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'Rendition' - Latest CIA
Propaganda Film

By Ted Twietmeyer

Such an intriguing premise for a film ­ rendition is simply "legalized government kidnapping." It pretends to show that the main plot is about one woman's fight to get her Egyptian national husband back. There is also a CIA analyst who is suddenly thrust into field duty to witness some unpleasant sanctioned activities in a foreign land, on a truly innocent man.
Yet all this isn't the REAL premise of the movie. The justification of three CIA agents black-bagging a man in the Washington, DC airport and taking him overseas is the start of the real focus of the film. A cell phone call traced by Uncle starts all the misery.
I viewed the film on a Wednesday night. What a big crowd. Other than my wife and I, there were 5 other people in the entire theater. My main purpose to see it was to prove a theory I had about who made the film and why, based on the televised previews. And it did.
The government is portrayed to employ a ruthless CIA woman that decides when some unfortunate person will get a free plane ride overseas to one of their secret hotel-hells where the room service is as bad as it gets.
In the film, the victim is an Egyptian college graduate and hapless chemical engineer who is living legally in the USA. The poor bastard is picked up under a classic case of "mistaken identity." Meryl Streep is the ruthless CIA woman. I won't give away the entire plot. You might still want to see it (when it airs free on television.)
Did I mention that coincidentally Streep now has more film awards than Hepburn and several other top actresses? Perhaps the aging Streep promised something like "Do this terrible film about how bad Uncle can be, and we'll make sure you get another award to add to your collection." Perhaps so. She portrays the head of the "CIA Anti-terrorism unit" as a real fanatic lacking common sense. And I'll bet she gets yet another award for her somewhat minor role in the film.
And the infamous Alan Arkin is in the film too. He even uses the "F" word once. Remember the film that made him famous, "Catch 22?" Catch 22 is a very difficult film to follow the first time you see it, as it seems to fade in and out of reality. Rendition spends some time doing the same thing.
The film's full-screen trailer website [1] is packed with complex subliminal visuals, as is the movie. There were signs of subliminal audio in the film, too. Uncle is moving up in the entertainment world at the same time he reaches down to a new low. This film seems to demonstrate yet another form of damage control for the increasingly failing public belief in Uncle's version of 9-11.
Are the "We-just-happened-to-be-running-simulations-of-planes- crashing-into-buildings-on-911" employees starting to sweat a bit? And yes, there was the obligatory reference or two to 9-11 was in the film claiming how that changed everything. The film was shot in LA, Morocco and South Africa according to the credits.
With a box office take of 8.2 million dollars [2] the film is unquestionably a big loss leader. Production costs far exceeded that sum, especially for extensive on-location shooting. Production costs easily exceed 20 million dollars today, with a large part of that money often going to lead talent.
So who made this film and funded it? Clearly in-your-face front companies are shown on the film's poster and in the film's credits: [3]



Note the first line of text under the credits:
NEW LINE CINEMA presents in Association with LEVEL 1 ENTERTAINMENT An ANONYMOUS CONTENT production
Have you got the idea who flipped the tab for this box office money loser from these names? If this is Level 1 Entertainment, can we imagine what Level 2 is? Is Level 2 about the rack? Flogging? Americans in POW camps... in America?
So who is the "Anonymous Content" production company? This company name fits right with the CIA named/owned "Air America" from the Vietnam War days. Can't Uncle employ someone who can dream up a production company name which is a little less obvious?
Anonymous Content's history dates back to some ten films only one year to 2006. It has produced films with Warner, Universal and Paramount. Rendition is the first time this production company paired up with New Line Cinema. They are releasing another new film in 2008. [4]
There is also the possibility that Uncle wants to see if someone detects this mind game being played, too. Uncle employs batteries of psychologists who do nothing but cook up new ways to manipulate the public mind and play mind games.
Imagine who also funded, owned and operated the WW2 propaganda machine known as "Movie Tone News." This sort of thing has been going on since movies first came out. The US, England, Hitler and many countries have all done this.
Rendition is all about making the public accustomed to nasty, Uncle- authorized interrogation tricks such as being strung up, water- boarded, electrical shock and being shoved into a cramped, filthy dark cell called "the hole." (They did leave out relentless beatings, chemical burns and drug injections for some strange reason. Probably some of that will be in another film like it.) And no, Zell wasn't there holding a dental tool asking "Is it safe?" But he could have been.
This certainly won't be the last film produced by Uncle's propaganda department. Think about what WAS censored in the past, like a simple kiss on film. Censorship today is almost non- existent, which is the perfect environment for propaganda.
Ted Twietmeyer
[1] http://www.renditionmovie.com/
[2] http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/movies.php?id=3349
[3] Film poster: http://www.movieweb.com/movies/film/31/4531/ poster1.php
[4] http://www.themovieinsider.com/prod-company/anonymous-content/
I just read a review and commentary on Rendition on Rense.com at
and it seemed that the writer is on a different planet calling it a CIA production.
His accurate point was that there is hardly anyone in the theater and thus this itself speaks against his proposition.
The fact is that the movie in one sentence by streep is a testimonial that when Bush says we don't torture we do. Today I noted one commentator playing up this central point from the movie.
If this is a CIA production, then the CIA has produced an effective effort against Bush's denial that the US tortures. No wonder the NWO media has hidden this movie as a loser.
What the movie lacks is action but offers you the resources to THINK. That has made it an economic loser from the starting gate. Perhaps one day when people look to THINK again, the movie will receive the greater attention. However, the review on Rense.com ready surprised me.

