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Minister Calls For White
Genocide In The US

From Jan Lamprecht
Hi Jeff --
Someone pointed me to this YouTube video which I find simply astonishing. Watch the racism and hate spewing from this black American prick. He makes Hitler look like an angel. Even in S. Africa, no black would DARE talk like this.
(Note - If any WHITE minister in the U.S. called for all BLACKS to be slaughtered, how long do you think it would take Homeland Security or the FBI to jump in? But nothing will be done to this jerk or his call from genocide.)
Here is the Full Story on African Crisis.org -
Our crime stats were released. And for once...there is a slight bit of truth.
Household ATTACKS in cities are up 25% and bank robberies are up 118%. But the 'best' news of all is that according to the banks, even the official Government figure for bank robberies for a whole YEAR equals their count of the bank robberies for just ONE MONTH!
Thus... Government stats for bank robberies might be only 10% of the ACTUAL NUMBER. The Government even admitted that murder is up.
The real crime rates in this country could be way beyond - WAY BEYOND - what official stats show.
Best wishes,



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