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Being Sheep &
Starving To Death

By Ted Twietmeyer

When something even remotely terrifying happens to sheep, they run off to get out of harm's way. Too often Americans are worse than sheep. After all, there is little the animals can do about their fate. What do American sheep do? Even though Americans can stand and fight, more often than not they stand there and wait for more trouble to come along.
Inaction only breeds more inaction. "Don't rock the boat" or "You can't fight city hall." Both are myths. Sometime in the last century these idiotic expressions entered American culture, and have been regurgitated by countless parents ever since. I inevitably get emails periodically from those who live on the other side of the big pond who often write me with statements such as, "Why do Americans take what Bush does to them?"
Now in almost every case, this astute observation usually comes from someone living in the land of video cameras, traffic cameras, constant police, hate speech laws, suffocating taxation and much more. I remind them of this in my email back to them, and then copy and paste from a text file the story of the frog in the pot. And remind them that they too, are also a frog in a pot. They never answer, as though someone took their keyboard away. To Americans, it's incredible that life in the England (oops- the "UK" now) has become so suffocating. But then, life under a pseudo-monarchy always has been that way. Nothing new.
Then there are barnyard sheep. Some are kept for shearing every year for fleece, and some are being raised for the dinner table. Throughout life in most civilized countries, there are amazing parallels of human sheep to barnyard sheep.
There are those sheep that live out on the street. Many choose this lifestyle voluntarily. They have had it with life in general. Even though it would appear that if America completely crashes these people would be most likely to survive, logic and their lifestyle dictate otherwise. When weather becomes bitter cold homeless go sleep in shelters to prevent freezing to death. They live off the byproducts of society ­ the half-eaten sandwich in a trash can, the hamburger a yuppie didn't want to finish and tossed out, the abandoned subway tunnels and more. Unfortunately, if America crashes these people WILL starve, unless they resort to cannibalism. There won't be anyone on the streets under condition Red to feed them. (More on that later.)
Every morning drivers pass road construction crews running jackhammers, down in ditches standing in mud fixing a water main, up on high-rise buildings bolting I-beams together. These sheep are the men and women that build the America the world sees, when foreign tourists come here on their credit-card vacations.
And then there is the third type of sheep ­ the morning drivers. Many are heading into cities to sit in cubicles, dreaming of their next credit-card funded vacation to the Bahamas, Europe or some other over-trampled tourist trap. And what of the Europeans who criticize Americans for what they are and do? They do the same thing. In reality, Europeans are no wealthier than Americans are. They just think they are. Perhaps they learned a lesson from the run on their banks, but I doubt it.
As we rise in the pecking order, higher forms of sheep comprise executives of big corporations. These men and women are greedy, ruthless, heart-less and as history has shown have little idea of what they are doing. And when these people run a corporation into the ground? They don't get fired, they get retired. It's the Peter Principle in its finest form ­ everyone is promoted to their highest level of incompetence.
Have you ever watched wildlife behavior? There are lessons to be learned there. You see a wide variety of birds and animals of completely different species on land and under the sea, nesting together from the Arctic to the Antarctic. They take care of their young until they are ready to go out on their own. For many species, parent birds kick the babies out of the nest at the right time. It's fly or die. Other mammals take care of their young, too. Bears use lethal force to defend their cubs, as do Lions and other animals.
What do human parents do? Park their children in front of a television, computer or video game and yell out to their child who already has fixed and dilated pupils, "Your dinner is in the fridge" and out the door they go. For many families, this isn't about survival. It's about earning that "extra income" to go on credit-card funded vacations. Never mind that there is no way to recover those precious missed moments. Nor can they be replaced. Neither can the spent credit card money.
And yes, when our children were young back in the 1970's we practiced what I'm saying here ­ my wife stayed home and we simply did without. We never minded at all. It wasn't until our children had children did they look back and appreciate not being "latch-key kids." (This is what was called back in the 1970's) Not too long ago, our oldest said to me in disbelief when he was looking back, "How did you ever make it?" It was fun explaining it to a generation completely obsessed with electronic toys of all kinds. We loved our children too much to turn them into latch- key children.
I have some advice for those who whine, "Oh, we just can't survive on $100K a year. We need things." Here's my advice to you, since you are probably college-educated and should know better: It was in the original Star Trek TV series when Leonard Nimoy (Spock) made a simple, powerful statement in one episode ­ "Over time, you will find that having.is not the same as wanting." These are perhaps the most memorable words ever penned by the late Gene Roddenberry.
And what of human sheep in general? What do they do everyday? The real lifeblood of America is FREEDOM as we shall see. Take Freedom away and what do the sheep have left? Nothing. No freedom to go buy Chinese-sweatshop products. No freedom to attend ballgames, football games, or go fishing, boating, visiting friends, getting plastered at bars, going out and buying food or even go to a job. Some will yell out when they read this, "What do you mean? No freedom to go to work? Or I can't go out and buy food? They can't take that away from me!"
Oh yes, it can happen anytime. This can be done with the stroke of a pen and one phone call by our un-beloved dictator. He now has the power to do it.
And what about the sheep? Those unprepared without food, fuel or water for about a year will suffer the most. Travel is forbidden under condition Red, martial law. Period. If you break your arm, have a heart attack or cut your finger open, TOO BAD. When the troops catch you out on the street, you WILL be arrested off to an American POW camp you'll go.
There are more than 200 camps at last count, with at least two in every state. Halliburton is building more right now. And you can be absolutely certain you will NOT be coming back. Not ever. It will be the very last time in your life you ever drive a car, or even see a road.
Remember Terri Shiavo who was intentionally starved to death via her husband's court order?
Here is what starvation is like as it takes its toll - and will do to you:

 Terri Healthy

 .Terri - the face of starvation
Do you really think under condition Red the power will remain on, the oil for heating will be delivered and the water will still be on? If you can't go to work, neither can the technicians at the power company, the oil truck delivery man or those that maintain the pumps and equipment at the water companies. Will the terrible pain and misery of starvation, being cold and thirsty force you and other people to come out of your homes, to be picked up by foreign soldiers and taken to a POW camp? You bet it will. And those who make this choice will wish more than anything they never did, when they find out what's in store for them in a POW camp. It will be HELL ON EARTH. They will wish they took their own lives first.
All this misery will come about simply because the sheep have done almost NOTHING at all while the groundwork for tyranny was being laid. These same people think they are set for life, and believe it because the network news has them all thinking that everything is under control. Sure it isand that's exactly what the British people thought until September 2007. Now they can't get their money out of their banks fast enough. This creates another paradox for them. Now they have to decide what bank to put their money into next. Which one is the proverbial lesser of two evils? There is a lesson for the sheep here to learn ­ ANY kind of trouble is possible.
The time for sheep to remain silent has ended. Say NO to tyranny, hate speech laws, being tasered, micro-waved, chip implants, forced vaccinations and all of it.
DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK and do your own research when something doesn't feel right. Think you're not in school anymore? Think again ­ life IS school.
Trust your gut instincts when something sounds disturbing ­ you'll be quite surprised if you keep score how often that feeling turns out to be correct.
Ted Twietmeyer


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