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The 2007 US Health Reform
90-Day National Campaign


The 2007 American Health Reform
90-Day Nationwide Campaign
October 22, 2007
David L. Dewey
Do you care about your health, the health of your children, grandchildren, your family and even your friends, then get involved in doing something about it!
Author/Columnist, David Lawrence Dewey has joined forces with Greta Nuernberger Ferebee, a housewife from Florida in the gathering of signatures for the 2007 Health Reform 90-Day Campaign to get our elected representatives in Washington to force the FDA to ban SUCALROSE, ASPARTAME, NEOTAME, MSG, HYDROGENATED OILS, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP and all artificial and chemical preservatives, additives and dyes which are added in large quantities to the American food supply.
You can read the details of this petition and how you can download the Petition,
gather signatures and mail in to your elected officials in Washington on
Mr. Dewey's website in his new article: 
The 2007 American Health Reform
90 Day Nationwide Campaign
Launched, October 22, 2007
Mr. Dewey was the first journalist to write about the dangers of both
hydrogenated oils and aspartame in 1996.
Here are links to his articles also:
Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers
Aspartame - Disquised as Sweetness or Death?
Please participate in this grass roots efforts to force the FDA to ban these deadly toxins from being using in our food supply. All that is being asked is for people to collect (10) signatures on a Petition and mail the Petition to Washington. Also being asked if for each person to give out (10) Petitions to the people who sign their Petition so they can collect (10) signatures. 
The goal is to collect 10 million signatures within (90) days, but this can only be accomplished with your help America. You are also asked that after you mail the Petitions, that you return to Mr. Dewey's website and submit the number of signatures you have mailed.
You will need to provide your name address, etc. on the submission form, however, only your last name and the city/state and the number of signatures you have mailed will be shown on the web page status of signatures collected. Your personal information and email address will not be shown. This is being asked so that the number of signatures can be tabulated and updated as they are mailed in.
You can also download the Petition from Mr. Dewey's website either in
word.doc format or .pdf format at the URL listed above.
If you link to this grass roots efforts, please use the URL'S as listed above
and this PRESS RELEASE on your website or news story.


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