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Scheming Skull
By Ted Lang
The degenerative result of death is the decay of the human body, which ultimately takes the form of skeletonized remains. And since individual recognition relies mostly upon one's unique facial features, death eventually erodes this uniqueness converting it to the universal symbol of Mankind's mortality: the human skull. Not only does the human skull signify death, it can signify as well a means to one's end, often warning of such in a possible horrific and untimely manner. The universal symbol of poison is the skull and crossbones, and when used on a standard with a black background, it symbolized impending death and destruction on the high seas in a bygone era.
The visage of death has been brought to "life" via many works of fiction and <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052169/>ghost stories, none the least of which was the Mike Young/Filmation TV cartoon series "Masters of the Universe." The arch villain is <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletor>"Skeletor,"  a muscularly well-endowed sinister blue-skinned character with a skull face shrouded in a dark purple hood. The skull face adorning a well-defined muscular body conveys the message that this powerful and evil character brings death and suffering to all who come in contact with him. The character provides a perfect analogy to the powerful threat of death and destruction offered by the head of the Cheney dictatorship's Department of Homeland Security. And DHS head Michael Chertoff's visage remarkably resembles that of a dark, sinister and dangerously evil character.
And recent revelations regarding the nature of his sinister boss, Richard Cheney, seem to extend as well to the character of Chertoff, recalling Hendrik Hertzberg's article in The New Yorkeritemizing Cheney's character and facial traits as being that of a "scowling, scheming, domineering silently sinister" secret individual. And Bruce Fein reflected on Cheney's "sneering contempt" for our Constitution. These character traits fit like a glove to the characterization of Skeletor as documented in the Wikipedia entry: "In the cancelled 2002 show, Skeletor is portrayed somewhat as a bully towards his minions using his powerful abilities to threaten his followers or to silence them. He also constantly blames his followers for their defeats at the hands of the Masters, and rules through a policy of fear, which makes him somewhat different compared to King Hiss."
It appears that this pretty much sums up the Cheney-Bush Dicktatorship. Cheney is a flabby Skeletor with a pacemaker, but Chertoff, although far form being muscular, does personify the sinister evil of the Dicktatorship in his facial features. And of course, Cheney-Bush fans will view this characterization and analogy as a cheap shot; but if the hood fits, well, you know!
All of the Dicktatorship's power radiates from the white and red hot molten steel, dust and smoldering ashes of the former World Trade Towers, and from the gaping hole at the Pentagon. The latter's dimensions could never have been caused by a huge airliner. And at both "crash sites," the one in Pennsylvania as well as at the Pentagon, not one airliner jet engine, built of virtually indestructible titanium, was found. No wing parts, flaps, ailerons, horizontal or vertical stabilizers, landing gear, seat frames or anything that could possibly have survived an air crash that had always been present in ALL previous air crashes was found at either those sites. 
Considering the sinister evil of the Cheney-Bush regime, what else can any thinking, non-politically biased individual conclude? 9/11 was the most dastardly, sinister and cowardly act ANY government could ever have perpetrated against its own citizens, with the only possible exceptions being The New York Times-sanctioned mass starvation murders of 8 million Ukrainians in 1932 in the Soviet Union, and the total mass murder of 66 million Christians by the Soviet Union's communists.
Past government-sponsored and perpetrated atrocities, the so-called American "Civil War," the U.S.S. Maine and Spanish-American War, Pearl Harbor, JFK, the Gulf of Tonkin lie and its employment to escalate the Vietnam War, were all filtered by layers of government of varying responsibilities and jurisdictions, thereby clouding and camouflaging accountability. The Congress was usually approached for declarations of war. But the total coordination of the 9/11 false flag terrorism could only have been orchestrated in terms of its smashing success through the direction and efforts of the highest levels of American government. That having been said, and combined with the sinister, darkly secret, and sneering contempt by this administration for our nation's rule of law, it drives all inquiry to one and only one conclusion: and that conclusion is that 9/11 was a deliberately planned inside job.
