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A Rebuttal Of Timothy Noah's
Article, "Nixon's Jew Count:
The Whole Story"
By Mike Andrews

First of all, I want to go on record as being no friend to organized Jewry. Let's put that out in the open for all to see, right off the bat. And if anyone calls me an anti-semite I'll call him a liar. . . since I happen to believe that the Arab-Islamic peoples number among the finest and highest specimens of humanity and THEY ARE SEMITES.
As well, there is a small coterie of Jews who are not wicked and evil, but believe in and work for parity between the races and nations and whose hard labors deserve the very highest recognition.
Secondly, I don't give a rat's raisins whether Jews, like Mr. Noah and his anti-gentile associates brand me with some or other epithet. I say. . . call the shots as you see them.
Richard Nixon called the shots as he saw them, but unfortunately this was precisely what got him into trouble. Seldom today is any good written or spoken of the man; for all practical purposes the very name Nixon bodes antipathy and disrespect.
But just remember to the victor go the spoils. Please keep that in mind.
Nixon slid into the presidency in 1969 in the wake of the Kennedy assassination and the Jewish, Israel-first Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson's MIC-enrichment campaign in southeast Asia a fiasco which Nixon inherited. To his discredit, in 1971 he allowed the repeal of the Bretton Woods Agreement, which had been established since 1944, thus "flipping" the standard monetary unit the dollar onto a new platform where it floated against other global currencies.
U.S. policy under the "Good as Gold" venue had long afforded any foreign nation holding U.S. dollars the authority to redeem IN GOLD at the rate of $35 per ounce troy by simply presenting paper assets at the U.S. Treasury Department window, Washington, D.C.
Until about 1971 the departure of our gold reserves had increasingly depleted the stockpiles at Fort Knox, particularly during the late Nineteen Sixties thus to his credit, in a stop-gap measure, Nixon in 1972 closed the gold window to prevent further erosion of reserves. The American people were never informed, however, regarding the loss of America's precious metals stockpiles. But whatever lived in the heart of the man Richard Milhous Nixon, whether good or bad, it should be said of him that he never cooperated fully with the despotic Jewish interests in debauching America's currencies and escalating the Vietnam war, which things enriched the despots of the Military Industrial Complex and few others.
The Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975 and its disastrous consequences for those Americans who got left behind were perhaps the single-most poignant aspects of Nixon's undoing, second only to the Watergate affair. Yet remember it was not Nixon who inaugurated the war that had been the clever legerdemain of LBJ and his hatchet man, Robert McNamara, who helped the former foment conflict via the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident. I was in Da Nang at about that time.
But the Bretton Woods betrayal was bad enough to merit criticism, even though Nixon had later acted protectively in closing the gold window. Now gone were the days of the fixed-rate dollar, as gauged against the regulated value of gold at $35-per-ounce. Soon would also be gone the days of government regulation over utilities and the four dollar monthly gas bill. The gold stockpiles had been depleted substantially enough to make the dollar over-valued, which thing was a dark specter, boding trouble in the road ahead. As to our our lost gold, it had been sequestered in hidden catacombs beneath Rothschild/ Warberg European mansions, Swiss alpine caves, and bank vaults in Geneva and Zurich. Other nations benefitted from the gold window as well. Don't ask me whom or how many.
So. . . Nixon has been painted a blackguard and despot, because at best he was unable to say NO! . . . And at worst he was a greedy, power-hungry killer of Jewish student protesters at Kent State University (Ohio). . . who was unable to slake his thirst for money and power, no matter how much precious blood was shed in his name. Well, I say the latter is not so, despite the Kent State shootings; despite Cointelpro (1956-71) and despite Watergate. . . all put together and tied up into in a neat bundle.
Something in the man elicited fear among the enemies of mankind the Jews predisposing them to secretly tape White House conversations of his voice, wherein, after all, he merely stated the truth. Since when should telling the truth be a crime? Answer: When it is the truth about the Jews.
Truth is. . . the Jews feared Nixon.
This was President Nixon's great undoing. The Watergate break-in was a staged, double-double-cross in my honest opinion, enacted to serve one purpose: The disgrace, humiliation and possible Impeachment of Richard Nixon before he could expose the Jewish takeover of the American government. If Nixon had stood his ground against the onslaught of organized Jewry and informed the American people of the Jewish threat. . . he would probably have survived impeachment and gone down in history as a great president. . . one who had broken the ice with China, etc.
