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To Itch Or Not To Itch
By Alan Graham
With Alfred Lehmberg

Psoriasis is derived from the Greek word psora. It means to itch.
Psoriasis (PS) is a very real curse, my co-writer Lehmberg confirms, as his Father was a sufferer.  Sore, stinging, and itchy, PS causes weepy lesions that catch on clothing further stained by same.  It's so bad sometimes that it was once confused with leprosy.
OK, PS is likely incurable, though you will never fix PS by lathering dicey crap on your skin... but it remains, no one yet knows the actual cause.
I suspect that, like most skin disease, it is likely because of a sick gut facilitating a weakened immune system, even though PS, Dermetitis, etc., can be triggered by a 100 different things that might touch your skin on the outside.  Remember that your skin, much of the time, reflects the condition of your gut.  Wisteria & concrete-dust can spark Dermatitis with me. One begins to see that a sick gut & a weakened immune system can actually, essentially... be the same thing.
Many MD's, when they don't know what else to do, resort to the All-Purpose Poison Prednisone (TM) for a back-stepping quick "fix."  ...And poison it is reader.
Immune suppressing drugs, like Prednisone, may be arguably necessary in an emergency to calm the inflammation/itch, but it is not the answer long term because it does nothing to actually correct the problem and much to prolong it!   Though it can sure help you hit BIG Home-Runs to compensate for your shrinking testicles and tendency to road rage... Hmmmm... but I digress.
See, steroids write a "Check", your body cannot continue to cash.  So, if you alternatively want to take a natural approach which only helps you and won't hurt you... even if it fails to do anything for your Skin-Disease -- you will be healthier & you will not think it was a waste of time.  My bet is success over failure, though.  I suspect the proceeding discussion will ameliorate just about anything -- no apologies.  I've too much consistent evidence collected over a period of many years, reader.
I want to further caution the reader!  This is not about taking a bunch of supplements!  There are many things just as important, if not more important (like things to avoid, for example). No.  A whole body *improvement* requires a whole body approach!
See, virtually every holistic doc will tell you that what is going on with the skin is just a reflection of your sick & distressed gut -- so everything you do & consume (in one way or another) does some or all the following: (i) effects or goes through the gut (ii) assaults (anti-biotics) or sooths (Cheyenne-pepper) the gut (iii) acts as your body's first line of defense against toxins, and (iiii) makes up 70 or 80% of your immune-system!  Your gut, first to evolve with regard to all life's ongoing evolution, is your most important organ!  It is the factory providing every article, substance, and nutriment your body uses to sustain itself.  It is the organ of primacy.  All other organs, systems and synergies depend on it.
Anyway, there are about 7 supplements which are fairly cheap that everyone with skin diseases should take.  Actually, everyone should take them, sick or well!  See, strange as it may sound, everything that is good for your skin is good for your heart & everything that is good for heart is good for joints &... well, you get the idea. The Supp's iterated here promote a healthful synergy unlike harmful pharmz which are contraindicated, reader, for almost everything.
The following steps discussed presently are a natural, pro-active, and inexpensive way to relieve virtually any skin problem, eh?  Moreover, this is problem-solving at its finest by virtue of cleaning out the toxins in your gut & then getting your gut operating at peak efficiency again.  First things first, eh?
Additionally, this can be done very cheaply, forgetting you might not have to get all the supplements listed in the six points below. BUT, you would be foolish not to... even if you are young & healthy.  These simple, traditional nutrients can keep you that way.
For example: One of the most deficient nutrients in the U.S., are EFA's like Omega-3's in Flax, Hemp & Fish Oils.  This is due to the crazy "Low-Fat...No-Fat" Doc & Dietician perpetuated LIE of the 90's, among other reasons.  You need lots of different, undamaged Fats... damn it!
Reader?  You are fat and cholesterol!  It is the denial of that which makes you sick!
Do the following for better skin & good health:
1).. You must clean out the toxins in your gut: You don't need to buy anything except grey or pink sea salt (pure white means no trace minerals). Then do the salt-water colon cleanse.  You can find dozens of different instructions on the web for the "Salt-Water Cleanse" but let me tell you the simplest version that works great:
(a).. Do1st thing in AM on an empty stomach (you do not have to skip the previous night's meal like some instruct).
(b).. Put one Tablespoon of Grey or Pink sea salt in one quart of warm or room temp filtered water. (Warm is better)
(c).. Drink over the next 5 or 10 minutes (you don't have to chug it like some instruct). Then stay close to the toilet. You can eat after about 10 minutes unless you are going to continue with the steps below...then you need to wait at least an hour or so.
