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Bush Picks Michael B. Mukasey
To Succeed Gonzales

By Curt Maynard

Note - As a matter of journalist fact, the number of American Jews in positions of extraordinary power and influence in the United States - despite comprising only about 2% of the population - is simply astonishing.
Yes, of course, George W. Bush nominated another Jewish American to a top position in our government. This should come as no surprise to anyone.
Almost all of Bush's most recent appointments have been Jews. Apparently, America has no other worthy nominees.
Bush picks (Mukasey) a Jewish judge for Attorney General:
Mukasey is apparently an Orthodox Jew: (scroll down to post #2):
Here's an article about one of Bush's last appointments, "Surprise, Bush Appoints a Jew to Replace Wolfowitz."
If you need more proof that Mukasey is a Jew and actually trust Wikipedia, despite all the evidence that it is a CIA/Mossad front, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_B._Mukasey
Here's a biography of Mukasey proving he's an orthodox Jew.
Michael Chertoff is a Jew, too, just in case you didn't know. And believe it or not he's also a dual citizen of Israel. If this doesn't scare the hell out of you, you're a fool. Oh yeah, before I forget, Chertoff literally translated means "of the devil" in Russian.
Dear Jeff,
I didn't believe the reference about Chertoff's name so I went into IRC (internet relay chat) and asked a Russian speaking user in the #Russian channel what Chert meant.
He said "devil."
I asked what Chertov or Chertoff meant.
He said "of the devil."
He said it was traditional, not literal Russian, which is why it's not in any translator, which I had tried (Babelfish) to see if it would return "devil" for "chert" or "chertov" or "chertoff." It doesn't. But apparently in speaking Russian, any Russian will know what you are saying if you say Chert or Chertoff. Devil and Of The Devil.



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