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Self-Insulated People
Bringing Down America

By Ted Twietmeyer

It can make a perfectly healthy person get sick. Today, right is wrong, and wrong is right.

Imagine you are a patient in a hospital (God forbid!) A nurse comes into your room wearing an oven mitt. Her job is to find a vein in your arm and insert your IV needle. Are you feeling brave today? Would you trust her?

Later in the day in that same hospital you are being wheeled into the operating room. You see your surgeon come into the room, wearing dark sunglasses while tapping his white cane along the wall. He reaches for a scalpel. Would you flip off the sheet and jump off the gurney while you still could?

These absurd questions have obvious answers, although there are a few people out there who would keep their arm extended to the oven mitt, or would not jump off the gurney. Anyone who doesn't think so should just take a look around. You won't have to look very far - Many of these people breathe through their mouths. Many others have degrees from one of our institutions of higher learning.

Forget about nightly news broadcasts on television in pre-cable days. Now you flip on Fox or CNN anytime to satisfy your need for hyped-up BS. It's always there, 24 hours a day. All ready for your instant gratification through self-injection. And you can wear an oven mitt while doing it, too.

When you build a home, fiberglass insulation is always installed. It covers thousands of square feet of cement blocks, wall studs, ceiling rafters and structural members. None of these components of a home will ever see the light of day again. And they will not need to. A similar thing happens when you put down carpeting. You can easily have more than a thousand square feet of padding underneath the carpet. Unless you are there when the carpeting was laid, even twenty years later you will still have no idea what color the padding is.

But that's enough of these analogies. What about self-insulated people? Who are they and what do they look like? Our society is intentionally structured and designed to create insulated people. This invisible insulation grows over long periods of time, just like mold does on a wet basement wall. This insulating mold starts to grow in government schools during Kindergarten, and is further nurtured every day from "watching" television and learning from our peers. In the wild, animals usually learn how to survive by mimicking their parents. Are people all that different? (I was limited to ONE hour of television per day growing up. Probably one of the best ideas there is. Without that, I might be breathing through my mouth, too.)

One such example self-insulation is locking yourself into your vehicle while driving to and from work with the windows rolled up tight, blasting music and all the while turning a blind eye everything going on all around you. This is yet another form of self-insulation is. It is a quiet, serious disease - but it IS curable.

A Lion in the wild which develops a taste for killing human beings must be destroyed. It cannot stop, and has zero sense of right and wrong. A Pit-bull dog which starts attacking people must be captured. Yet we ARE quite different from animals in the wild. How?

Unlike lower life-forms, we have an innate ability to resist doing anything which is wrong. That is of course, IF we use our intelligence to do so. We do not have to be oblivious to everything taking place all around us. To defend this thinking with statements like "It's someone else's problem" or "You can't fight city hall" or "Don't get involved for cripes-sake!" are pathetic excuses and simply demonstrations of pure apathy.

A basic mindset promoted today both intentionally and unintentionally, is that all is lost. And nothing can be further from the truth! What goes around DOES indeed come back around. And that person you ignored the other day which you had the chance to help? That person you ignored will be YOU, and it will be sooner than you think. Count on it.

There are countless historical events where people DID get involved in history and made a tremendous difference. I'm sure you can think of a few of these without any trouble. Is this an idea that's obsolete and antiquated? Hardly! With government growing by leaps and bounds and heading full steam ahead into a cashless, ultra-controlled and ultra-engineered society, personal action is more important than ever before. Just say NO to tyranny and anything which is a tool of tyranny!

One good example of this is the little known employees of Uncle who have the job title of "Facilitator." Who are these people? Dr. Stan Monteith, a retired physician and is a host of a very long running radio show called "Radio Liberty." On a daily basis Dr. Stan exposes tyranny and the NWO. Dr. Stan had a unique guest on his show a few years ago. She described how after receiving secret government training, her job was to be a facilitator. These people quietly move into a community, attend school board meetings and are often elected to school boards. When these people have positions of power, they begin to cause educational policy changes to bring the school system more into line with government thinking. After all, if you influence school system education policy you will change the brainwashing for generations to come. A powerful tactic indeed.

All this takes place without anyone even realizing it. Even fellow school board members don't know which one is a facilitator. This is a form of "Covert Social Engineering." The success of the covert work strongly depends on the people of the community to continue their existence in a state of self insulation.

WORLD HISTORY has shown that all governments, whether it be Uncle or any other government in the world, never has the best interest of the people in mind. Children in school are taught (i.e., brainwashed) that we have "government by the people, for the people" which is what the founding fathers of America believed in. After all, they were all living under the thumb of a king when they formed America's new government.

Instead of the will of the people, today politics, corporations and companies drive ALL that government does. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to re-think the subject ­ with the televisions turned off (plural intended here.)

Houses were meant to be insulated from the world's weather, not people. People need to hack their way out of their invisible, life-long insulating cocoons. Then they can hear, see and feel the effects of what is happening in this world, and why life is becoming increasing more difficult every day. But be warned ­ this causes a permanent paradigm shift.

Ted Twietmeyer





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