind that we were openly trying to destroy Iran (a country that has not attacked us). Currently the same people that initiated this disquieting covert invasion of Iran are now demanding the labeling of Iran's army as a terrorist force ­ that would be the Senate, in tandem with the Outlaws, led by Dick Cheney, the man who has denied that he is part of the American Executive branch of government.
Given our behavior in Iran, while losing the war in Iraq, seems to be a way to divert attention from our massive failures to stop the growth of resistance to US policies in the Middle-East. Widening- the-Wars seem to be the only way to address every problem now, at least in the view of the Cheney-Bush administration. But this fails to even consider the horrific fallout (maybe ­literally) from the results of this kind of short-sighted policy that seeks to substitute bombs bullets and missiles for diplomacy: This too is directly attributable to more of Cheney's fantasies.
Yesterday: "An ultra-secret conservative group -- so secret that members don't even use the group's name in communications -- will feature Vice President Dick Cheney as a speaker at a meeting in Utah today.
"Cheney will address the fall meeting of the Council for National Policy, a group whose self-described mission is to promote 'a free- enterprise system, a strong national defense and support for traditional Western values," according to the Salt Lake City Tribune.
Founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, the co-author of the popular post- apocalyptic Christian-themed Left Behind books, the group holds confidential meetings three times a year attended by a small but powerful cadre of top conservatives.
"The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before of after a meeting," one of the group's rules reads, according to a New York Times profile of the organization in 2004." (2)
How is it that the US Vice-President can be the featured speaker before this or any other secret non-governmental organization, dedicated to creating American policies: yet the public is prohibited from knowing what he said? He chose himself to be Vice- President, yet he scorns his duties toward the public or the constitution at every turn. This little act of treachery ought to get him arrested ­ but it won't because none of those who could demand it ­still don't have the testosterone to demand it!
While all this is going on the current fascination, designed as much for its distraction-capability, as for anything like substance -is the still pending 'elections of 2008.' The 'democratic Star' Hillary Clinton is being hailed as perhaps the best and brightest hope since whatever: Yet the 1990's "Clinton's" of which she was a part, were as complicit-if not even more responsible for the rise of Cheney-Bush than the hopelessly mindless republicans ever were.
Apparently the "voters" -- those people with the memory-length of a nano-second have forgotten all the stolen elections, all the vile legislation passed by the Clintons, like NAFTA and the Telecommunications Act that killed competition in media, and may now be leading toward censoring and or taxing the internet ­ but hey ­ "forgive and forget" was as much a part of the Clinton years as their theme song: "Don't Stop Thinkin about Tomorrow." They have obviously never have stopped 'thinkin about tomorrow' ~ and well, just look where we are today!
The coming elections ought to be about individuals and not political affiliations because any and all 'party ties' are now meaningless: Everybody lies, and party platforms don't even make passable theater, in fact they too are meaningless, just like the antiquated party affiliations that so many members of congress seems to place so much importance on.
What has to be the issue next time, in 2008 must be the Class-Wars; along with all the too real wars that Cheney-Bush are desperately trying to increase, by at least two-hundred percent before November 08. Why are we even having elections when no one running gives a damn about working people or those who are not yet rich ­ no one that is ­ who might actually have any chance of winning.
The United States of America has finally arrived at "The Eve of Destruction" (3) and we need to think very long hard about what we are going to do about these hard-bitten facts: Because Moriarty's article is not fantasy or fiction, it is all too real. The events and attitudes are NOT part of the Twilight Zone-they are the targeted New Reality for all of us!
We must find ways to change this situation that is becoming evermore unreal with every passing moment: because to wait around for the 'next election' is to embrace just another twisted form of national suicide ~ so we must do better than that. . .
1) Bush authorizes new covert action against Iran
2) Cheney to address Top Secret Policy Group
http://rawstory.com/news/2007/ Cheney_to_address_top_secret_conservative_0928.html
3) The Eve of Destruction ­ Judith Moriarty


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