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How We Are Taught Not
To See What Is There

By Chris Goner

There's a tree.
There, look, a tree.
There's no tree there.
What do you mean. It's there, a tree, right there. Look.
You are mistaken, there is no tree.
Look, I know that is a tree. I would know one anywhere. It's big, has branches, leaves, blocks out the sun and has birds in it. It's a tree, and it's right there.
You are mistaken. There is no tree. I can see no tree, and nor can my colleagues. There is no tree.
But you must be able to see it. Right there, in front of you. A tree. Look, I can touch it even. It's a tree.
I see no tree. My colleagues also see no tree. There is no tree. You are mistaken. There is no tree. You are mistaken. There is no tree. There is no tree. There is no tree.
But.......but I can..........no tree you say. I could swear I saw a tree..........
There is no tree. You are mistaken. There is no tree.
There is no tree. I am mistaken. There is no tree.
Now you see clearly. We will give you something to take so you do not relapse in your delusion that there is a tree, which there is not, correct?
Yes, there is no tree. I am mistaken.


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