How revolting is it, therefore, to hear the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael "Skeletor" Chertoff, continue the Bush regime's terrorist ruse by asserting that his "gut feel" is that more terrorist acts, such as 9/11, will be perpetrated and successfully engineered by yet more camel-riding nomads from halfway around the world? And in retrospect, how hollow is theWashington Post's exposé on the secret powers of Dick Cheney when absent any meaningful reference to 9/11? And if NORAD, commercial aviation air traffic radar and automatic/robotic military defense mechanisms, designed and made fail-safe thereby precluding human error were all deactivated on 9/11 to enable human error, the latter having been cited as preventing aerial interception of the incoming supposedly hijacked planes, why must we now be notified via scheming skull Chertoff's gut feeling as regards the next 9/11?
Although Cheney's implied sinister connection to 9/11 was sidestepped by the Post, thinking alternative media-informed readers will have no problem making that connection. Not only will such informed readers easily make the connection, they know alarmingly as well that Chertoff's "gut feel" will in all likelihood morph into reality. As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has warned, the Cheney-Bush gangsters are destroying not only America's economy, its military, and its reputation throughout the world, but less importantly, the GOP as well. Why indeed is Cheney-Bush not concerned with voter repercussions? In fact, the asinine and what would under normal circumstances be defined as the comedic behavior of ignoramus Nancy Pelosi, combines with the Cheney-Bush atrocities to eventually invalidate the "two-party" system altogether!
Not so obvious, and not so easily connectible to 9/11, however, is the convoluted involvement of none other than the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, the Cheney-Bush Dicktatorship's Michael Chertoff. Not surprisingly, Chertoff was born and raised in the most corrupt state in America: New Jersey. This is from the outstanding <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Chertoff>Wikipedia entry on Chertoff: "Chertoff was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, the son of Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff, the former leader of the B'nai Israel Congregation in Elizabeth, and El Al flight attendant Livia Chertoff (née Eisen). His paternal grandfather, Rabbi Paul Chertoff, emigrated from Russia. His grandfather was a noted Talmudic scholar.
Chertoff went to The Pingry School. He later attended Harvard University, where he was a research assistant on John Hart Ely's Democracy and Distrust, graduating in 1975. He then graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1978, going on to clerk for appellate judge Murray Gurfein for a year before clerking for United States Supreme Court justice William Brennan from 1979 to 1980. He worked in private practice with Latham & Watkins from 1980 to 1983 before being hired as a prosecutor by Rudolph Giuliani, then the U.S. attorney for Manhattan, working on Mafia and political corruption-related cases. In the mid 1990s, Chertoff returned to Latham & Watkins for a brief period, founding the firm's office in Newark, New Jersey."
Truth, fact and honesty are always a deadly combination and an enormous, continuing threat to gangsters, conspirators, criminals and manipulators. And sad to say, all of these dregs of humanity and similar types can be found in American politics and their bureaucracies at all levels of government. Congressman Ron Paul is a refreshing anomaly. So in spite of the fact that honest, innocently assembled information is made available to inquiring minds via the marvelous and wonderfully free Internet, the alternative media and all those zillions of honest, truthful factoids on the Internet are a horrific threat to terrified politicians and bureaucrats with lots of skeletonized remains in their collective closets. That's why criminal types such as the Hillaroid, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Senator Ted "Tubes" Stevens so desperately need to shut the Internet down, and shut the alternative media up!
That said, continued examination of the Wikipedia entry offers: "In September 1986 as Assistant U.S. Attorney, Michael Chertoff together with U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Rudolph Giuliani were instrumental in putting the American (Italian) Mafia on trial. Mafia Don John Gotti had been locked in prison without bail since May 1986, only a few months after he allegedly took control of the Gambino gang following the murder of the previous boss, Paul Castellano. It was the start of the cleanup of that generation of Italian Mafia in New York and Chicago."  Wikipedia notes that the source of this information was a magazine article: "Hitting the Mafia", ED MAGNUSON, Sep. 29, 1986 issue of TIME magazine.
