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Letter To The New York
Times - 'Supreme Disgrace'

New York Times
Supreme Disgrace, October 11, 2007. p. A26.
Today's editorial, "Supreme Disgrace", castigates the Supreme Court for its refusal to hear the civil suit of Khaled El-Masri, a Muslim with German citizenship, an apparently innocent man, kidnapped and perhaps tortured by the CIA in its rendition program. The New York Times denounces the renditions program and everything it entails, even if you do not mention it was conceived and implemented by Neo- Cons, and even as you fanatically support the War on the Enemies of Israel (AKA War on Terrorism).
The New York Times is, however, very selective in its outrage since there are several rendition victims who have never drawn the support of the New York Times: Ernst Zundel and Germar Rudolf. Like thousands of Europeans, they are in the European concentration camp system for thought criminals because they think thoughts disapproved of (but not disproved) by Jews. The New York Times, of course, supports the imprisonment as thought criminals all who think thoughts disapproved of by Jews and supports this in the name of "human rights" and "freedom".
The selective outrage of the New York Times mirrors that of the Council of Europe which denounces the United States for the renditions of Muslim immigrants to Europe who have become citizens (like El-Masri), Muslim refugees and illegal aliens in Europe, and even of Muslims who never were in Europe, even as it ignores the human rights of Native Europeans who have been stripped of their human rights and incarcerated for thought crimes. The Council of Europe, like the New York Times, defends the rights of Muslim immigrants, Muslim refugees and illegal immigrants (some of whom clearly were involved in anti-Christian terrorism), and Muslims in North Africa, without even considering the possibility that Europeans like Zundel and Rudolf should have even the pretense of human rights. This selective outrage is part of a broad political agenda, advanced relentlessly by the New York Times, to strip Majority populations in Europe and in European-Majority states worldwide of all civil and human rights, in the name of minority empowerment.
The political manipulation of the question of rendition by the New York Times and the Council of Europe mirrors the selective outrage over concentration camps: While all the world is outraged over Jews being placed in concentration camps seventy years ago, there is a grim silence when it comes to Palestinian elected parliamentarians being dragged off to the Israeli concentration camp system today.
There is a "Supreme Disgrace" here and it is that of the New York Times. At the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, Julius Streicher, a newspaper editor and publisher, was sentenced to death for failing to tell the truth as it was perceived by his enemies. And what will your defense be?
James Joseph Sanchez, PhD



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