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 Ron Paul's Odds To Win
Slashed From 15-1 To 8-1

Following this weekend's Republican debate in Iowa and some extensive mainstream coverage and sound bytes., 2008 US Presidential candidate Ron Paul's odds to become the next Commander-in-Chief have been slashed further from 15 to 1 to 8 to 1.
The Presidential betting odds for most candidates have barely moved in recent weeks at Sportsbook.com and Ron Paul's odds have remained steadfast at 15 to 1
for the past two months after heavy action forced the online bookmaker to slash his odds from 100 to 1.
From Gary -
We are getting closer. What "they" said was impossible is becoming possible.
Sportsbook is serious when they post odds. Millions of dollars are bet through Sportsbook.com daily. They are not some trumped up media poll where results are skewed toward a desired result. You can take Sportsbook odds, literally, to the bank.
Bottom line, our efforts and others all across the country are starting to make a difference. Every person we talk to about Ron, every banner or sign placed, every Slim Jim, liberty card or tri-fold given out brings Ron closer to the Presidency. The power is with "We the People". We're on a roll. Just think of it. Ron has gone from 100 to 1 to 15 to 1 to 8 to 1 at one of the world's largest odds makers in weeks. That's People Power. Let's keep lowing those odds at Sportsbook!
Go Ron Paul !



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