Please recall the abominable Civil Rights Act of 1968, which codified and identified every race except Jews. . . thus fomenting the bodacious lie that being Jewish was a matter of choice, since "Jew" was a religious preference and not an issue of race, etc. So with the stroke of a pen, the Jews were joyously lumped in with gentiles as whites, with no language in the bill whatsoever addressing the vast gulf of ideological difference that separates Jews from gentiles. In the wake of CRA'68 Jewish bosses began hiring only white-looking "crypto" Jews in every slot where Marxist Affirmative Action guidelines permitted a white person. Now, as a result, we see such outrages in America-the-once-free as all-Jewish-and-Negro workplaces, where gentiles are neither hired nor welcome.
So, whatever else the man was guilty of. . . the words Mr. Nixon spoke in those fateful (not hateful) recorded episodes were, when viewed from the perspective of current circumstance, justified. Today the Jews have "bought and paid-for" the United States Congress, with the exception of Representatives Paul and Kucinich, who to their credit have remained distanced from the Jewish lobby.
All the rest are "owned" by one or other faction of the Rockefeller- Rothschild-Warberg trimurti and no longer serve the Constitution, its Rule of Law, or the American people. They serve, in the name of the global Jewish banksters, another people and flag one that flies over a fly-speck Mideast nation-state polluting the southeastern Mediterranean. Its name is Israel.
It is this intrinsically racist and greedy, warmongerer nuclear- armed, proxy-wooly-bully of the Jewish banking interests to which men such as Mr. Noah and his bosses are faithful.
Mr. Noah would gladly see Americans, particularly white gentiles, delivered into the maw of complete and total slavery just as the Russian people had been enslaved following the incipiency of Bolshevism. During the 73 years of Jewish-driven Soviet dictatorship more than sixty millions of human lives. . . most of them gentiles, were extinguished in the cruel purges by Jews serving in the Soviet Cheka. Some 450,000 "refusnik" Jews were also murdered during the period. . . mostly for having "wrong beliefs" i.e., for being opposed to the starvation/slaughter of Russian gentiles, etc.
In the decades following the end of WWII David Rockefeller and his genetic predecessors, et al, flew with impunity aboard their personal jets from New York to Moscow, central crux of the (supposed) Cold War nuclear threat, sans passports or any official authorization as would be required for the rest of us when visiting a hostile, enemy nation.
Upon big Dave's and his peers' arrival, the Soviet Jews would roll out the red carpet, honoring the arrivals as though they were kings.
The answer lies in one of the truths that MSM Jews like Mr. Noah will never tell us. It is, simply put, that David Rockefeller, who became the head of Chase bank, was heir to the vast mineral and oil wealth of the Soviet empire, including gold mines and the human slavery resources to work them; which nuances of despotism he and his sires had garnered for themselves (paying someone else to do it, of course) in the infamous and little understood atrocity known as the Bolshevik Invasion. All the sophisticated weaponry that had evolved as of the year 1917 out of the Jewish military industrial complex of WWI was pressed into service by the Bolshevik army. The invasion of Russia was a true crime against humanity; and John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had been one of the principal beneficiaries of the spoils.
The "Praetorian Guard" of Tsar Nicholas II, with its aging black- powder canons and obsolete Model 96 Mauser "long rifles" firing a lumbering, 230 GR. bullet from a cartridge barely out of the black powder era were no match for the weaponry of the Rothschild- Rockefellerfinanced Bolshevik invasion force, the mainstay of which consisted of the entire East-side New York Jewish mob the dock workers of the Longshoremen's Union, who were armed with machine guns, Howitzers and grenades, etc.
The Rockefeller clan; the Rothschilds and Warbergs, et al, OWNED the Soviet Union! It was their personal property; the Jew bankers' pipe dream come true.
When the Soviet collapsed, its vicious Zionist minions, seeing the writing on the (fallen) wall, abandoned Mother Russia like rats abandoning a sinking ship. Many of them went to Israel, whereupon the present-day Ashkenazi majority was formed in the Knesset; many more went to western Europe and Great Britain, Australia, etc.; and the rest came to the U.S.
Mr. Chertov, former head of the Soviet Stasi (Secret Police), is but one example.
President Nixon knew the truth about Russia that the so-called nuclear threat, which had inspired detente and the Cold War, was merely a profit-motivated artifice of the Jewish power structure. . . as abetted by its sacred cash cow, the MIC. It was out of loathe and fear that the living nightmare which had transpired in the Land of the Tzars would one day see a recurrence in the U.S., that predisposed Mr. Nixon to utter the much-vilified words in the Tapes.
Was Nixon wrong?
Remember to the victor go the spoils.


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