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Hey You! Yes, You...
Run For Office!

By Leland Lehrman 

We have to really do something now. Write an article, post a blog, call a radio show, get a radio show, buy a newspaper, support any independent media outlet with your advertising dollars, call your Congressperson, network with your favorite political action group, but most importantly, my friends, we must run for office. That means you, yes you.
Most critics of American imperial policy are just critics and no more. They can't be bothered to do anything about it. Even the great radio show host Thom Hartmann refused my nomination of his candidacy when he was in Santa Fe saying he was having a "great time," doing radio. At least he's doing that much.
There are at least four related problems here: the authoritarian dynamic of modern schooling, the entertainment society, the lie that power necessarily corrupts and violent persecution of the honest political leader.
Modern schooling, like most religious and political propaganda is primarily concerned with generating compliance and standardized worshipful beliefs. As Sun News Associate Editor ArwenGwyneth says, it teaches people to do what they're told. Give any society your children for the first sixteen years of their conscious lives and of course they will be thoroughly indoctrinated in the precepts of the dominant worldview. That's us, or everyone formally schooled in America since the Industrial Revolution. We're almost completely helpless in the face of authorities.
The entertainment society takes the neutered population and provides it with a way to experience itself without actually living life. People, conditioned by authorities, still need some type of outlet for their dreams, so they worship sports teams, watch soap operas and idolize Hollywood and rock stars to keep alive the dream of success, while dutifully obeying the hierarchy in their daily lives. People with talent, but no real independence are run up the entertainment flagpole in order to keep their latent frustration from turning to political leadership.
Those not entirely mesmerized by the entertainment society are hammered with the "power corrupts" myth. Truly good people who are aware of the politico-spiritual problems facing the world are shunted into navel-gazing new age narco-crystal palaces, monkish retreats, general paranoia about political action and a desperate desire to remain clean or untainted by the assumed corrupting influence of politricks. But there is nothing fundamentally preventing the good person from becoming powerful and using that power for good. Nothing at all. The idea, although relevant and understandable, is simply not always true. The popular adoption of this myth has one fantastically ironic consequence: only the corrupt become powerful, because only the corrupt are willing to even try.
Finally, you have the Martin Luther Kings, the Gandhis, the JFKs, John Lennons and others. Those who keep their eye on the prize - the power to effect real, loving, positive change on Earth - are targeted because they cannot be brainwashed, distracted or tricked. This is the final frontier. How to win without losing, how to act on ideals without martydom, how to defeat the murderous treachery of the truly corrupt without succumbing to the use of violent countermeasures. In this, the final battle within and without, I cannot imagine that success will come without reconciliation between Human and Divine. Only the resurrected cooperation between these Divine and Human Forces will provide the necessary protection for the noble willing. Although such protection requires an ongoing and everpresent connectedness, there are several fundamental necessities. These precepts from Sun-Tzu's Art of War remain useful: know the enemy, know your friends, and focus on winning without doing battle, using persuasion and diplomacy. There is also much to be said for the cellular nature of modern resistance, building a non-hierarchical structure based on widely distributed information-sharing and individual autonomy. But there's something else that has always struck me about the assassinations of political leaders. Take a look at the Zapruder film of the JFK Assassination. Why the hell didn't he notice the Secret Service agents jumping off the car? Why wasn't he suspicious of the route change? Why did he go to Dallas, and allow the top to be down on his car when he knew Dallas was so full of his enemies?
What is it that fails when we are not sufficiently aware of danger to avoid it? It is our intuitive capacity, our connection with the acutely sensitive Feminine Nature. As with so many other problems we face on Earth, denying the Feminine Polarity of God in favor of presenting a courageous and vital image leads to fatal vulnerability.
Unless you'd rather change our system of government, hold these understandings close to you when you run for office, and win!



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