Do this "Salt-water Cleanse" every morning for about a week - then for the rest of your life do it at least 2 or 3 days weekly. The first couple of times you do this be prepared to get dizzy, & feel a little sick, headache, etc., (this is a good thing) - it is because of the flood of released toxins & the little toxic dead bodies of all the candida yeast & other bad bugs. ALWAYS do 1st thing in AM on empty stomach.
2).. 45 minutes later or longer...take a fiber formula that is half homemade & half bought. Freshly Grind 2 Tbls of organic flaxseed in coffee grinder 
(it is dirt cheap) - put in about 1/3 quart water. Also put in about one Tbls of a "Soluble Fiber Formula"...that does not have Pre-Ground flaxseed (most pre-ground is oxidized)... most fiber formulas, have pre-ground flaxseed...so get the right one with some combination of some or all of the following...Psyllium seed husk, Acacia gum, Oat bran, Apple pectin, Apple fiber, Rice bran, Citrus Pulp & Peel.
WARNING : You must drink plenty of water with large doses of powdered fiber... if not it could kill you, especially if you have a sick, damaged gut that might be easily blocked... OR... you are very old & bent over double with Osteoporosis (like my mother). This can cause difficulty swallowing & could cause a problem if you took a big dose (over a Tbls) without enough water.
Don't get a Fiber Formula with a bunch of Herbs that act as laxatives... you are already covering that with the "Salt-Water." Now if for some reason you don't want to use the "Salt-Water" then you might want to use a fiber formula with herbal laxatives... but I think the Salt-water followed by the "Plain" Fibers (no herbs) is the best. Another poor-man's natural & safe colon-cleanse is to take extra big doses of Vit.C & Magnesium Citrate. Everyone's bowel-tolerance is different so you just have to experiment with ever increasing doses... even if you do too much, it won't hurt you... it will just "blow you out" that much faster.
Now the "Fiber-Experts" will tell you the 50/50 or 60/40 ratio of Soluble to Insoluble Fiber found in just plain freshly ground Flaxseed is the best ratio (I've said it myself)... so please, by all means, go ahead & just do the Flaxseed (but only fresh-ground)...but, for my money, the half Flaxseed & half mostly Soluble-fiber (like pectin, etc.) seems to work the best for me.
Either one by itself or both together will work... fresh-ground Flaxseed and/or Soluble-Fiber Formula without pre-ground Flaxseed. Freshly ground flaxseed will provide some valuable "simple" Omega-3 (ALA) & cancer fighting Lignans (especially breast cancer)... the "good-bugs" in your gut, love non-oxidized fresh ground Flaxseed... in moderation (don't do over 3 Tbls daily... I do 1 Tbls & I weigh 230 lbs)
3).. 30 minutes later or longer... take a double dose of a broad spectrum "Heat-stabilized" or "Freeze-dried" Probiotics (good bacteria).  If you buy the live Cultures requiring refrigeration, they are the best; however, you don't know how many are still alive. Consequently, I only use Heat-stabilized.  But, if you are confident of the RCOC (refrigeration chain of custody)... then get the live ones, because in theory, they are the best.  Though, be aware of "The Coor's Beer Phenomenon"... (there is really no such thing as RCOC)
Note -- Coor's Beer (priding itself on staying refrigerated every step) AND Live Probiotics have to maintain the RCOC: 1).. a refrigerated truck brings the Coor's to "Mom & Pop" store where Mom stacks the beer in the 90 degree store-room for a few days before having room in the fridge... see how this breaks the RCOC? 2)..a non-refrigerator truck or a refrig. truck w. a broken frig. (Aug. in lower Ala) brings the "live" Probiotics to the health food store where they are promptly put in the Frig...but the RCOC has already been broken before arrival at the store.  These things should STAY refrigerated as much as possible; however, the manufactory say they can withstand room temps for a few days... but what about 100 degrees, eh?
4).. 30 minutes later, Eat... but with the first bite take a broad spectrum digestive enzyme formula...if you don't have a gall bladder, take a formula with ox bile. The Formula must have the main 3 enzymes (Amylase, Protease, Lipase) but the broad-spectrum with 8 or 10 different enzymes is the best... I especially like Cellulase for digesting cellulose.
If you are over 40, do not have an Ulcer, Gastritis or a Hiatal Hernia...then you should try a formula with Betaine HCL w. Pepsin or buy HCL/pepsin in a separate Complex to take with every protein containing meal. HCL w. Pepsin is "stomach-acid" in a capsule...75% of the people over 50 have TOO LITTLE stomach acid, that is the major cause of heart burn... not TOO MUCH acid... MD's lie to most older heartburn patients.  Just try demanding an apology from me for that, medico!
