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Traditional Marriage
Being Stolen In Oregon 


Dear Right vs Left Patriot:
Please find below a special message from RightMarch.com. They have some important information to share with you.
Thank you,
Right vs Left
Traditional Marriage Being Stolen In Oregon ­ Contact officials below to Demand a STOP to Tyranny and Political Games!
ALERT: Oregon voters who support traditional marriage and morality are being denied their right to vote -- for purely political reasons -- by State and County Elections officials in the pockets of Oregon's homosexual lobby!
No Review, No Recourse, No Recount Allowed!
Registered voters whose signatures on two petitions were unlawfully rejected at the State and County levels have steadily come forward requesting their signatures be validated -- only to find a stonewall of resistance and refusal to do so in several Oregon counties.
The Reason is Clear: Political Correctness Trumps Citizen Rights!
The reversal of just SEVEN rejected petition signatures will force the Elections Division to certify that a bill passed by the Oregon Legislature creating "marriage by another name" is qualified to be placed on the November 8, 2008 General Election ballot, so that Oregonians can actually vote on it. Officials in both the County and State Elections Division do NOT want that to happen -- hence the political stonewalling of fundamental citizen rights for purely political reasons!
YOU must Stop the Tyranny and Political Game Playing!
TAKE ACTION: When "little tyrants" think they can "game the system" so that they get the results THEY want, instead of the RIGHT results, it's time for WE THE PEOPLE to "Turn up the HEAT" so they can "See the LIGHT"!
Call or E-mail Oregon's Elections Officials and Urge them to do the RIGHT THING!
Here are the phone numbers and email addresses to contact:
Bill Bradbury, Oregon Secretary of State: 503-986-1500
Bill Burgess, Marion County Clerk: 503- 588- 5225, bburgess@co.marion.or.us
Sharon Riggs, Marion County Director of Elections: 503-588-5041, sricks@co.marion.or.us
Kathy Becket, Jackson County Clerk: becketks@jacksoncounty.org
Mickie Kawai, Washington County Clerk: mickie_kawai@co.washington.or.us
Annette Newingham, Lane County Chief Deputy County Clerk: annette.newingham@co.lane.or.us
Sandy Berry, Hood River Director of Records and Assessments: sandy.berry@co.hood-river.or.us
Karen LeBreton Coats, Wasco County Clerk: karenl@co.wasco.or.us
Jan Coleman, Yamhill County Clerk: colemaj@co.yamhill.or.us
Go to http://www.concernedoregonians.com/ for more information -- but make those phone calls and send those emails RIGHT AWAY!
William Greene, President
P.S.: 55,179 valid signatures on Petition #303 were required in order to place HB 2007 creating "marriage by another name" on the November, 2008 General Election Ballot for all Oregonians to vote on. 63,000 signatures were turned in on each bill. In 2004, Oregonians expressly voted 57% to 43% to restrict marriage to a man and a woman only, and it was placed in the Oregon Constitution, not to be violated by word of art or the legislature -- which the legislature promptly violated. Petition #303 is merely an effort to provide Oregonians the opportunity to weigh in on the legislature's decision to ignore their expressed will.
If you can help us spread the word about this and other governmental outrages, please click here to make a donation now. Be sure to forward this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP the tyranny and political games being played against traditional marriage in Oregon! Thank you!
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