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Dead Dollar Walking...
By Edgar J. Steele

This is as critical a moment as you get in financial market watching.
I knew today was going to be interesting, but the next 35 minutes will be especially so. It's not often that I sit here, watching the tickers nearly nonstop like this.
PM stocks showed surprising strength yesterday, if they knew that the hammer would be falling today. So far today, they are showing similar strength, suggesting that somebody knows otherwise, in fact. Despite WhirlyBen's walk and talk this past week or so, I refuse to believe the US would not at least pay lip service to protecting the 78 dollar before bowing to the inevitable. This sure doesn't look like lip service.
The 78 dollar got hit with a truck this morning, dropping .50 to 77.25 as of now. Gold and silver both are showing serious strength this morning, too.
Will they marshall the forces to counter the obvious strength in PM markets at the same time that they are sweating bullets to keep the world stock markets going sideways? Dunno. I'd say, "Yes," normally, but normally you see the up move begin an hour or so before this on a Friday. I don't see how they come back from this deficit in the time that is left.
If we finish the hour with the dollar under 78, it is a very, very big statement, just as you note. Then Monday will become critical while we see if they let it stay there. If not, then....look out below...
Good instincts. I know you are positioned well to survive the now-in-progress train wreck. Even so, as you so aptly put it, "God help us," because WWWIII really has to be just days away if the dollar sails through 78 like this and keeps going. Keep your gas tanks full, your bug-out bags packed and know where your kids are at all times.
I'm going to bcc my response to this to a few thousand of my closest friends, if you don't mind.


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