Since the 1930s, organized crime activities at the time were in terms of gambling and bootlegging enterprises, which were always, for the most part, transparent and borderless as concerns New York City and cities in New Jersey. Former New York City Mayor, Fiorello LaGuardia, vowed to send the "tinhorns across the river" to New Jersey. It is, therefore, understandable that a U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York would work hand-in-hand with an Assistant U.S. Attorney from New Jersey to tackle the monumental task of going after the Italian Mafia that so successfully operates in both states. And although Wikipedia doesn't focus forcefully on that prosecutorial partnership, it does indeed acknowledge its existence.
But there is a very disturbing aspect to this partnership. How many other Giuliani activities was Chertoff involved in? Or might it be the other way around? Can we somehow assume that virtually any legal or any organized crime issue involving New York City and the State of New Jersey would be a Giuliani-Chertoff combined operation? And relative to this line of inquiry, the efforts of investigative reporter Wayne Madsen come to mind.
In his <http://www.rense.com/general74/russ.htm>piece, "9-11 WTC Links To Russian-Jewish Mafia Revealed," posted on Rense.com on January 2nd, Madsen wrote: "According to our well-placed source, Ray Steffans (aka diStefano of New Jersey), Jewish mobster Gideon Chern, and Eddie Baker of Vanguard Petroleum met in Houston in September 1983 to discuss, among other items, funding for Kroll. In December 1977, Bernard Taubenfeld, Gideon Chern and Shalom Goldburd, officials of B'nai Torah Institute affiliate, Nutrition for Youth, were convicted of defrauding the government by submitting bills for food that was never served to poor children in the New York City summer lunch program. Chern's other organized crime activity in the 1980s reportedly had an important protector -- former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Rudolph Giuliani. The former New York Mayor and prospective GOP presidential candidate reportedly suppressed a wealth of evidence against Chern."
Madsen continues: "Kroll was responsible for the security of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The firm had hired FBI top counter-terrorism agent John O'Neill as Director of World Trade Center security upon his retirement from the FBI. O'Neill dies in the 9/11 attacks."
Isn't it odd that the powerful and successful New York-New Jersey federal prosecutorial talents of Giuliani and Chertoff, the team that brought down Gambino Crime Family overlord John Gotti, didn't do precisely the same thing to the Russian-Jewish Mafia that Madsen reports Giuliani had "a wealth of evidence" on? Might not the prosecution of those gangsters have impeded the 9/11 inside job? And if this is a stretch, then can we at least posture by offering the contrary in stating that the unimpeded support by Giuliani and possibly Chertoff aided and abetted the 9/11 massacre of Christian and Muslim Americans? Haven't we just learned of Chertoff's Russian-Israeli connections? And whatever happened to those five high-fiving Mossad agents captured and arrested by the Bergen County Police near Giants Stadium? Weren't traces of explosives found in their van? Why did Chertoff secretly spirit them back to Israel?
Here's more from Wikipedia regarding Chertoff's "public service": "Most recently Chertoff has managed the FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina. On the third of September, several days after the initial strike of the hurricane many (including the New Orleans mayor, Ray Nagin) indicated severe dissatisfaction with the response from Washington, citing the delay between the general knowledge of the storm's likely impact and any effective federal response. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco declared a state of emergency on August 26; a week later, New Orleans remained in a state of chaos.
While defending the federal government's response in a September 3, 2005 press conference, Chertoff asserted that no one had ever predicted a disaster of this magnitude; however, warnings had in fact come for years from experts in the private sector as well as government agencies at all levels, including FEMA itself, who had identified a disaster such as this as one of the three most likely catastrophes to strike the US."
