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By Ron Corvus
We're so screwed as an American nation.........today, when you have CNN's Jack Cafferty regurgitating old, shoeworn Zionist talking points, we're a long, long, long, long way from returning control of our government to the UNBRAINWASHED people of America. It makes me physically ill to hear Cafferty reading a Golda Meir quotation as if it were some eloquent ode to Israel, and Israel's right to kill Muslims at will. Sickening. CNN's producers are working overtime to Zionize the American people.
CNN is guilty of portraying Muslims as heartless, soulless people who have no right to be angry and take action against their oppressors - the illegal occupiers Israel. Remember, the Israeli oppression came before the poor, weak Palestinian reaction to the Israeli oppression and military occupation.
CNN rails against Muslim suicide bombers while the U.S. government bombs civilians in the City of Baghdad. The U.S. government kills civilians everyday, yet according to the U.S. media, it's all about the Muslim suicide bombers. CNN acts if Palestinians are just supposed to sit still and take it up the ass - again and again - for forty fucking years!!!! The United Nations won't help the Palestinians evict the illegal occupiers Israel; The World Court won't help the Palestinians evict the illegal occupiers Israel; the U.S. government won't help the Palestinians evict the illegal occupiers Israel; With 85% unemployment and an Israeli cutoff of food and water, and with no Navy, Air Force, Marines, Apache helicopters, M1-A1 Abrams tanks, no nuclear weapons, no Patriot missile batteries, no armored personnel carriers, what is a poor Palestinain to do????? Especially since virtually every Palestinian family has had a family member killed by the Israeli military, what is a Palestinian to do? Sit in a corner and wait for the IDF to demolish your home with IDF bulldozers? No, the Palestinian either gathers rocks or guns or straps on a homemade bomb and walks to the next life, taking their oppressors with them.
This is the reality for the Palestinian suicide bomber. Americans cannot possibly fathom the utter, generational hopelessness bestowed upon the Palestinian people courtesy of Israel and the U.S. Congress. Unfortunately, there's a crucial disconnect in the minds of Americans between the Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people (with U.S. weapons) and Muslim hatred of America. The U.S. Zionist media acts as if the U.S. government and Israel are as innocent as Little Miss Red Riding Hood.
Why in the hell should Palestinians NOT be pissed at the Israelis? Why wouldn't they want to fight back? Wouldn't you? You can't really say, because you cannot even fathom the degree of living hell the Israeli government and the IDF have cooked up for the Palestinian people. It's virtually unprecendented, the way the Israelis have walled Palestinians into their own prison colonies with a 24/7 curfew, enforced by rolling IDF tanks and armored personnel carriers. What if Israel was rolling big fucking tanks spewing tear gas in your damn neighborhood? You won't see these atrocities in the U.S. media, but you'll see repeat coverage each time a Palestinian suicide bomber goes off. btw, Israelis have killed 8 or 9 Palestinians for each Israeli killed. For DECADES it's been like this. In my opinion, Israel should have their statehood R-E-V-O-K-E-D, considering the long-term, unrepentent, horrific, well-documented human rights violations committed by the Israelis since Day One.
I mean it is extremely sickening how CNN and Jack Cafferty has bellied up to the Zionist cause of the continued unlawful occupation of Palestine. Not a word about terrorist nation Israel - the all-time World Record Holder when it comes to U.N. resolutions violated. CNN is promoting the idea that Israel is on a par with America; and it's us versus the bad, bad Muslims - pass me a bucket, please......and a brick. CNN intimates and imbues the notion we must hunt'em down and kill'em all; otherwise we'll all be "ass up" in the air five times a day and quoting the Koran any minute now. What a crock'o'shit!!!
CNN acts as if the U.S. government has the right to invade sovereign nations and kill their selected Muslim victims at will....all in the name of terrorism and 9/11. Bullshit!!!! They may have knocked down our towers - they didn't knock down our laws and constitution!!! 9/11 terrorists were criminals - but they weren't state-sponsored actors justifying the unilateral attack, invasion and occupation of sovereign Muslim nations. There are no terrorist criminal acts which justify the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes and the wholesale disregard for our American laws and constitution.
According to CNN, it's EVERTHING BUT U.S. support of Israel that is driving terrorism against America.
And you wonder how the Democrats could have turned their backs on the American people? It's because AIPAC would cut the nuts off any Democratic Congressman or woman who voted NO on Bush's $120 billion war bill. AIPAC and the war profitteers are the pimps, and the Republicans and Democrats are the whores.
Next election, please vote all the incumbent politicians OUT OF OFFICE! (with the possible exception of Kucinich and Ron Paul)



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