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Now Ain't That Awful -
A Run On UK Banks!

By Ted Twietmeyer

A few years ago, my friendly utility company Niagara Mohawk was quietly "acquired" by a greedy British mega-utility company, commonly known as National Grid. (Yet another big name like General Motors.) Niagara-Mohawk had obtained almost all of the electricity from Niagara Falls. We saw our electricity rates jump up, and the quality of the service go down. Not even so much as a teabag was offered to us when the Brits took over. And STILL they don't spend a cent to improve the infrastructure - whenever even a minor thunderstorm passes through the area; we instinctively reach for emergency lighting. At the first sign of a flash of light or thunderclap I shutdown the computer and disconnect the phone line. When this solemn, final act is performed to bless the machine with a Sacred Rite of Protection, my wife doesn't shed one single tear. But sometimes, I do.
Only NOW does it come into the limelight of public knowledge, that the Brits have had their teeth deep in the American mortgage market. If this wasn't so, we wouldn't see such a run on the banks "over there." So many Europeans can't stand America - but they love our money.
Even British commercials are aired where not a single word is spoken to give it away. A recent outdoor credit card commercial takes place in a park-like setting. It portrayed a woman who does the unthinkable and writes a check, bringing an entire park-like setting of happy, playful people to a complete halt. How dare she do a thing like that? What gives it all away that this is a British commercial? The tucked-in corners of the mouths of the extras. In American theater, it's a well known dramatical technique that to speak like a Brit you must pull the corners of your mouth back. Try it - when you do it's a snap to sound British when you speak. To the untrained eye of most Americans, they would never notice the commercial is British. That, and Terry Gilliam's theme from "Brazil" playing.
I have nothing whatsoever against the British people. Heck, I have about 25% English blood (even though it's almost completely overwhelmed by too much German blood.) What really bugs me and probably several million other Americans, is that for big UK corporate boardrooms the last official World War more than 65 years ago never ended. Yes, we sent over 250,000 men into Europe to defend the UK against Adolph. But it is true - that no good deed goes unpunished. And this one didn't either.
And now as the American economic funeral dirge begins to sound, the Brits don't lift a finger. In fact, we see more and more of them on American television everywhere. A silent takeover. 
We see them picking up hammers and laughing all the way, to grandmother's house they go. They have their numerous hate speech laws, yet it's considered good form in the UK to refer to Americans as "Yanks" If we are simply Yanks, what does it make them? A people who live in an incredibly invasive, controlled and heavily taxed police state? English history is filled with fiction and non-fiction stories of Kings, Queens, Knights, Nobleman and of course, the PEONS who actually work to pay for everyone above them. Sound familiar? I've often thought that the word "European" is a polite term for "Yur-a-peon," no offense intended. It does appear that the UK government is hell-bent on keeping their people thinking they are peons, too. UK people will shed a billion tears over the loss of a beloved King, Queen or princess, but not shed a single tear over the oppressive state of their country's government.
The song group "Pink Floyd" had it right with one of their song lyric lines, "Living lives in quiet desperation is the English way..."
If Euro-corporations continue to economically invade America and exert their totalitarian form of control ­ can a run on American banks be far off? Are Americans destined to live their lives in quiet desperation as well? Or will a run on American banks be completely the fault of those damn Yankees?
Ted Twietmeyer


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