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The Naked Fist Of Empire
Jim Kirwan

That ancient grudge of Imperial power is finally beginning to play its hold cards: The coming week will not be pretty. Now we know where Cheney's secret and secure locations really are, and where they have been for far too long. He is supposed to be a Vice- President of this country ­ isn't he!
Yet we can clearly see what his shuttle diplomacy to Saudi Arabia has always been about. It is of course impossible to know, with certainty, very much about this because everything is SECRET ­ yet it appears that the Vice-President of the United States has been betting against the American dollar. If Cheney disagrees all he need do is show us his books.
"Saudi Arabia has refused to cut interest rates in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve for the first time, signaling that the oil- rich Gulf kingdom is preparing to break the dollar currency peg in a move that risks setting off a stampede out of the dollar across the Middle East." (1)
Are Cheney and his friends behind the coming crash of the value in the US monetary system? His company, Halliburton, moved its headquarters offshore, to the middle-east: but has Cheney pulled his US investments back or reinvested them in 'The Kingdom's' Oil? This seems to be just too coincidental, that the monetary crash could happen in conjunction with the attack upon Iran and quite possibly the next "attack" upon American soil?
There are 'puts' in place against the survival of the US stock market, that to be successful must occur before 9-21-07. Somebody is betting a small fortune that the US stock market will crash before 9-21-07: Could that someone be Dick Cheney& Company?
"The entity or individual offering these sales can only make money if the market drops 30%-50% within the next four weeks. If the market does not drop, the entity or individual involved stands to lose over $1 billion just for engaging in these contracts!
Clearly, someone knows something big is going to happen BEFORE the options expire on Sept. 21.
The following theories are being discussed widely within the stock and options markets today regarding the enormous and very unusual activity reported above and two stories below. Those theories are:
1) A massive terrorist attack is going to take place before Sept. 21 to tank the markets, OR;
2) China, reeling over losing $10 Billion in bad loans to the sub- prime mortgage collapse presently taking place, is going to dump US currency and tank all of Capitalism with a Communist financial revolution. Either scenario is bad, and (yet) the clock is ticking. The drop-dead date of these contracts is September 21. Whatever is going to happen MUST take place between now and then or the folks involved in these contracts will lose over $1 billion for having engaged in this activity." (2)
"By now, you've probably seen the photos of the angry customers queued up outside of Northern Rock Bank waiting to withdraw their money. This is the first big run on a British bank in over a century. It's lost an eighth of its deposits in three days. The pictures are headline news in the U.K. but have been stuck on the back pages of U.S. newspapers. The reason for this is obvious. The same Force 5 economic-hurricane that just touched ground in Great Britain is headed for America and gaining strength on the way." (3)
Add to these monetary bombshells-this military maneuver that sets up the US Commander in the Middle East as the sole US 'diplomat' in for region-perhaps understandable since Condi has been a total disaster-but why is a Navy Admiral commanding US ground forces in Iraq?
"The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East is pressing Arab allies to form a more united front against Iran, seen by Washington as the region's long-term threat.
At military compounds and royal reception halls across the Persian Gulf, Adm. William Fallon is delivering personal appeals to Arab leaders to counter Iran's ambitions to expand its regional influence and move ahead with its nuclear program.
Fallon has carefully avoided publicly discussing any war contingency plans or making any direct threats against Iran, which sits in his sphere of operations. As head of U.S. Central Command, he oversees forces in Central Asia, the Middle East and the Horn of Africa."
And: "In May, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was allowed by authorities in Dubai - the economic dynamo of the Emirates - to lead a rare anti-American rally a day after a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney aimed at countering Tehran's influence." (4)
All of this is transpiring just as Israel is declaring Gaza to be an "Enemy Entity." No doubt as soon as the monetary crisis reaches its crescendo, and or the attacks upon Iran begin ­ Israel will move to crush the Palestinians.
"JERUSALEM - Israel declared the Palestinian-controlled Gaza Strip an "enemy entity" on Wednesday and said it would cut utilities to the territory, complicating the U.S. plan to re-launch peace talks aimed at establishing a separate Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank.
Israel made the provocative decision hours before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived for talks setting up what President Bush hopes will be a pivotal international Mideast peace conference this fall. Rice neither endorsed nor criticized Israel's move.
Israel did not announce a date for cutoff of services. The decision is likely to reinforce perceptions among Palestinians and their Arab backers that Israel will do as it sees fit regardless of the cost to civilians, and that the U.S. will not block Israel's hand." (5)
Between these jaws of Cerberus, the ancient guardian of Empires, this place we call the USA could easily find itself crushed beyond recognition. In international affairs there are seldom many coincidental events ­ because there is far too much at stake: To coordinate this perfect storm of financial turmoil with another illegal pre-emptive strike over something that according to the International Atomic Energy Agency is not even a remote possibility: Is a cynical bid to take down the US monetary system, (for private financial gains) and to cripple our leadership as a power in the world, in one massive single stroke-The clock is ticking and this time there will be consequences!
1) Fears of Dollar Collapse as Saudi's take fright
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2007/09/19/ bcnsaudi119.xml&CMP=ILC-mostviewedbox
2) Crimes and Corruptions of the New World Order News
5b-bet-on-another-911- within-4-weeks.html
3) US Banks Brace for Storm Surge as Dollar and Credit System Reel
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? context=viewArticle&code=WHI20070919&articleId=6816
4) Admiral Fallon Presses Case Against Iran
2007/09/18/ international/i100002D02.DTL
5) Israel Declares Gaza 'Enemy Entity'



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