Now isn't that utterly amazing? Here's a guy who graduated from Harvard University and also from Harvard Law School magna cum laude, but cites a totally phony defense offering the lie that no one had ever predicted such a disaster. His operative legalistic disclaimer is the word "magnitude." And demonstrating that he can think both in and out of the box, the centerpiece of his legal accomplishments was demonstrated by his having partnered with yet another Assistant U.S. Attorney and Harvard Law School summa cum laude graduate, Vietnamese-born Viet Dinh.
Dual citizen [Israel] Chertoff and former Vietnamese Dinh wrote the USA PATRIOT Act. Clearly, these foreign-spirited Harvard Law School geniuses have clearly and unswervingly articulated the specter and intent of American "law" as acquired from their prestigious alma mater, an institution that has forged far ahead of all others legally validating as well justifiable torture as championed by its own Israeli professor, Alan Dershowitz. Although totally out of context with all of the foregoing, former Congressman John LeBoutillier's book title alone says it all:Harvard Hates America! BTW: Didn't AG Gonzo graduate from that cesspool as well?
Isn't it sad that an individual who obviously works so hard to acquire academic credentials and recognition, and works so tirelessly to acquire unimpeachable stature in his chosen "profession," then tosses it all relying upon secrecy and the control of information to allow him to abuse his magnificent advantage? There is no question that he is indeed a genius, but certainly not in his so-to-speak profession of law. He has made the basic mistake made by all tyrants, dictators, and unscrupulous manipulators: he mistakes and forsakes law based upon justice for law based upon power and fear. And once a lawyer or any other highly trained professional transgresses against his/her profession's individual moral code, there's no going back. Ever-increasing levels of power and control are needed to cover one's tracks by the manipulation of laws and information.
In his latest exposed totally unprofessional caper, Washington Post Staff Writer Carol Leonnig points out in her August 2nd article, "In Terrorism-Law Case, Chiquita Points To U.S." writing, "On April 24, 2003, a board member of Chiquita International Brands disclosed to a top official at the Justice Department that the king of the banana trade was evidently breaking the nation's anti-terrorism laws. Roderick M. Hills, who had sought the meeting with former law firm colleague Michael Chertoff, explained that Chiquita was paying 'protection money' to a Colombian paramilitary group on the U.S.government's list of terrorist organizations. Hills said he knew that such payments were illegal, according to sources and court records, but said that he needed Chertoff's advice."
Leonnig goes on: "Chiquita, Hills said, would have to pull out of the country if it could not continue to pay the violent right-wing group to secure its Colombian banana plantations. Chertoff, then assistant attorney general and now secretary of homeland security, affirmed that the payments were illegal but said to wait for more feedback, according to five sources familiar with the meeting. Because of Chertoff's indecisiveness, Chiquita is now facing prosecution for having dealt with foreign terrorists, even though that terrorist organization's efforts favor a US corporation in that country. Chertoff admitted the situation was complex, of course made so by careless legislation crafted by over-zealous "law-making" individuals like himself. The only way out, as usual in these kinds of situations, is selective enforcement of existent laws, which constitutes yet more assaults upon both reason and justice.
It is obvious that Chertoff is a schemer and a planner. Imitation human beings that write unjust laws like the USA PATRIOT Act and the Military Commissions Act and other unjust and totally immoral "laws" have to be. And along with this concept of law based upon power, we have laws based upon party politics and favoring lobbyists and donators using government as a weapon for their own interests. We should all be wary when these types, such as Rudy Giuliani and Rick Santorum, advise US not to vote for Democrats, or not to weaken "our" resolve in Iraq, and that if we do, we are inviting yet another major terrorist act on our soil.
And I guess it is in the light of these warnings from Bush and Cheney's GOP that we should now behold and most seriously regard the warning offered by that most recognizable symbol of impending horrific death and destruction. Where is the He-Man that will save US from the clutches of evil?
© THEODORE E. LANG 8/03/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.


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