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Pressure Is Finally On
US Germ Labs

From Patricia Doyle, PhD
10 -4 -7

Hello Jeff - The pressure is finally on the labs. We have been doing lab stories, especially Plum Island for over a decade and FINALLY a spotlight is being turned on these bio (warfare) laboratories which handle the world's most deadly pathogens, and it is about time. You were front and center as far as presenting the risks of these labs. (Note - Dr. Doyle was the first professional to sound the alarm about the porous security at BSL facilities, and how easy it would be for accidents and/or sabotage to occur. -ed)
Now let's see what happens.
Vulnerable Germ Labs Tough To Identify
By Larry Margasak  
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal terror-fighting agencies can't identify all the American research laboratories that could become targets of attackers, congressional investigators have found.
The Government Accountability Office asked a dozen agencies whether they kept track of all the labs handling dangerous germs and toxins, or knew the number. All responded negatively.
The findings were prepared for a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing Thursday.
The government regulates 409 laboratories approved to work with 72 of the world's deadliest organisms and poisons, including anthrax, bird flu virus, monkeypox and plague-causing bacteria.
But less is known about other labs that work with organisms that cause whooping cough, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, meningitis, typhoid fever, hepatitis, herpes, several strains of flu, rabies, HIV and SARS.
The GAO said U.S. intelligence agencies, including the FBI, told its investigators they need to track all labs that could be vulnerable to terrorism.
U.S. intelligence agencies said they already are handicapped by the failure of some foreign countries to regulate the shipment or possession of biological agents.
The Associated Press reported this week that American laboratories handling the world's deadliest germs and toxins have experienced more than 100 accidents and missing shipments since 2003, and the number is increasing as more labs do the work.
No one died, and regulators said the public was never at risk during these incidents. But the documented cases reflect poorly on procedures and oversight at high-security labs. In some cases, labs have failed to report accidents as required by law.
The GAO report disclosed that inspectors for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention visited a high-security lab at Texas A&M University in February 2006, just 13 days after one worker was exposed to Brucella bacteria. Inspectors were not told about the exposure. The worker eventually became seriously ill, but recovered.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: http://www.emergingdisease.org/phpbb/index.php Also my new website:
Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa
Go with God and in Good Health 


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