For all kinds of inflammation, a great therapy is taking Digestive Enzymes on an empty stomach between meals. Though don't use a formula with Ox-bile or HCL... these 2 additives to enzyme formulas are to be used with food. On an empty stomach a great anti-inflammatory enzyme from fresh pineapple is Bromelain in capsules... or even better is "Bromelain & Quercetin" in capsule form... this is a Bioflavonoid that works in synergy w. bromelain & Vit.C... all 3 are great for your skin... & your heart, & joints... you know... ...everything!
5).. After you eat, take your supplements: this is in order of importance reflected below... this also assumes you are taking a good multi-vit/min that is superior to Centrum... ...if you insist on taking Centrum, Theragram, One a day, etc., or if you give your kids Flintstones (TM)... then just stop reading & forget you know of me. Please. I don't want any "stupid" rubbing off.... Others may want to read my paper about Centrum Vitamins (TM) <>http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#badVit .  No digression there!  Also no apology.  Presuming you understand the difference and continue regardless?  Then shame on you for helping to keep the big lie alive...you know "Complete from A to Zinc"  I digress.
(a) - Take 2 to 5 grams Krill Oil or Fish Oil (you can divide half with this meal, half w. later fat-containing meal). If a Vegetarian then Flaxseed, Hempseed & Black Currant Oils are some good EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids). These are Mother-Natures most powerful tools for Skin inflammation & allergic reactions. (and platelet-stickyness & Blood-Pressure...see, there's that heart connection again)
(b) - Take 2 or 3 grams of Black Currant Oil (Divided doses w. other FA's like krill oil or fish oil). Plant-derived, Seed EFA's (like Flax & Black Currant) work in synergy with fish/krill Fatty-Acids. Don't think about the following to hard, if it makes your hair hurt...alright, Seed-EFA's & Fish/Krill-FA's work in synergy, but Fish/Krill work Great by themselves (witness Eskimos)... so the synergy is more about the Seed-EFA's getting help from the Fish-FA's, than the other way around.
In other words the "Complex" Omega-3 Fatty-Acids, (EPA & DHA) from Krill/Fish Oil can easily stand alone < BUT > the "Simple" Omega-3 & 6 Essential Fatty-Acids (ALA & LA) from Flax/Soy/Corn have difficulty standing alone because everything we do in our modern lifestyle (like Cheezy-Poofs & Snacky-Cakes) inhibits or destroys the critical D6D Enzyme that is necessary to convert "Simple" Flax to "Complex" EPA / DHA or "Simple" Soy/Corn to "Complex" GLA & PG-1.
Note -- And at the bottom of this paper, the 11 items to avoid that attack your gut & suppress your immune system are many of the same things that inhibit the D6D Enzyme!
(c) - Take 25,000iu of beta-carotene...it's very cheap. You cannot OD on beta-carotene but you can on real Vit.A (don't take over about 7500iu of real Vit.A).
(d) - Take 800iu of Vit.D-3 oil-filled soft-gels from fish. This is in addition to the 400iu in your multi.  WARNING: you must take an Organic Chelated or Whole-food Calcium & Magnesium when you take large doses of Vit.D-3... if you don't the D-3 will cause minerals to be leached from your bones. If your Cal/Mag is Carbonate or Oxide, it is NOT ORGANIC... you need Cal & Mag in Albion, Amino-Acid Chelated, Kreb's Cycle Chelated, Citrate, Citrate/Malate, Lactate & others, as long as it is Organic Chelation & NOT Carbonate or Oxide.
(e) - Zinc & Copper... take about 30 to 50mg of Zinc (Albion, Citrate, etc.- not OXIDE) in addition to the 15mg of Zinc in your Multi.  WARNING: must
take with Copper but just a little bit...Take 2 or 3mg of Copper (Albion, Citrate, etc.- not OXIDE) in addition to the 1 or 1.5mg in your multi).
(f) - Vit.C with Bioflavonoids (the bioflavonoids are the really important part for the skin)... take from 2000 to 4000mg in divided doses... on an empty stomach 
unless it causes stomach distress?  Then take with food.
(g) - Vit.E...take 400iu of "Mixed" Tocopherol..."D" alpha is the second choice of Vit.E < BUT > never take "DL" alpha or take a Multi w. "DL" alpha -- it is Petroleum based Crap.
(h) - Do your heart-brain-joints-gut & yes, your skin, a favor... take two or three powerful Anti-oxidants like R-Fraction Lipoic Acid, Grapeseed Extract with or w/o Resveratrol, Milk Thistle, Tumeric, etc.
