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Under The Shadows Of War
The nation as well as the Constitution is being shredded

Jim Kirwan
The depths of this "sell-out" of the public by the courts and the congress, in support of this treasonous administration are so deep, that should the public actually begin to fathom the true extent of the rot, currently working on overtime at light-speed; the result would simply boggle the capacities of the human mind: What is clear is that any response must begin with Impeachments.
"Red alert: Our national security is being outsourced.
The most intriguing secrets of the "war on terror" have nothing to do with Al Qaeda and its fellow travelers. They're about the mammoth private spying industry that all but runs U.S. intelligence operations today.
Surprised? No wonder. In April, Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell was poised to publicize a year-long examination of outsourcing by U.S. intelligence agencies. But the report was inexplicably delayed -- and suddenly classified a national secret. What McConnell doesn't want you to know is that the private spy industry has succeeded where no foreign government has: It has penetrated the CIA and is running the show.
Over the past five years (some say almost a decade), there has been a revolution in the intelligence community toward wide-scale outsourcing. Private companies now perform key intelligence-agency functions, to the tune, I'm told, of more than $42 billion a year. Intelligence professionals tell me that more than 50 percent of the National Clandestine Service (NCS) -- the heart, brains and soul of the CIA -- has been outsourced to private firms such as Abraxas, Booz Allen Hamilton, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon." (1)
Now the author of that article, R. J. Hillhouse, has revealed that the reach of these private corporations has extended into the Oval Office ­ and in particular into the president's "daily brief." The interview begins about ten minutes into the program and lasts roughly twenty minutes. (2)
To clarify the relevance of why the privatization of national intelligence is so important; there is also a recent article by Kathleen Parker, in the Washington Post: "Just when you thought the war in Iraq couldn't get any stranger, a high-ranking al-Qaeda figure who was first captured and then killed -- his body displayed on state-run TV -- turns out to have been a fiction.
He didn't exist.
The apparently invented character called Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was known as the head of the Islamic State of Iraq -- believed to be a front group for al-Qaeda.
He wasn't captured, as was reported previously. He wasn't killed May 1 by hostile fire from U.S. forces, as reported in a May 3 New York Times story. He wasn't even real, according to the U.S. military.
All this we learn from a leading al-Qaeda figure captured July 4 by U.S. forces in Mosul. Khalid Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, who in the interest of economy will be referred to hereinafter as "Smitty," told interrogators that Baghdadi was invented by Abu Ayyub al-Masri, aka Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, hereinafter referred to as "Jimbo." (3)
If this can be done so boldly, then even the 'idea' of Al Qaeda, as a threatening and an intimidating concept must be publicly questioned. After all, hasn't this convenient little group always been a giant black hole for any policy that had unexplained actions - especially our own questionable but oh-so-convenient explosions that have kept all aspects of these problematic wars not only alive, but also firmly on the side of whatever is needed from escalation to chaos, from potential civil wars in the region to the futility of ever leaving this situation that was created solely to benefit the Decider's supporters.
How did privatization find its way into the system in the first place? For that we only need to go back a little way to the Godfather of political corruption and personal greed, in times of war: To Henry A. Kissinger, and the example he set through several administrations. Kissinger has truly been the Forgotten Man behind a hideous yet very public mask of Treason and mass murder. Financed by Rockefeller, Gerald Ford gave him his political start, but he soon turned on his benefactor and embraced Nixon (whom he supposedly despised), just to further his own political and financial ends. The film, in the footnotes here tells much of this story, but his life has been one long series of betrayals for personal greed, and private ambition at the expense of the millions of people that his polices murdered. (4)
Reagan's Raiders who were otherwise known as the Outlaws of Iran-Contra also owe much to Kissinger's shadow-works of sheltered-duplicity and false flag diplomacy, which was practiced by GWH Bush when 'Poppy' engineered the release of the American Hostages captured by the Iranians after the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. Kissinger is also probably the example that Cheney uses to guide his own government-within-the-government, to obtain his own totally illegal and vile ends that suit his private agenda's, at the expense of actual American interests-to say nothing of what would be good for most Americans.
This is also interesting because Nixon was not punished and because he was allowed to return to politics we then got Reagan who built upon the paranoia and the hate that Nixon engineered. We also saw the beginnings of presidential pardons of political operatives who served the president in one administration: some of whom were charged and found guilty-and then pardoned, or who were not formerly charged because of Ronnie's faulty memory: thus allowing these half-dead political failures to resurface under the Decider as fully fledged characters in this new political charade that the world now calls the Bush administration. Among these are John Bolten, Admiral Poindexter, John Negroponte, Robert Gates, and many, many more. (5)
This was possible because of the public's very short attention span coupled with a basic disinterest in all things political: preferring perhaps ignorance to knowledge, so long as their private status quo was not disturbed. Now we're looking at a meltdown in the economy that only underscores the entire debacle in both Iraq and Afghanistan where we're spending $12 billion a month. Many of those leading lights in this also received the direct benefit of major tax CUTS in a time of war. All of this has served to keep the profits flowing into the coffers of those same corporations that have now privatized over half of the entire intelligence community within the US.
We need to resurrect the penalties for War-Profiteering, for trading with the enemy in a time of war, and we must rediscover an appetite for our own national integrity. Americans seem to have forgotten that the only thing common to all Americans is supposed to be the components in our unifying Constitution. Look at the oaths of office that all high officials take ­ and you will find that they have sworn "to protect and defend the Constitution and the people (of this nation) against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. So when congress, the courts and the Tarnished House all uniformly fail to enforce their own oaths: then law, justice, and the true health and welfare of this nation are all doomed.
This is not a matter of "if" but only "when" this cataclysmic collapse will happen: and it will take place unless people across the spectrum begin to embrace the concepts behind the national need for Impeachment at the highest levels of this government-beginning with Dick Cheney!
1) Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire.
2) Red Alert ­ video w/ R.J. Hillhouse interview on Democracy Now
3) Wag the Cat and Shoot the Dog, or something ­ Kathleen Parker
4) The Trials of Henry Kissinger 1 hr 20 min documentary
5) The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years on
Through the Hourglass - Darkly



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