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'Not Wanted' - Male Cites
Job Discrimination
A Letter to HenryMakow.com

Without getting into too many long details. I am in the advertising industry. I have experienced nothing but reverse discrimination towards me over the past 3 years. I was fired without cause 3 years ago from a job a possessed for 12 years. I basically built the company from the ground up. I was fired by women and without cause. Over the past 3 years I have sent out well over 130 resumes with not 1 serious job offer. I have over 25 years experience and Im considered to be an expert in my field.
A woman who runs a placement agency told me straight to my face that I will never
get a job in this industry because Im a man. The Dean of a College (who's female) told me on the phone after I had applied for a teaching job there that I "didnt have a hope in hell of getting a job there" due to the Affirmative Action policies the College had in place.
She "suggested" I might be better suited for teaching part time night classes instead (alot less pay and NO benefits).
I NEED help here !!! What can I do? How can we as men stop this insanity? I have female friends who have sons in their early 20's who are going thru the same thing I am. At first I thought I was having a hard time getting work due to my age (I'm 45) but I was
wrong. I am having a hard time getting a job because I'm male.
Is there anything being done to combat this "Equal" opportunity insanity? I have a 6 year old son here. What hope does he have to ever find a good job?



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