From Ted Twietmeyer
Re: http://www.rense.com/general78/hsll.htm
I am the writer of the rense.com article which reviewed the film "Rendition." And I stand by every word of it.
As a defense contractor for more than 20 years. and having worked with almost every part of the DoD in the government, I write from experience. It gives one true insight into how Uncle (the government) thinks. Sorting truth from the BS on the web is not a trivial matter. I rarely write rebuttals to criticisms, as doing so is usually a waste of time.
I'll first state I am from Earth like you and not from a another planet, even if my views differ from your views or anyone else's. Some films portray Uncle accurately while some do not. Rendition makes a serious effort to get mainstream America thinking about torture. It tries very hard to sell the idea as a necessary evil. The film "Enemy of the State" was a fairly accurate portrayal of current spy capabilities. Some wish list technology including a tracking device that worked in a sewer pipe, and 3D re-construction of a paper bag's contents where no real 3D data existed to perform a re-construction. Other actions in the film such as instant re-tasking of a spy satellite are not possible, even today. Like most movies Uncle is involved in (or provides consultants for) there are usually elements in these films which are still on Uncle's wish lists. But we must keep all movies in perspective, because this is big business. Film companies and studios exist only to make a profit. Exceptions to this could be companies like Level 1 Entertainment and Anonymous Productions.
Rendition on the other hand, portrays everything which is easily accomplished today. It will eventually appear on the pay-per-view TV market, followed by the movie channels/DVD, and finally appear on free television. This will spread it's message "torture-is-needed" everywhere into the mainstream.
It wouldn't surprise me to see this film on the ABC Family Channel. After all we have to get the children thinking "torture is good," too.
My movie review simply summarized facts and observations, with only a small commentary from myself. Everything I've ever written (including my book) lets the reader to decide for themselves. ALL my writings are intended to get people THINKING
which is also something you mentioned. It's good we're both on the same wavelength with that.
Based on hundreds of email responses, it appears most of what I've written does fulfill that purpose. Contrary to what some readers think, I am not on Uncle's payroll (nor have I ever been his employee) and no longer do contracts for DoD systems. I have never had a handler at any time. ("Handler" is a term used by intelligence agencies as a job title for a field agent's direct supervisor.) If I had a handler, all of what I've written would have never been allowed. My work clearly doesn't support Uncle's agenda, but goes against it. I'm sure people have told you that you have a handler, too. I do not know that answer to that.
My real name and real email address are never hidden. When I began to write articles for rense.com a few years ago, a decision had to be made as to use a hidden email address and a pen name or my real name. In other words, would I become a blogger? There is no extra time for me to waste jumping around websites and typing meaningless text. This is something others can do better than myself. Since I'm employed full time and also a caregiver, writing is not considered trivial for my small amount of spare time. Deciding to use my real email and name did not take long once logic was applied. How could any of my work be considered credible if I hid my real identity, and did not give people a way to contact me? Most of my writings are about freedom. Once we lose what's left of freedom, we've lost everything.
Those who have taken the time to write me are usually highly intelligent and well read. There are the occasional cranks, but these constitute less than 1% of the email received. Cranks have their own agenda, and usually hide their identity with strange user names and anonymous email addresses using email services like hotmail.
Intelligent and informed readers have also written me about my review of the film Rendition. They clearly agree as to its purpose and who produced it.
Ted Twietmeyer


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