The following are Optional, but wonderful stuff that everyone should take even if they are the picture of health: 
(a) .. L-Glutamine...cheap Amino-Acid improving your gut by increasing the growth of your Intestinal Villi which not only improves digestion but helps protect you from toxins... which is likely the cause of your problem. Like ALL amino-acids, take on an empty stomach. I take capsules, but pure powder form is the best except for one little thing that can be avoided if careful...
...the L-Glutamine is very sensitive to moisture contamination but if you buy the powder form in small containers (not the cheaper giant size) & don't leave lid off or use wet, dripping hands, then OK.
L-Glutamine is popular with weight-lifters for building muscle... most things that WL's use also helps rebuild your gut - WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) is another good example.
(b) .. Addition B's...the 10 or 11 B's or B-like "Vitamins" in combo are critical for good digestion & they are extremely cheap. Even if a Multi has 100% or 200% of %Daily Value...that is not enough (especially with Gut or Skin Disease) - so take an additional "B Complex-25" or 50...sometimes called "Balance B-25" or 50. (Even your pee looks healthy! Go out in the sunlight and urinate... it will sparkle, fluorescent Yellow-Green, indicating every cell has reached saturation of B-2, Riboflavin... (maybe the girls can use a white porcelain chamber pot, eh?) I always feel better knowing I'm "saturated." The extra B's are another thing weight-lifters use.
And don't tell me the magically sparkling B-2 is wasteful overflow because I would rather be saturated & waste a little than not know if I'm even close to getting an optimum amount... it is DIRT cheap, anyway. FYI - B's can also be taken w/o food on an empty stomach...in fact that is probably better.
(c) .. NAC (always take w.500mg of Vit.C on an empty stomach) ...this is the cheaper precursor to the King of ALL anti-oxidants...Glutathione. But 
Glutathion is not very well absorbed supplementally. Can inhibit growth of Psoriasis cells... actually Glutathion, by extension NAC, has the potential to help any & everything because it removes mercury & other toxins from each cell.
(d) .. Milk Thistle Extract - this anti-oxidant can help with fat metabolism while protecting the Liver. Many MD's think Psoriasis is a fat metabolism problem...ahh, I'm inclined to agree - see...could be lack of Lipase, bile, etc., in other words - resulting in "a sick gut".
(e) .. Shark Cartilage - this stuff protects you from PS in the same way it can help protect you from Cancer & Eye Disease...it discourages the growth of new blood vessels...that's how all of these spread. I only take it in capsule form because the powder form is way too fishy.
Lastly avoid stuff that attacks your gut & suppresses your immune system.  I've said all this stuff before but it bears repeating:
(1) ..Sugar - Probably the #1 most harmful thing you put in your mouth...it is an Acid-forming Food (that leaches minerals from your body), it increases inflammation, it blocks the conversion of "simple" Omega-3 to "complex" Omega-3's, it is an "anti-nutrient" (it brings no nutrients, so it must rob them from you to be metabolized).
(2) ..Coffee - God can be cruel - one cup is OK, w/o sugar or Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Non-dairy creamer...& don't fall for the "Zero TransFat" on the creamer label. However, if like me and think there is no point unless you drink a pot of crankcase-oil coffee...well, then your immune system & Gut will be under constant attack & minerals will be leached from your bones because it is a very Acid-forming Food.
(3) ..Refined Carbs - They do everything BAD...cause excess insulin, that causes an increase in inflammation & allergic reactions by decreasing production of helpful enzymes & activating a "bad" enzyme. Refined carbs even if they are Complex like "white-bread", they do the same thing as Simple refined carbs which is they act as "Anti-Nutrients"...they steal nutrients from you in order to be metabolized. So a Complex-Carb from a Yam or Banana is "real" food but a "complex-carb" from white bread or pancake batter is decidedly NOT real food.
(4) ..Gluten in bread, cereal & pasta - It is the most troublesome form of Protein... many people with Celiac Disease can't tolerate Gluten at all & it can be a problem for many others as well, causing mild bowel distress all the way to full blown auto-immune diseases. Wheat, Barley & Rye should be keep to a minimum because the Phytates & Oxalates leach minerals from your bones & can contribute to kidney stones & heel spurs (Calcium-Oxalate). Gluten in Oats is sort of an "in between" form, that is generally OK.
(5) ..Soy -- is the biggest lie foisted on the public... it is EVERYWHERE & it is slowly killing humanity... no hyperbole!
There are numerous reasons but let me just name two: (i).. Soy is so high in Oxalates that it binds with all the calcium in the soy & then goes looking for more. It leaches it from your bones! (ii).. Modern Humans ( like mothers) are constantly bombarded with Xeno-estrogens in this estrogen-rich environment, then we flood every Zygote, fetus, baby & child with Phyto-estrogen from Soy from the moment of conception!  The theory is little girls start their periods younger (they are, btw) & little boys show more feminine body characteristics.  Check any Burger-stand kid park for little boys who should be wearing training bras.
(6) ..Tums & Carbonated drinks -- these destroy valuable stomach acid which adversely effects digestion by not allowing efficient absorption of minerals & allowing undigested protein (like Gluten) to cause an auto-immune response... this is when your immune system ironically perceives the undigested protein as a foreign invader & attacks YOU.
(7) ..Burnt or charred meat (highly denatured) -- Creates a dangerous Free-Radical called HCA. Meat must be liquid-cooked... moreover, all cooked meat is denatured which makes it not so digestible -- so as much as possible?  Substitute with highly digestible forms of Protein like WPI (whey protein isolate) & raw or lightly poached eggs. Some people are allergic to eggs so you may need to do some trial & error to insure you are not allergic. I recommend Organic eggs or Cage-Free as a second choice.
(8) ..Burnt or toasted brown Carbs (bread crust, toast, brown french-fries, toasted cereal, etc.) -- This creates another dangerous Free-Radical called Acrylamides.  Wheaties -- Breakfast Of Free Radicals.
(9) ..Antibiotics & steroids -- Attack the good bacteria in your gut.
(10) ..Tap-water to include most bottled water - attack the good bacteria &/or they are very Acid-Forming...most plasctic water bottles are the kind that leach toxins into the water. I like reverse-osmosis (R-O) or if you are completely nuts (like ME I guess), you use a $1200 Alkaline-Restructuring Machine.
(11) ..No toxic Poly-Food Oils -- Only use Mono-Food Oils like Olive Oil & Macadamia Nut Oil... or the very excellent MCT, Coconut Oil. All Poly-food Oils are rancid & toxic after pressing so they have to be RBDed (refined, bleached & deodorized) to hide the fact that it is rancid before you buy it, remember. The poly oils are: CANOLA (it is called a mono-oil like olive oil...which is a huge half-truth), Soy, Corn, Cottonseed (really, really bad), Sunflower, Safflower, Peanut, Grapeseed & a few more.
Lastly... Stop putting stuff on your PS... except for the following natural things that ONLY sooth... they won't "Fix" it... though many do swear that quality Aloe gels have that capability!
To sooth irritation?  A little raw coconut oil... but just every other day or so. For dermatitis, etc. pure Calamine Lotion is a good natural thing (it's just Clay) to relieve inflammation. Also, it is always good to grow an Aloe Vera plant for some natural skin conditioner... but stay away from those Cortisone creams & other over the counter crap!
FYI: Everyone needs to drinks LOTS of clean, alkaline water... BUT that will not fix your dry-flakey skin - neither will moisturizing creams that just give you the temporary illusion that you are doing something constructive. Dry skin is fixed from the "Inside-out" with EFA's (essential fatty acids), reader!  Moreover, vitamins A, E & D-3, Anti-oxidants, all 72 Trace Minerals, Sunlight (Sunlight ? Alan, you're nuts!), and undamaged Fats & Cholesterol (Alan, now I know you're crazy!).  But true -- from the inside... out, friends and neighbors.
Mother-Nature's purest form of Vit.D-3 (that which protects your skin & eyes) is made from Undamaged Cholesterol & Sunlight... every credible holistic practitioner agrees that the 400iu of Vit.D-3 recommended % DV found in 90% of the Multi's, easily needs to be 2 or 3 times that amount...I like a nice round 1200iu of Vit.D-3 daily in 3 divided doses of 400 each (Note: you MUST take Calcium w. D-3... and vise-versa!).
The list goes on... but you are much improved this far.  Persevere!
Closing, I cannot emphasize enough how, even though this paper is about skin disease, specifically psoriasis... this discussion is really about the total person - because if you do all of the above it will protect you from pretty much everything to include doc's & dieticians who are completely "in the tank," eh?
You know the ones I mean.  Those who tell you Tums is a good source of Calcium & that Canola is a heart-healthful Mono Oil, just like Olive Oil ... they do this while going to church & praying to God... They'd risk God's wrath, I'd wager.
You see... if there is a God, She would have to be a Holistic Practitioner... not a "poison-peddling" shill for dodgy pharmz.  That's my take at any rate.
That's enough.  Well be.
Alan Graham
Alfred Lehmberg



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